New year, new friends!

Just came back after splurging since Thanksgiving, looking for new friends as some possibly deleted me from inactivity or they haven't been on in a while!

Would be great to see new faces and get/give motivation. Feel free to add and looking forward to all of your progress' in the new year


  • decls54
    Hello there, Im new to MFP. Just started today and am in need of lots of encouragement. I need to lose 40lb. Today was a good day. Stayed on track and I DONT FEEL HUNGRY.
    Hi! Looking for friends to share my journey with. I have to lose 10 pounds but it is so hard. I need to be accountable. Interested in being friends?
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    HI Welcome Back! Adding now. Congrats on your weight loss so far. Lets make this an awesome 2013!
    Hi. I can be your friend of encouragement. I need the same. Went to the Gym this morning. Ate good stuff, except for a couple of cookies...I am a sugar addict. :(
  • woabarb
    Hi! Happy New Year and New You! I am new to myfitnesspal and already I feel better about charting my foods and having the calories, fat, fiber, carbs, etc., tallied for me. I was telling kittykat243 that I have a goal that is reasonable for me to reach by December 31. I belong to OA (Overeaters Anonymous) and love the support and sisterhood and acceptance I get there. No slanted looks, no judgements, or criticisms, just love and acceptance because we all have been through the struggles of food addiction or compulsive or binge eating, eating disorders and so on. It's a great 12-Step program.
    I am happy to be here, and I am happy your came back, good for you. Welcome Home!
  • woabarb
    Hello. I too need encouragement, I think all of us here need that, that's why we are here, right? I am in the same boat as you, needing to lose 40 + pounds. When I look at it that I have to get rid of that much weight, I get overwhelmed, and feel discouraged and hopeless. However, I am a member of OA (Overeaters Anonymous) and what I have learned there is that I am powerless over my addiction to food. I NEED a power greater than myself to restore me to sanity; so I have turned my will to powers greater than myself: God, my program, myfitnesspal, my doctors, my personal trainer, and nutritionalist. My husband is being supportive of me now, and I am no longer trying to run my life alone, because I have done a lousy job of it! I am 4'11" and gut about touching 200 pounds, that is totally unacceptable. I am carrying way too much weight and this year I will lose my weight, because I don't have to look at all of it at once, I can look at today only, sometimes just a minute is all I can handle, but I am confident and supported now, and that makes the whole difference. Keep in touch and don't overwhelm your self. Sometimes we may have slips or relapses, but we can get back on track and continue, without shaming ourselves for being human and having tough times being able to hang on sometimes. And that is another reason we are all here.
    So hang in there, keep in touch and we will get through this together! Barbara (woabarb)
  • woabarb
    Yes, we all can use encouragement and support. This is a tough addiction to hurdle, because food is what our society and our culture revolves around: holidays, weddings and births, even death. Birthdays, anniversaries, good times, bad times, emotional needs to stuff our feelings with food and base our open mouths to toss in food on anything we feel like, just in order to pop something between our lips. We will even be secretive about it, just so no one will give us a hard time.

    Hang in there and journal, relax when you need to, tell yourself, that just for today I won't have this food or that food, and maybe tomorrow I will. More than not, you won't even remember the urge to splurge the next day.

    Keep in touch and I am here for you, and we are here for each other.
    Keep coming back!
    Barb (woabarb)
  • JPG1313
    JPG1313 Posts: 59
    Everyone feel free to add me, still pretty new started in December
  • janten
    janten Posts: 64
    Thanks for the adds so far!