Would love some critique on a lifting routine

I just wrote these details in a blog post because they were too big for a status update... but I'd love advice from people who have been strength training for a long time and know what they're doing haha...



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    1) That's quite a warm up. You're exhausting yourself before you even get started focusing on the real lifts.

    2)You're missing the deadlift

    3) What's with all the kettle bell swings

    I would recommend a tried and proven program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thanks for responding.
    1) That's quite a warm up. You're exhausting yourself before you even get started focusing on the real lifts.

    Too much? Didn't take more than about 5-6 minutes.
    2)You're missing the deadlift
    Ack... knew that was coming. I hate deadlifts. I think I need to see a trainer at an actual gym because I just don't feel like I've EVER done them right. I can't tell which part is supposed to be worked. I live in a small town and I don't think there are any knowledgeable trainers around here who can help. I'm open to any additional resources or videos or whatever to show me how.
    3) What's with all the kettle bell swings
    I was seeing a coach who suggested doing 100 of them... I thought 30 was more appropriate.
    I would recommend a tried and proven program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength.
    Yeah, I'm just changing things up because I got discouraged from stalling all my lifts with the Stronglifts 5x5... but I will probably go back to it.
  • JoshT360
    I like your workout. How long have you been doing this workout?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I like your workout. How long have you been doing this workout?

    Oh I just tried it today for the first time.
  • intrepidity
    Be careful what you ask for
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Good full-body routine, has big compounds in it for each major muscle group in the body.
    If you don't like doing deadlifts then don't do them, not like you're entering a powerlifting competition or anything.

    Personally I wouldn't do overhead BB squats, just doesn't seem as much of a great movement for anything (can't go as heavy as front/back, shoulder flexibility/core stability can be trained through other lifts/exercises), I'm sure there are others who disagree with me.

    I'm guessing what you're training for stuff like Tough Mudder, if I were preparing for that I would want to do lots of pull-ups (overhand grip), sprints, improve my vertical (high jumps) along with other explosive movements to increase the functionality of your strength. That said, power cleans would be a good addition to your strength program.

    I'm sort of pressed for time so I'll message you the rest later if you are interested
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Have you heard 5/3/1?

    It might be more what you're looking for.

    Deadlifts are one of my favorite exercises and are pretty crucial especially if your goals are strength gains.

    I would recommend doing something along the lines of :

    Warm up:

    Cardio 5min

    Glute bridges 20 reps

    Reverse Lunges 10/leg

    Donkey kicks 10 per leg


    Squat 5sx5r

    Pullups 5sx5r

    Bench Press 4sx8r

    Bent over Barbells row 4sx8r

    KB Swings 3sx12 reps

    Some Core work followed by some conditioning

    Obviously this is a quick sample but I would essentially try to have one main thing per workout day that you want to focus on and make it a heavy weight, low rep, with at least 5 sets. So the next day you would do deadlfits 5sx5r, and then bench press 5sx5r followed by squats but maybe this time make them more in the hypertropthy range.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Deadlift demo

    she also has demos for 1 leg deadlift and many other exercises.
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    You've got the big muscles covered, perhaps overly so.

    I'm concerned that you're missing antagonistic and stabilizing muscles in this workout. All those little tiny muscles are important.

    As an example, I don't see any triceps. No dips, extensions, or french press.

    I don't see any core, front or back.

    I don't see an even coverage of the muscles in your chest and upper back. No bent one-armed rows, no flies, no lateral raises, etc.

    I don't see anything for the inner thigh.

    I don't see a deadlift. The kettleball swings might have you covered, but I am not convinced.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    looks fine if your goal is to do an obstacle race. Try doing these back to back eg. squat 10xrep then bench 10x rep etc. then go onto the next lot of sets, squats 8x reps (with heavier weight). this will build power, speed and cardio vascular endurance, it's great for your race.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    You've got the big muscles covered, perhaps overly so.

    I'm concerned that you're missing antagonistic and stabilizing muscles in this workout. All those little tiny muscles are important.

    As an example, I don't see any triceps. No dips, extensions, or french press.

    I don't see any core, front or back.

    I don't see an even coverage of the muscles in your chest and upper back. No bent one-armed rows, no flies, no lateral raises, etc.

    I don't see anything for the inner thigh.

    I don't see a deadlift. The kettleball swings might have you covered, but I am not convinced.

    Triceps: Bench Press
    Core: Squat and Overhead press
    Chest and Upperback: Bench Press and Bent over Rows
    Inner Thigh (apart of the hamstrings): Squats
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    That's a lot, I'd think it would be difficult to maintain long-term. The warm-up is pretty considerable. I would recommend the warm-up including some kind of passive stretching and then doing warm-up sets with the Squat. Do like 3 to 5 reps with the bar, 95lbs, 115lbs, 135lbs, and then do your work sets. The Squat really put some stress on the entire body so you really don't need to worry about warming-up on the bench and what not. I would checkout StrongLifts 5x5 or if you feel you're a little more advanced than that 5/3/1 or MadCow 5x5. I don't know that you need all those cool-down sets either, seems overkill.

    Cardio doesn't have to be running either. You can do medicine ball slams or heck, do the KB / DB swings. For the KB/DB Swings pick something that is fairly heavy that you can do for 10 challenging reps and do 100 reps divided by 10 set with only a 20 to 30 sec break in between sets. Same thing with Medicine Ball slams.