Hi all - 38 y-o Mom of 3, need help losing about 50 lbs :-/

Good morning! My name is Danielle, I live in Northern Michigan, am the mother of 3 teenagers, 3 dogs and two cats. I have been married to my husband for almost 15 years, and in that time, my weight has fluctuated incredibly! I reached my all-time high of 242 lbs in Winter/Spring of 2005, just prior to having gastric bypass surgery. Within 7 months, I lost 109 lbs and met my goal weight of 133. A lot of people felt I was too thin, but I was finally happy with my weight. In August of 2007, I had the excess skin removed as well as a hysterectomy. It has been pretty much downhill ever since. Between depression and anxiety and weight gain - I am about in a tailspin. I am currently back up to 183 lbs and its driving me crazy.

So I decided to join this site in hopes of finding some friends and support in this crazy struggle. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season and best wishes for the upcoming New Year!



  • Gencom
    Gencom Posts: 1
    I think I use the site a little differently but it is working for me better than anything else. I try to enter what I intend to eat tomorrow....then I look at the numbers and maybe make some changes. Then I check to see where my numbers are falling out. Once I am happy with it, I have plenty time to make sure that I eat what i planned to eat the previous day. I do have it a bit easier than others because the grocery up the street has a cafeteria type area with really healthy food and it's pretty cheap. So I know healthy food is available every day.

    My problem has always been waiting til I was hungry to seek out some food. By planning tomorrow's food and sticking (as close as possible) to the plan, I have realized some good results. My weight is decreasing steadily and it's kinda fun doing it.

    I found that just entering what you ate today and looking at the numbers at the end of the day....you will have trouble keeping on track.

    So, anyhow, that's how I use it and it works. It sort of places controls on eating just like cost controls that I use with my business.

    Also, remember not to give up. When you are close to your target, the last pounds are incredibly hard to lose.....but if you hang in there.....it can be done. Trust me....IF I CAN DO IT ......YOU CAN DEFINITELY DO IT !! Good Luck
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    You can do it - I just started Jan 1 and posted my first message this morning. The outreach of support is very encouraging.
    I think it's important to stop thinking of the "word" DIET and start thinking of this as a lifestyle change. Hang in there!
  • tfitz12
    tfitz12 Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me....motivation from others is great!
  • breezylee75
    breezylee75 Posts: 101 Member
    FR sent! :)
  • twimberly
    twimberly Posts: 4 Member
    Just keep you chin up. You will make it. We are similar in that it sounds like you eat according to your emotions. I do the same. I too have had a hysterectomy 13 yrs ago this month and I have added and lost weight during that time. I feel like a yoyo. This time I am trying to do it the right way. By changing to a healthy lifestyle instead of dieting, I plan on keeping it off. My son gets married in May 2013 and I am using that as my goal. Hopefully I can drop most of my weight by then.
    Try to stay focused on the big picture of living healthy and don't get bogged down by the day to day struggle...... I know it's sounds easier than it is sometimes.
  • arbogak52
    arbogak52 Posts: 16 Member
    I also have 50 pounds to lose. You are welcome to add me.
  • Just_Dianne
    Just_Dianne Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there, I've been at this since 1/2/12 and have had great success. I started at 190ish (too afraid to weigh myself) I am currenlty hanging in there at 134.5. I decided to change my life because I was tired of being unconfortable and sad most of the time. I now run almost every day 2-5 miles and and loving life.
    Just aim for small goals, a day at a time as they say and DONT beat yourself up when you have a bad one. It comes with the learning process. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and log what you really are doing daily. Even if you go way over your goals, you may be suprised at how that changes your way of thinking.

    Good luck and if you want to add me for support feel free.

  • I am new today. I would love for any of y'all to add me. I need to lose around the 50lbs range too but my initial goal is 26 lbs by Easter. I think I am sufficiently motivated but it's been at least 3 years since I was making any reasonable effort to take care of myself through diet and exercise. I am a mom of three too but two grade schoolers and a toddler.
  • carolinagirl0
    carolinagirl0 Posts: 51 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss journey. MFP is a great place for support and motivation, feel free to add me.
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Welcome!!! If you want to lose weight the right way, you are in the right spot!!!! Best of luck on your journey. Feel free to add me for support. I'd be happy to help in any way I can. :flowerforyou:
  • I too am new today. I got married last year, and since them put the weight back on that I had lost for the big day. I can't believe how easy this app is and why I haven't used it before! I'm hoping to loose 2lbs a week right up until my bday in June, and the carry on from there. It's going to be a long journey one which I'll need support with! I'm sure with everyone's help we can all get to the goal we want :-) xxx
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Hi, I sent you a FR. Love to be of mutual support. This site is wonderful. You can do it!