weight gain from exercise? Is it really that quick?

I seem to have got heavier this week, despite exercising more and eating like a saintly mouse. I'm always telling people on hear not to worry about this, so today i need it back Pleeease. I'm 5'10 for goodness sakes and i feel like if i cut down any more it will make me feel ill, but progress is so slow! tell me if i do the shred every day i WILL be a lean mean fitness machine! ......Rant Over.....for today.......


  • Cgravelines
    Cgravelines Posts: 10 Member
    It must be true. I have been exercising more for the last week and still been sticking to my eating plan, yet I have gained weight. It is so frustrating! I keep trying to remember it is not just the numbers on the scale that is important. We should really look at other measurements, not just numbers on a scale when we are measuring results.
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    It's water weight. When exercising regularly, the mucles will retain water for recovery puposes. It's necessary for the rebuilding process. The key is to actually drink MORE water. The more you drink, the less your body feels like it has to retain it.
  • kit2783
    kit2783 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I actually was down to my lowest weight at the end of November/early December with about 24 lbs lost. Since then, I've joined the gym and have been going 4-5 times per week and primarily doing cardio. However, despite this, I have gained about 3-4 lbs back. And, I usually hear the old "muscle weighs more than fat" thing which I completely understand, but I'm certainly not lifting or doing any strenuous weight work.

    Anyone else running into this??
  • kit2783
    kit2783 Posts: 12 Member
    I actually just found this article that is pretty helpful.

    Weight Gain with Exercise?

    Why does my weight go up when I exercise more frequently?

    Article By: William Sukala, MS, CSCS

    A: Weight gain with exercise may be disheartening. But before you hang up your running shoes, take heed. Exercise has not betrayed you—this weight gain is short-lived.

    In the short term, exercise causes some bodily changes that may temporarily bump up your body weight. Your muscles not only get bigger and stronger, but their chemistry changes too. That is, you increase certain types of enzymes that cause your muscles to store more carbohydrate in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is a "hydrophilic" compound, which means it attracts water. So that extra glycogen in your muscle cells includes extra water. This can add some weight.

    Over the long term, however, if your weight continues to go up, it's very unlikely that you gaining because you are exercising too much. It is more likely that you are eating more and/or exercising less than you think.

    Bottom line: You want to see the number on the scale drop, but give it time. As you continue with your exercise routine and begin losing fat, you will see a drop in both body weight and clothing size. And you'll benefit in the long run: Building muscle increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories during exercise and at rest.
  • ch4770
    ch4770 Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad i read this. i lost 2 stone 12 months ago following the dukan diet. over christmas i gained a couple of pounds and have been dropping and regaining them since.
    thinking i should re start running after a long break to get this couple of pounds off i have been doing 4 x weekly hiit runs. burning 300 cals per run. also been doing lots of ab work as still have an annoying fat layer.
    scales this morning after 3 weeks of hard work and very sensible eating ive gained more weight. i am now 6 pounds heavier than this time last year when i wasnt exercising!
    i really want to lose 7-10 pounds - what can i do :cry:
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    I have noticed that whenever I have sore muscles from the exercise I weigh a little bit more. The weight normally goes when the pain goes.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I'm 5'10 for goodness sakes and i feel like if i cut down any more it will make me feel ill

    How much exactly are you eating? I would question whether it's enough if you feel like that. I am also 5"10 and I eat 1850 cals and I don't do nearly as much exercise as you.
  • Just work hard stick to the diet and grind at the gym, I have gained 3-1 pound in a week and i weight lift and do tons of cardio. 2 Weeks ago i gained 1 pound the next week i lost 10, also the amount of Sodium and caffeine affects weight, Sodium is salt to your body absorbs more water, So a day or 2 before i weigh in I eat almost none to get a more accurate weight. Hope this helps !
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's water weight. When exercising regularly, the mucles will retain water for recovery puposes. It's necessary for the rebuilding process. The key is to actually drink MORE water. The more you drink, the less your body feels like it has to retain it.

    This^ Just keep the fluids coming and the scale will move in the right direction in a few weeks.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I upped my exercise and calories this week and in 2 days I gained a lb but lost half an inch in my hips. Measurements ladies, scale is baaaad lol!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    When you exercise your body takes on water to help in the repairing process in your body.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    It's water weight. When exercising regularly, the mucles will retain water for recovery puposes. It's necessary for the rebuilding process. The key is to actually drink MORE water. The more you drink, the less your body feels like it has to retain it.

    I hate forcing myself to drink water but I think I'll give this a try to see if it's true. I've been working out almost every day since January and have somehow managed to gain 6 pounds (wish I could lose weight so quickly!).
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    I made a post earlier about how today's my weigh day, and it showed me 8 lbs. up since last week! My TOM just ended, and I hadn't been drinking as much water as usual the last week, so I know it's all fluids, but nonetheless it was frustrating, especially due to this being my first weigh-in with no loss. I'm going to drink water like a fish this week, and pray next week looks better!