Starting Crossfit…

Tonight is my 1st CrossFit class. I have to admit I’m a little nervous and a lot excited. I’m giving it a try to with the goals of learning something new, re-energizing my fitness routine, and doing something outside of my comfort zone.

Anybody out of there have any experiences with CrossFit? Good, bad, or indifferent? Has anyone died? LOL….My biggest concern is that have damaged shoulder, surgery, arthritis, and a new tear – not really good for presses and pullups, but I’ve heard they can modify most of the movements.


  • Linds_Joy
    I love CrossFit! You can scale the entire workout to what fits you best and what you are comfortable with! Have and enjoy!! :-)
  • _reno_
    _reno_ Posts: 87 Member
    It is an *kitten* kicker for sure. I have done it and enjoy crossfit, it will get you in great shape

    I quit due to nagging back and knee injuries developed by doing crossfit. Google crossfit high injury rate, and you will see a lot of articles on the subject

    be careful!
  • krstfolo
    I have several years of experience in CrossFit, started back in 2006 before most even knew what it was. Certified in several areas. My advice as someone new to this type of training, fully disclose your injuries (past and present) and current fitness level. When they push too hard and you are not able to keep going tell them so. Do not risk injury to yourself to maintain your pride in front of others. If you have to stop, walk away, or rest then do so. It is a brutal program that even scaled can cause injuries. I am not anti-crossfit by any means, as it is an excellent way to add metabolic conditioning to your program, but it is not the end all be all program either.

    My last word of caution, fully assess the trainers of the establishment, not all trainers are good as there is no real regulation on CrossFit trainers. A two-day seminar gets you certified, even though you may have zero background in the fitness industry or know anything about how the body moves and why certain exercises are done the way they are. Some will not understand why they are programming workouts they way they are or know how to fully instruct technique, and will push too hard. Hopefully your CrossFit box there has a beginners on-ramp program, which is designed to teach you movement technique and gradually ease you in. If it does not, I recommend finding another location. There are some great boxes out there with wonderful coaches that will help you, but be wary that there are a lot that are not too. Just really do your homework, and if you don't like the "vibe" you get while you are there, just find another one. Not all personalities of boxes mesh well, each one has a different style.

    Well I hope that didn't scare you off. I do hope you enjoy the class as it is a fun way to get in a workout and will test your limits. It can be quite addicting too. :D
  • krstfolo
    It is an *kitten* kicker for sure. I have done it and enjoy crossfit, it will get you in great shape

    I quit due to nagging back and knee injuries developed by doing crossfit. Google crossfit high injury rate, and you will see a lot of articles on the subject

    be careful!

    Yeah this. I backed away as well due to nagging shoulder injuries. I still throw in what they call a "WOD" every now and again, but I don't do it consistent like a used to and I feel a lot better these days.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks for ALL of your feedback. The gym or “box” comes pretty highly recommended. I have a few friends that own their own box but are just too far away and they say this place is legit and well established with some good trainers. The deal I signed up for is a 10 session “Elements” course where you learn all of the movements and then do a WOD after, you have to test out before they’ll allow you in the regular classes. It does sound pretty good.

    It’s kinda funny, with me having a bad shoulder, that is part of the draw to try it and also what gives me some reservations. I will definitely be up front about it, the last thing I want is to injure myself or have to go on the shelf for a while.
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    Beefy you will love it.. But i'm concerned you won't be able to do some of the exercises because of your shoulder as well.. Just keep the weights low with anything that may require a bit more shoulder strenght.. Crossfit uses your entire body so I don't know what the alternatives are.
  • Kazzabob
    Kazzabob Posts: 11 Member
    I did the 3 RAMP classes just before Xmas and was bricking it! Anyhow I just felt the fear and did it anyway and it was great - that said I've not been back! Might go once I've picked up the exercise again as took a couple of weeks off with Xmas and being ill and it's tough!!!

    It definitely pushes you!! Good luck!
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Beefy you will love it.. But i'm concerned you won't be able to do some of the exercises because of your shoulder as well.. Just keep the weights low with anything that may require a bit more shoulder strenght.. Crossfit uses your entire body so I don't know what the alternatives are.

    Yeah, I'm a little worried about the pull ups and overhead presses but i'm interested in the alternatives. I've been reading a little and watching how they do some of those movements and there is definitely a "use all your muscles" approach. I'll let you know in about 2 hours. :bigsmile:
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Quick review of day 1 - It was definitely a killer workout! For those familiar we did half of the Cindy workout after some squatting for form training and then 5 x 5 squats.

    I was impressed with the trainers. They even recognized that I have shoulder problems before I even mentioned it & suggested, actually forced, I do modifications based on that. In the words of another fitness legend......I'll be back! :-)

    Thanks all for your feedback.
  • krstfolo
    Glad to hear that you seem to have found a quality box and that you enjoyed your first day! Best of luck!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I am attempting my first day in the box today!!! I am scared and nervous but ready for something more!!!! Just wondering how you log the workouts in exercise???