HI all. Newbie on board.

Hi everyone,
Hope you all had a fab Christmas an New Year!! Back on track now i suppose, i really want 2013 to be to best achieved slimmest year yet! I really want to be focused and loose as much weight as i can as we are trying for a baby and i just wanna be as healthy as i can! My biggest worry is in order to loose a good few stone successfully then does that mean that i basically have to stop drinking alcohol and no eating out!? As i have followed many different diet plans over the years but in order to loose a good few stone i had to basically say no to my Husband when he wanted to go out drinking or for meals as i knew if i did go then i wouldn't loose. I have been told that my metabolism is really low due to my hormone in balance so does that back up the fact that i have to be a hermit lol in order to loose the stones?? Am i being a lil too drastic or have i just not ever got my head around the happy balance? If so then please give me all the advice you can offer to help me on my way.

I look forward to chatting to you all and swapping, tips, finds and advice etc xx


  • emmal76
    have you ever tried slimming world? no need to miss out on anything, i had a great success and so have many friends ;)
  • CoachJake83
    You can lose weight and still have alcohol but it needs to be kept in moderation. I'd say no more than once every week or two, and in moderate amounts (4, 12oz beers or less for example).

    Getting results will involve an effective and consistent workout plan while tracking your healthy calories and macros. At the end of the day your results will be based on how many calories you eat before your head hits the pillow. And how much fat versus muscle you lose while losing overall weight will depend on how much you use your muscles. (Use it or lose it!)

    That's why resistance training is superior to cardio in regards to fat loss.
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm on here daily
  • kmburne
    kmburne Posts: 21
    Here is a tip for going out, if you know where you want to go look on line for the menu and that way you can have in your head what you are going to order and you can plan the rest of your day around it.

    You can exercise more that day you are going out to ensure you have some extra calories to eat.

    I know it is easier said than done, but we can do it.


    Add me I can use all the friends I can get.
  • SlimHunter2013
    Thank you to you all for your quick replies and tips. I have made a mental note of them and will use them.

    No i haven't followed slimming world maybe i should give that a try.

    I think the issue with my alcohol is i love wine so i think my first step needs to be to change to spirits, which i will have when i'm out but i usually share a bottle of wine on a Friday night with my hubby to wind down together after a busy week so maybe i need to have spirits then too!?

    I do rosemary Conley twice a week for the exercise but just struggle to get my head around the plan itself. I can follow the calorie allowance but the 5% fat rule just seems to completely throw me! I did manage to loose 1.5 stone before xmas but that was fluctuated each week and i still want to loose another 1 plus what i may have put back on over christmas.

    Oh well here's to 2013!