I really thought I could do it

Helloooo there,

I was able to go from 167 to 129. I worked my *kitten* off to get there. I was so proud and even motivated a few others to do the same. I just lost it though. I stopped logging. I was eyeballing my meals thinking I knew what I was doing without logging or keeping track. WRONG. I am now at 148. I literally wake up hoping I can squeeze in my jeans today. I threw out all of my fat jeans. Today I woke up and realized I cannot do this anymore. I need to get back to where I was. So happy, fit, motivated, outgoing... Looking for some friends who will help me and I look forward to do the same!

Goal One: Get off my butt and reunite with the gym. at least 4 workouts a week
Goal Two: Stay on Myfitnesspal and log honestly.
Goal Three: Princess Leia costume next Halloween (DOING IT)

Let's do this. I am ready.


  • cassieandjessie
    Hi. I have been in a very similar position to you. I started at 220lbs and went down to 180lbs in 2 months then crept back up to 195lbs over the past month or so. I have just started to log again and to do exercise for less than a week.
    It helped me to really think about the deep reason to why I want to loose weight: for me its simple, I want to look freekin amazing and I want the confidence I used to have before having my baby.
    Rid your cupboards of anything you would class as unhealthy and start afresh.
    Jess x