green tea good or bad?

green tea good or bad and how should you drink it iced , hot , with sugar or without??? is it good for you if so in what way? also would using splenda or sub-sugar sweetners be okay especially where i cant drink without sugar of sum sort??????


  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    green tea is good for you cause it gives you energy. good for your skin, good for your hair, also for weight loss. also good for your health. the only thing that it would be bad is that people put sugar in it. its better to put honey than sugar.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Good, no sugar.
  • kimberlymejia
    There are so many health benefits with green tea. There are endless websites with information regarding it. They say it is good to have a cup in the morning and in the afternoon. Helps keep your metabolism going and gives you an afternoon pick me up if you need one! Also like fabiolaenvy said, it's good for your skin, hair, etc. Just all around good for you. I usually buy the Bigelow brand, they also have a ton of varities of green tea with different flavors like lemon, pomegranate, mango, just a bunch. It did take me a while to get used to drinking just straight green tea. I do not like honey but found lemon was great to add to it for flavor.
  • kathydeggans
    I would say "good" because all teas have antioxidants and antioxidants fight the things that cause damage to our cells. Green tea has more than black, and white has more than green. They also all have caffeine but much less than coffee (and I, personally, don't think that caffeine, in moderation, is a problem for most people). The temperature at which you drink it shouldn't matter either. So drink up and enjoy!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I love White tea!!! Mild flavor with lots of antioxidents and other benefits...lower on the caffeine levels compared to green or black.

    No to the sugar! If you need it sweet try a touch of stevia or local raw honey. (be careful when adding stevia there is a fine line between when it is sweet and thinking if you add more it will be sweeter...because it tends to become bitter if you add too much.)

  • sportzfreak11971
    VERY VERY BAD!!!!! So many people think its good and it is advertised as being good for you and your weight loss, but it is packed full of caffeine. I have told people that and then they look at labels and they say "It doesnt say it has caffeine" but the fact is it is still tea so it has caffeine naturally, and green tea is very very high in a natural caffeine. And a high level of caffeine is very bad for your diet because it keeps you feeling hungry and thirsty and unsatisfied with whatever you just drank. Definitely agree with the previous post, if you really want a tea of some kind find a low or caffeine free one and look for little to no sugar and NO ASPERTAME.
  • jmarie66
    jmarie66 Posts: 17
    I disagree with sportzfreak-I drink it daily and I find I do have more energy but not to the point that I am wired. I think the benefits with antioxidants, etc. outweighs the amount of caffeine. But each to his own. I will continue to drink it hot and I like it as iced tea too with splenda and lemon. :)
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Green and White Tea is good for you and has less caffeine than Coffee. Maybe less caffeine than soda but I am not sure of that.

    It is best to drink it plain or with Stevia, but putting Cream or Milk will destroy a lot of the benefits you should be getting (so I've been told). Plus cream or milk adds calories. I trained myself to drink it plain although I've never been a real 'Tea Lover' I have learned to look forward to my evening cup of flavored Tea. Bigelow & Lipton have some very good varietys.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    VERY VERY BAD!!!!! So many people think its good and it is advertised as being good for you and your weight loss, but it is packed full of caffeine. I have told people that and then they look at labels and they say "It doesnt say it has caffeine" but the fact is it is still tea so it has caffeine naturally, and green tea is very very high in a natural caffeine. And a high level of caffeine is very bad for your diet because it keeps you feeling hungry and thirsty and unsatisfied with whatever you just drank. Definitely agree with the previous post, if you really want a tea of some kind find a low or caffeine free one and look for little to no sugar and NO ASPERTAME.

    I sort of want to report this post as trolling...but I'll be nice and just disagree.

    Green tea is not loaded with caffeine. On the scale of caffeine content, you have black coffee / energy drinks at the top, then espresso, then black tea, then green tea, then decaf coffee (it still has a small amount of caffeine present).

    Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, pending that it's fresh brewed from quality leaves. It's great combined with a hint of citrus, lemongrass, or mango. It's very smooth when combined with white tea as some have mentioned. Drink it without sugar or cream, or for a hint of sweetness, add stevia.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    VERY VERY BAD!!!!! So many people think its good and it is advertised as being good for you and your weight loss, but it is packed full of caffeine. I have told people that and then they look at labels and they say "It doesnt say it has caffeine" but the fact is it is still tea so it has caffeine naturally, and green tea is very very high in a natural caffeine. And a high level of caffeine is very bad for your diet because it keeps you feeling hungry and thirsty and unsatisfied with whatever you just drank. Definitely agree with the previous post, if you really want a tea of some kind find a low or caffeine free one and look for little to no sugar and NO ASPERTAME.

    Green tea is not high in Caffeine.

    If you are worried about Caffeine though try drinking Rooibos. it is like tea, comes in a variety of flavours and is naturally Caf. free.

    I agree though, artificial sweeteners are VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD AND UN NATURAL!! dont eat food that contain these things.... many "sugar free" foods have these in them. Raw sugar is good, natural honey, maple syrup. Any naturally occuring sugar in as raw a state as possible (unrefined) is better than white refined sugar.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771

    I sort of want to report this post as trolling...but I'll be nice and just disagree.

    Green tea is not loaded with caffeine. On the scale of caffeine content, you have black coffee / energy drinks at the top, then espresso, then black tea, then green tea, then decaf coffee (it still has a small amount of caffeine present).

    Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, pending that it's fresh brewed from quality leaves. It's great combined with a hint of citrus, lemongrass, or mango. It's very smooth when combined with white tea as some have mentioned. Drink it without sugar or cream, or for a hint of sweetness, add stevia.

    Whats trolling about that post? It's a reply to the topic with an opinion.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    oh and do yourself a favor, dont drink that crap that comes in a box in tea bags that's probably over a year old. It's gross and has very little if any health benefits. Most of the health benefits associated with drinking tea come from drinking real, loose tea that you would get at a proper tea shop. Following steeping instructions and water temperature are paramount.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I obtained this from an "" web site.
    I put them in order and changed it slightly so that all amounts were about 1 serving or 8 oz. Note that most sodas come in 12oz cans or larger.

    So according to this chart you would have to drink 3 cups of green tea and 6 cups of white tea to equal one cup of coffee.

    Like all things in life it is called moderation.:drinker:


    Caffeine Content

    All figures are approximate, especially with coffee. Different varietals can have different caffeine content, and the way the coffee is roasted can also change the values.

    Brewed coffee (8 oz) 60-120 mg
    Double espresso (2oz) 45-100 mg
    Ben & Jerry's Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt (8 oz) 85 mg
    Instant coffee (8 oz) 70 mg
    Tea - black (8 oz) 45 mg
    Pepsi (8 oz) 25 mg (12 oz can) 38 mg
    Coca Cola (8 oz) 23 mg (12 oz can) 34 mg
    Dark chocolate (1 oz) 20 mg
    Tea - green (8 oz) 20 mg
    Tea - white (8 oz) 15 mg
    Barq's Root Beer (8 oz) 15 mg
    Milk chocolate (1 oz) 6 mg
    Decaf coffee (8 oz) 1-5 mg
    Chocolate milk (8 oz) 4 mg
    7-up (8 oz) 0 mg
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Green tea has been linked to a number to positive health effects (but bad effects on liver from those "green tea diets"). One study out of Austrailia even found that it helped the effect of some antibiotics in sick patients. Yes, caffeine has bad effects on the body. However, studies comparing caffeine content of coffee and tea found benefits from the tea/coffee independent of the caffeine content, read: tea = good. Also, I, like another poster, had been under the impression that adding milk to tea/coffee lessened the health benefits; I have yet to find a peer reviewed scientific article supporting that hypothesis. Lastly, to add one more vote on the sweetener issue, go as natural as possible: stevia, honey, a little raw sugar. That is, if you MUST have a sweet drink. I slowly broke myself of that need with tea by titrating down the amount of sweetener I was using. Now, tea just doesn't taste right when sweetened.

    Happy drinking!