Diet Soda

So i was just wondering, if drinking diet soda effects losing weight even tho its diet?.. i usually drink about 4-6 a day for like the past year or two...(addicted to bubbles ha) I hate to give it up beacuse its my favorite, but if i knew it would help me i would do it.


  • HotMama2010
    I remember hearing on the news that those who drink diet soda are more likely to be overweight than those that don't drink it. It seems like it would be ok since it has no calories, but aspartame is a pretty bad substance and that's what diet soda uses to sweeten without calories. In fact, almost anything called "sugar free" has aspartame these days. I gave up drinking diet just for that reason. I would do some research, look it up on yahoo or something and see what you can find. :drinker:
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    4-6 a day? Thats so un healthy! Try cutting out one a day till you are down to just one. You would be a lot better off.
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    I have lost a total of 31 pound and almost all of them have been while drinking diet soda. I gave it up for Lent and kept exercising, was always under my goal weight, and did everything else the same and only lost .4 pounds. Thats right I only lost 4 tenths of a pound with no soda. I also noticed that without the diet soda I was craving a lot more sweets. I guess it just depends on you. I rarely eat or want sweets when I am drinking diet soda because that satisfies my sweet tooth but without it I was wanting them all the time (but I did not eat them.) Do an experiment and give up soda for a significant amount of time and see if it helps you out. Remember that everyone is different and what works for one person will not work for everyone.
  • LosingLori
    I love my diet pop (not as many as you) but I started giving it up this week. I am weaning myself but have gone two complete days without. Honestly, I lost 2.5 pounds this week and I think most of it was because I gave up the pop!!! Wean yourself...but definitely try to reduce if not eliminate!

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  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I only drink a one or two a month if I averaged it out. I usually drink it if I am out and trying not to eat a dessert. I love bubbly too so I will have a flavored mineral water with a squeeze of fresh lemons and limes. There is no calories and no fake sugar so I am happy. I also buy a Steevia sweetened diet soda called Zeevia and have one of those instead of regular diet soda.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    There is no such thing as healthy soda. A lot of them use high fructose corn syrup and synthetics sweeteners. All of them, including those labeled "diet" contain carbolic acid which the body has no use for. We've given up all soda's and any other fizzy drinks for waters with fruit flavors for "tang" as the body can easily process citric acid.

    Still, if you are going to drink sodas, diet brands are better than non-diet, and carbonated waters are even better. What ever you do, I agree, cutting down the daily dose is a must.
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I am actually allergic to aspertame, so I can't drink diet soda at all. I really loved Pepsi, but since starting this weight loss journey I have cut down my soda intake for whenever I'm at work (which is about 1-4 times a week depending on the week as it's part time) on my break. These sodas are my treat for that day, and I plan for those days. I have so many friends that when they cut out soda altogether they lost a lot of weight. I agree with previous posts that you should cut one soda out a day until you can get down to one a day, and then try to start cutting days out until you're only drinking it a few times a week. Try to replace it with water, or a low calorie juice in the meantime. It's hard, but you'll feel so much better because of it!
  • jessicajoy87
    I've heard that diet soda creates sugar cravings. When I drink it I notice I am hungrier. I try for 1 or 2 sodas a day.
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    thanks for all the responses they defiantly help me get my mind straight. I think i will try to have just one a day ("ahhhhhh) lol... but getting healthy is my goal so im ready, after three years of trying almost everything i think its time to give up some things.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    So i was just wondering, if drinking diet soda effects losing weight even tho its diet?.. i usually drink about 4-6 a day for like the past year or two...(addicted to bubbles ha) I hate to give it up beacuse its my favorite, but if i knew it would help me i would do it.

    I've lost weight drinking 2 diet sodas a day. It does have sodium in it but if you drink your water I don't see a problem with it.
  • jessicajoy87
    thanks for all the responses they defiantly help me get my mind straight. I think i will try to have just one a day ("ahhhhhh) lol... but getting healthy is my goal so im ready, after three years of trying almost everything i think its time to give up some things.

    Good Luck. If you want a soda buddy I will try and just have one a day with you.:drinker:
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    sounds good!:drinker: i have been drinking this aquafina flavor splash water i love, maybe it will take over soda! i dont see any bad ingredients in that it says naturally flavored
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I think diet soda is bad for you, that being said I've been trying to kick the habit all year :laugh: I LOVE my diet coke, diet Pepsi, my all time favorite is actually caffeine free diet coke (out of my mom's refrigerator that is out on her patio, not sure what the temp is, but it's perfection!). I plan to start (yet again) trying to give it up in a couple of weeks. I do believe, from the brief time I gave it up, it heightens your ability to handle sweets. Foods that most people say, "oh, that's too rich" or "too sweet" don't seem sweet to me at all, but once I quite soda I found myself saying those things. I think it also comes down to how much water you are drinking too. I can down 8, 8oz cups of water and a few diet cokes without an issue. My husband, on the other hand, will only drink Dr. Pepper, NO that's not good.
    I would LOVE to join the "kick the diet soda" thing with you two...but not until next week, or maybe May :laugh: :drinker: It's been a really poopy month and I need my diet coke.
    Best of luck!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Diet drinks can be a great substitute for people who drink a lot of regular soda and are trying to cut down. Just be sure to take the next step...toward the water cooler. I fail to see how all those chemicals in soda diet or not can be any good for your body.
  • cozzy530
    cozzy530 Posts: 46
    I was a soda junkie like yourself, I weaned myself down to one diet Mt. Dew in the morning to wake me up for the commute into work. I then switched over to diet green tea. This week I am trying to drop the diet green tea to see if there is any weight change. I have fought the battle of the bulge for 7-8 years slowly losing the battle. I am turning 49 this summer and started a 90 day workout program P90X. I have completed 26 days, lost 12 lbs and a 1 1/2 off my waist. It is a brutal workout program but just by giving it my best effort I should meet my goal of losing 30 lbs and getting rid of my spare tire.
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I haven't had a soft drink in over a year...don't miss it at all! Now I only drink coffee (am only) and water. I would definitely suggest cutting down to one a day and then go from there.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Seems to me like your already on the right path. Just posting this topic I think you already know that your ready to start cutting the pop intake down. So give it a go, see what happens... maybe try replacing it with something else. I really like Perrier with lemon. It stilll has the bubbles. But lately, I've been drinking flavoured water enhanced with vitamins. It's been really good. So I say, do what works for you and post back to let us know how it's going. :)