Weighing in - how often?

I'm a newbie to MFP and am curious as to what people think about how often to weigh in. I'm always anxious to step on the scale, but don't want to be discouraged because I know weight fluctuates. Do you recommend weighing in daily, weekly, monthly, etc.? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks.


  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    Weekly is probably your best bet. I usually weigh myself on the same day of the week at approximately the same time (Saturday mornings right after I wake up) to try and keep the scale as consistently accurate as possible. However, don't judge success by the scale alone. Use how your clothes fit and how you feel as a gauge as well.
  • MelissaM528
    MelissaM528 Posts: 31 Member
    Once a week, preferably the same day/time every week.
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    i only weigh in once a week on the same day at the same time in the same clothes to get the most accurate weight. I do not own a scale purposely otherwise i would become obsessed with weighing myself and discouraged if the numbers disnt go down. Hope this helps! good luck!
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Yeah, agree with the previous posters. Weekly is best for me. I'd go crazy it I weighed everyday. Once a week, same time of day.
  • fusion777
    fusion777 Posts: 197
    Monday mornings are my weigh in, after going to the bathroom and before having anything to eat.

    Mondays help keep me honest over the weekend!

    I sometimes check my weight once in a while during the week but I found myself getting frustrated that my exercise for the week so far didn't register any loss or even (gasp!) the scale showed higher than Monday even though I stayed on track (must have been water retention, etc.).

    So....Monday mornings and that's it! Good luck!!
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    Ditto to everyone...I do weigh daily just to keep an eye, but I only accept and log the once-a-week number!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Every day, first thing after I wake up and pee, naked, while thinking light thoughts.

    But truth is, anyone who can weigh in less (say once or twice a week) without peeking should probably do so, because weighing in ever day can make you nutty. Weight fluctuates a lot based on how much salt you ate, how much exercise you got (exercise can make you retain water), what time you ate before bed, and all kinds of things. So if you do decide to weigh in every day don't expec to love your scale all the time.
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    Every day - but for me I treat this like a science experiment and I wanted to do this for 52 weeks and have hundreds of data points to see how things really are as opposed to how people think it is. So far my average weekly weight loss is ~1.5lbs a week with my daily measurements varying by about 2 lbs.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    It really depends on what works for you and your mindset. Most people weigh in once a week. Many people suggest weighing in more like once every month or couple of months - because then you're more focused on health and the way you look rather than a number on the scale that can fluctuate dramatically. For me personally, I weigh in every day. I like to see trends rather than just points in time, and I'm realistic in that I don't get discouraged if I see even a 1-3 gain pound in a day or two - it's just if that trend keeps going up or sticks around too long that I think there might be something that needs tweaking. It's all about what's going to keep you motivated.
  • lizaiza79
    lizaiza79 Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh in daily, because I like to notice what makes my weight fluctuate. However I only I record my weight weekly and at night. It is more accurate than the morning, when your body is slightly dehydrated from the lengthy time without fluids.
  • alicat084
    Thanks everyone for your input. So it seems as if it's really up to personal preference. I think I'm going to do it once a week. For me, I think weighing in daily would drive me crazy, especially if I saw the number go up. And I do understand this is a lifestyle change and not all about the numbers, but it is a BIG motivator for me personally.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    Once a week, preferably the same day/time every week.
