Help with INSANITY nutrition.


First of my current stats are - 6ft4in (72inces) 162lbs and age 27.

Ok so i've decided to get fit and get that beachbody look, I came across the INSANITY workout and figured I'd give it a go, my problem is the nutrion plan, I have calculated out my calories using the equation given, which for me is:

66 + (6.23 x 162) + (12.7 x 72) - (6.8 x 27) =
66 + (1009.26) + (914.4) - (183.6) = 1806.06

Then with that I times 1806.06 by 1.7 for the 'Very Active' exercise factor which results in 3070.30 which is 614 calories per 5 meals.

Now that seems an aweful lot to consume in each meal, So would this be right if I am putting weight in mucle on while doing the insanity workout?

Secondly is there anyone who can help me more with the meals side of things, now I dont earn a hell of a lot so am looking to get foods which I can get fairly cheapily but just as effective.

Finally the times of exercise. I work varied shifts and they change from day to day, one day i'll be doing earlies (5:30 - 14:30) another (9:30 - 19:30) or ( 14:30 - 22:30) So my question is when are the best times to exercise and does it matter if the exercises are at different times of the day?

I hope someone can help, it would be much appreciated, Thank You.


  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    My husband is 6ft7in, so I feel your pain or he does anyway. He needs to eat close to 4000 calories a day on intense workout days and he definitely get overwhelemed trying to get it all in. He eats a 4 full egg omelet with ham, cheese on 2 pieces of ww toast with butter for breakfast. He makes his protein shakes with pb and spinach and he also uses the Shakeology for one of his shakes and regular whey protein for another. He tries to eat 700-900 calories per meal and then slightly smaller snacks plus the 2 shakes. It will be trial and error to get it all in, but he does plan it all out each day based on what we're having for dinner and tries to do leftovers for lunch so he doesn't have to think too hard about computing calories all the time. Once you start tracking, you'll get used to how many calories go in each meal and it will get easier.

    I personally don't think it matters when you workout if you have a varied schedule and your dedicated to working out, but every body is different. I go every morning at 4 a.m., but that works best for my schedule and seems fine from a maintenance standpoint, which I'm in.
  • MrVictus
    Thank you very much for the reply it's very helpful, I will have to spend a bit of time looking into the meals more before jumping into the workout and see what the shakeology stuff you mention is all about.