30 day shred ugh please help



  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    It definitely gets better. i could barely do a push up to start with and noticed a massive difference in my strength as I progressed with it. Keep going!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I had not done exercise of any kind before starting out on 30 DS. I couldn't walk for the first three days properly, but I still did it each day, Re-working the sore bits seemed to help, so don't give up. By day 10 I was doing all the programme with only a few moves modified. Level 2, day 1 was hard but I did not have the soreness the following day, despite different routines etc. Again as the days passed I was able to do more of the routine and do mostly unmodified. I did stop at Level 2 as I have started weight lifting 3 x week instead. Whilst doing the shred I did not lose as many pounds as I would have liked, but the inch loss was amazing - 3 inches from waist, 2 from hips and 2 from bust. I lost my muffin top around my middle within the 20 days.

    Definitely keep going, putting it off will make it harder. You can do this.
  • peilover010202
    peilover010202 Posts: 32 Member
    Keep at it! I did it for the first time a few years ago. After the first week, it became easier (as in "I don't think I'm dying.") But, it's still challenging. I actually did level 1 for about 3 weeks because I was afraid of Level 2! Trust me, it's not that bad. Definitely more challenging, and I did need to modify a few things. But, totally do-able. Same for Level 3.

    For me personally, I found that I needed to add another dvd that focused on abs to get them toned enough to suit me.

    Now, I'm starting over (had baby #4 on 9/26!) So, I'm right there with you (but I have more to loose.) :happy:
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    Its suppose to give you a real hard workout , since its only 20minutes. But yes it does get easier, just keep at it like everyone else here says :) , you can do it!!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    It's like Hell...but only for 20 minutes! Congrats on the baby and good luck with JM! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Hi, I completed 30DS just at Christmas, it was tough at the start and some parts barely improved - I still can't do a 'proper' push up - but it DOES get easier, you WILL get stronger, and by the time you finish it you WILL want to do it again with increased weights! I originally used 2kg and have just started it again with 4kg (though there are some moves that I'll only be using 2kg for!).

    I didn't lose much weight as that wasn't really my aim, but I do feel like it made a difference to my shape (pics on my blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/MrsSWW/view/30-day-shred-results-458975)

    Stick with it, even if it takes you 60 days you WILL get there and you WILL see and feel a real difference :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hollisss
    Hollisss Posts: 88 Member
    If it helps you can always curse her out as you're working out :wink:
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    There's a 30 day shred discussion area and a Daily Check In thread. Join us there... lots of support.
  • I've got 3 more days of level 3 left (haven't done it in 30 days exactly, but over the course of 6 or 7 weeks). A huge thing for me was to write down all the moves in each level/circuit and then stop using the DVD after doing the level a couple times. Then I downloaded a stopwatch app on my phone and just did the workout on my own, timing things for 30 seconds or 1 minute just like on the DVD. I love Jillian, but she can get a little irritating if you listen to her say the same thing over and over :) It also allowed me to do things at my own pace - either faster or slower than Jillian's counts - and I could take however much time I needed to change position, grab a different pair of dumbbells, etc. It took a little bit of the stress and redundancy out of the workouts for me - might work for someone else! Good luck to everyone!
  • Hello,
    I'm Male 41yrs Old and I started 30day shred on March 2012 to June 2012, 5 Days a week. I was 315lbs went down to 299 and then I stopped because I was getting exhausted and started to affect my GOLF GAME.. I went back up to 310lbs. I restarted 30DS on Oct 2012 and going strong. When I restarted I was cursing at JM and at myself for stopping and starting all over again. I started at 310lbs on my second round. A month an a half into my workout I started with MyFP food journal where I was at 300lbs. I'm now doing L3 + L1or L2 for a 40 minute workout 5 days a week. Golfing on Saturdays and resting on Sundays. I started with Modified (Anita) workouts and now I do the advance (Natalie) workouts. Yes it gets better but remember you will always need to push harder to see results. If it gets easy you will need to push harder and double the intensity. I'm hoping to go to P90X by Feb 2013..... I'm now at 285. My goal is 250 by March. Then I'll set a new goal....
  • Trishab415
    Trishab415 Posts: 23 Member
    HI there~ I just started this program and I love it. I have done the Shred several times. What I would suggest is rotate another workout in with the 30 Day Shred. To do the same routine everyday is stressful to the muscles. I used the 30 Day Shred, walked, or did another video to break up the monotany. It does get easier even if you rotate other workouts in your week. You will notice definition in your abs and shoulders first. I did the shred on level 1 and level 2. I tried level 3 once and hurt my knee. Good Luck and congratulations on your new baby!! :happy:
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    The first couple of days of each level are pretty much terrible, but it does get better I promise! Also, I started seeing visible results due to losing inches after just the first 7 or 8 days. I'm currently on Day 5 of Level 3 and I can say that while the workout is really hard and I'm definitely sore afterwards it's worth it. Keep it up! I promise you won't regret it. :smile:
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    The first couple of days of each level are pretty much terrible, but it does get better I promise! Also, I started seeing visible results due to losing inches after just the first 7 or 8 days. I'm currently on Day 5 of Level 3 and I can say that while the workout is really hard and I'm definitely sore afterwards it's worth it. Keep it up! I promise you won't regret it. :smile:

    So true! I did day 8 of level 3 today, only 2 days to go. I was very unfit when I started the program and so out of shape. I felt I was going to die! But I did the modified versions (watch Anita...) and only used very light weights the first few days. If I couldn't keep up the pace with the cardio, I just jogged or marched on the spot. I really tried to push myself as hard as I could, but also had to take breathers every now and again. It really does get easier after a while, and you won't believe you ever found it difficult when you get to day 6 or 7 of each level. I loved the program!
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    Ive started ripped in 30 and the first day I was sick and like I was going to die lol and had to stop also but im now on day 4 I feel so much better!

    So don't worry it gets better and you will feel great the endorphines will kick in.

    Laura xo
    { laura-k.co.uk }
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    I did the shred last time I lost weight - I was great, and the results on my arms and abs were amazing!
    My baby daughter in two months old (I have only 2lbs of baby weight, but I was obese when I got pregnant). I want to do the shred again, but she won't sleep anywhere but in my arms. I don't think it is recommended to do the shred with a baby strapped to your chest, so I'll join you in a few months.
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    If it helps you can always curse her out as you're working out :wink:

    When doing the punches pretend to punch her in teh face ... it really helps!!!

    I started fro the second time yesterday... I had great reults the first time I did it unfortunatly I let myself go and put all the weight back on within four months!!

    It does get easier, you will have days where you just dont wanna do it, just power through you will feel better because of it. I'm also doing 6 week 6 pack at the same time ... im not too sure why i must be crazy!! but that is soooo much harder it makes the shred feel easy!!

    Good luck :)
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