One week in with no pounds lost...Please help!



  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    I am with the idea of measuring yourself. Just do it honestly. No one has to know what your numbers are except you and while you may not be losing weight right away you could be losing inches. I don't know how it happens for other people but when I do a life style change I lose inches from the face down pretty much. I don't lose quickly it takes about 2-3 weeks to see scale results but I could have already lost 1-2 inches in that time and firmed up my flub. Don't just measure yourself with a scale, it's not always healthy and it can really suck down your motivation. Just keep your chin up and keep on keeping on. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I'm not in a position to offer much advice yet - but I can say just keep doing what you're doing and don't give in to the frustration you may be feeling; when I started I went an entire month without seeing any results; and was getting totally frustrated and a little pissed off to be honest lol because I was making all these changes and nothing was happening...... :explode:

    but I was fortunate enough to find a great group of friends who taught me a lot and kept me SANE over the weeks, and I invested a lot of time reading loads of good information on here from other people willing to lend their opinions and knowledge, and probably one of the most .. reassuring things someone said to me was that our bodies are not linear.. they respond to changes in their own damn time and own damn way.. and that got me through til, with the addition of learning more to keep tweaking my food choices and exercise options, suddenly it started to happen.

    Patience is NOT one of my virtues.. but I'm learning it... all I can offer is to let you know that you're not alone in how you feel, and the encouragement to keep doing what you're doing and you WILL see the results of all your hard work... congrats on doing so well btw!! :smile:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    The first thing this morning I weighed myself on this end to my first week of ‘training’ only to realize that I have not lost a pound. I don’t understand...I have done two workouts a day with Jillian Michaels and or other cardio (Elliptical). Sooo...feeling a bit out of sorts with my same weight staring me in the face as when I started last week I went to the Support & Motivation section of MFP. Before I could post anything I read about this lady who’s husband said some nasty things to her. It immediately turned my focus off of me and on to her. I posted my message to her and in doing so all of a sudden didn’t need to post anything for my personal dilemma. I pulled myself up just by extending my hand to someone else.

    That being said, to address my issue I’m going to adjust what type of calories I am putting into my body, less/no bad carbs & sugar. I have been having just one small bite of something sweet each more, that’s finished. I did have a little salty stuff a couple of times last week, but I’ve been drinking lots of water to flush that out, as well as, sweating profusely during my workouts. I am retaining quite a bit of water weight this week, 46.5% according to my weight scale. I’m not really sure how accurate that number is, but it is an ‘upscale’ scale. lol I’m almost completely a vegetarian. Once in a while I will have a little fish. If anyone has anything constructive to contribute that would help me reach my goal I would appreciate it.

    Oh took me 3 months to lose my first 7 lbs. Then I hit a good place and lost like 20 lbs in 4 months...then 4 months ago my weight loss slowed down dramatically--to a pound or less per month. You just have to keep going.

    I only lost 1.4 lbs in the month of December, the tape measure didn't even show any change...but when I looked at pictures, THEY told me what I wanted to hear.
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    Tough love time!

    I've had a lot of "one weeks" with no pounds lost.
    People who have lost 300 pounds on this site have had one week with no pounds lost.
    You JUST STARTED. Do you want to give up???
    Dial back the exercise by about 75%, get yourself right on your calories - - not too much, not too little - - and settle in for a long slow train ride to awesometown.

  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I gained my first week. If I would have given up then, I'd be in the same miserable spot I was in 6 months ago. Don't give up! Put away the scale if you have to!

    Make sure you take measurements too.
  • HeidiChriston
    HeidiChriston Posts: 8 Member
    Don't forget, you could be losing inches still even if you didnt lose any weight this week... Try and drink a gallon of water a day, And lots of veggies and NO sugar :-)
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    It's important to get enough calories in, especially when you're exercising (and the right kind of calories, good dense proteins). Remember, weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. You're not going to tell yourself you're winning the race if you've just left the starting line.
    Weigh yourself no more than once every two weeks, look at trends, not specific numbers (eg, if you're down 5 pounds after two weeks, but the next week you're up one, you've still lost four).
    Look at other indicators of weight loss. How are your clothes fitting? Measure yourself. Weight "redistributes" as well, so pay attention to where you're seeing weight come off of.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    When I was on WW I actually went UP the first three weeks. Now 10 months later I am just shy of 60lb down. Patience. And you will hit plateaus throughout your journey. And weight loss should only be ONE part of an overall goal of getting healthy.

    Best of luck and hang in there!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Tough love time!

    I've had a lot of "one weeks" with no pounds lost.
    People who have lost 300 pounds on this site have had one week with no pounds lost.
    You JUST STARTED. Do you want to give up???
    Dial back the exercise by about 75%, get yourself right on your calories - - not too much, not too little - - and settle in for a long slow train ride to awesometown.

    Well put. This thing is not linear's a general trend over a period of time that averages out to whatever your goal is. I have weeks where I lose nothing...then boom, a couple pounds...then I'll be up half a pound...and then nothing...and then boom, 1.5 Lbs, etc, etc, etc. I've even had weeks that I've logged and I wa water weight, but I still log it. When I look at it on a graph over the last couple months though, it show a steady trend averaging about 1.2 Lbs per week.

    And yes, dial back on the exercise. Diet for weight loss/weight control. Exercise for fitness. You're also probably retaining a lot of water because your body isn't used to workingout.
  • 7 whole days without loss? 7 WHOLE days.....
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I read something online or in a book, if I remembered where I would refer you. I heard that your body , once it empties the fat cells, the empty cell attracts water. Your body will hold onto equal to the weight you lost or MORE water than the fat you lost. Just keep up the good work. Some people eat dry carbs (within their calories) without drinking they say it absorbs the water. Thats why people who have cheat days sometimes think they lost a bunch of weight after and are surprised.

    If this is bro science someone please tell me, LOL.
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    Hang in there! I started in November right after Thanksgiving by tracking colories & doing my first ever workout with a beginner boot camp. It took me 3 weeks to start losing weight! My body had to adjust to new food, new schedule, new demands, and I know I was challenged in drinking enough water and staying hydrated at first. My exercise was intensive so I know I had to build some muscle. I'm down 6lbs now in 6 weeks - it will catch up!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    7 whole days without loss? 7 WHOLE days.....

    So I have a question for you - - you've lost an AMAZING 70 pounds. What was your longest plateau?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Tough love time!

    I've had a lot of "one weeks" with no pounds lost.
    People who have lost 300 pounds on this site have had one week with no pounds lost.
    You JUST STARTED. Do you want to give up???
    Dial back the exercise by about 75%, get yourself right on your calories - - not too much, not too little - - and settle in for a long slow train ride to awesometown.

    ^ What he said....Weight loss isn't a race to see who gets to their goals fastest. This shouldn't be a "diet"..this should be a lifestyle change...and that is going to take time to adjust to, both physically and mentally.

    Edited to correct typo
  • FeatherontheWind
    FeatherontheWind Posts: 22 Member
    Tough love time!

    I've had a lot of "one weeks" with no pounds lost.
    People who have lost 300 pounds on this site have had one week with no pounds lost.
    You JUST STARTED. Do you want to give up???
    Dial back the exercise by about 75%, get yourself right on your calories - - not too much, not too little - - and settle in for a long slow train ride to awesometown.

    Thank you for your reply, but no one said anything about giving up. What I said was, "If anyone has anything constructive to contribute that would help me reach my goal I would appreciate it."

    Thank you to everyone that else that offered their experience's and knowledge.

    To those who think I may not be drinking enough water...I set out my minimum eight servings daily. Yesterday I managed to drink in excess of that. That's pretty good for someone who didn't really drink much water before, mostly just decaf coffee or tea. To anyone who thinks I may be consuming more than my share of calories, I'm actually eating a little less than 1,200 calories/day. My minimum is supposed to 1,200. I did eat approximately over 1,300 one day, but that was because I got duped into thinking a shot glass of dessert at an organic restaurant wouldn't be so bad. My fish dinner calculated 340 cals., my shot glass of pecan pie was 341 cals. It was only two bites. They fooled me once...lesson learned. Also, I was out that day and didn't get my workout in to offset the extra calories. Also, almost a vegetarian, not a junk food junkie. We have a few butterball cookies left in the tin after the holidays. They were a homemade gift from a relative. Each one equals one bite and 43 calories. One per day wasn't going to make much of a difference with all the exercise I've been doing. Anyway, my husband can enjoy the last few by himself. Also, I didn't mean to give the impression that I am working out vigorously three times a day my first week. That was an unintentional oops. I workout twice a day either with Jillian or with Jillian combined with another form of exercise. Sorry for the mistake.

    The point is I'm on a mission and I am trying to do everything right...not half @$$ed. I've watched The Biggest Loser many seasons and saw great losses the first week. (I know I'm not at the ranch doing what they are doing) I thought I would at least see a one pound loss my first week. That goes out to 70 lb loser that commented "7 whole days."

    I appreciate all the constructive contributions and hope to see you around MFP more.
    Thank you again. :flowerforyou:
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    The first thing this morning I weighed myself on this end to my first week of ‘training’ only to realize that I have not lost a pound. I don’t understand...I have done two workouts a day with Jillian Michaels and or other cardio (Elliptical). Sooo...feeling a bit out of sorts with my same weight staring me in the face as when I started last week I went to the Support & Motivation section of MFP. Before I could post anything I read about this lady who’s husband said some nasty things to her. It immediately turned my focus off of me and on to her. I posted my message to her and in doing so all of a sudden didn’t need to post anything for my personal dilemma. I pulled myself up just by extending my hand to someone else.

    That being said, to address my issue I’m going to adjust what type of calories I am putting into my body, less/no bad carbs & sugar. I have been having just one small bite of something sweet each more, that’s finished. I did have a little salty stuff a couple of times last week, but I’ve been drinking lots of water to flush that out, as well as, sweating profusely during my workouts. I am retaining quite a bit of water weight this week, 46.5% according to my weight scale. I’m not really sure how accurate that number is, but it is an ‘upscale’ scale. lol I’m almost completely a vegetarian. Once in a while I will have a little fish. If anyone has anything constructive to contribute that would help me reach my goal I would appreciate it.

    It took me two and a half to three weeks for my body to react to my caloric adjustment and exercise regimen.

    DO NOT GIVE UP. I know how frustrating it is, and that this advice is probably going to go in one ear and out the other (it did for me anyways) but just give it time!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    To anyone who thinks I may be consuming more than my share of calories, I'm actually eating a little less than 1,200 calories/day. My minimum is supposed to 1,200.

    Right there.

    Set your goal to 0.5 - 1 pound per week. Eat the calories it gives you. ALL of them. Eat back at least half of your exercise calories (or up your activity level setting).
    Weigh and measure everything, don't eyeball any portions,

    All of that exercise in the first week, I bet you're muscles are sore (mine are just from reading that!!), you may hold fluid while the muscles repair themselves (If this is wrong, someone, please correct me!!!)
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories to NET 1200?

    I made that mistake early on and stalled out on my weight loss pretty quickly. When I eat too few calories, my body holds onto everything it can with a vengeance!! I did a pile of research and joined the Eat More to Weigh Less group on here and have restarted the fat loss and muscle gains without feeling deprived.

    Have a look at that or the In Place of a Road Map 2.0 information and really nail down your calorie allowance for the day. Less calories in does not necessarily mean faster weight loss. it didn't for me anyway.

    Besides, if I had known this from the beginning I would have saved myself a ton of frustration....and who wouldn't want to be able to eat More and lose weight at the same time??? :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Don't work out excessively and don't eat too few calories. Also I'm sure you didn't gain all the weight in a week, you're not going to lose it in a week either. Be patient - it will happen. Your AVERAGE should be .5-1lb a week - some weeks will be zero some weeks will be 2 or 3 lbs. This week your body is probably just wondering what is going on and doesn't know what to do! :flowerforyou:
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    . . . right. Best of luck in week 2. :grumble: