Im really sad and disappointed =( HELP

Ive been working out for 3 weeks and I have only lost three pounds. And about one inch total =( I do cardio both on the elliptical trainer and also outdoors on a track 5 times a day and just the elliptical the other two days. I average about 13-15 cups of water and stick to my 1200 calories even on my workout days. Sometimes its hard to get all 1200 down because I am full from the previous meals. This is very discouraging and i dont know what to to. Please HELP!! Thanks ♥


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Eat your exercise calories for a few days and see if it helps.
  • Buzzkitty1
    Buzzkitty1 Posts: 134
    A pound a week is a fantastic loss. Real life isn't the Biggest Loser.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    You won't see results overnight...just keep at it!! The more you do, the better you will feel.

    Also, from everything I read on here, you really should be eating your exercise calories. Try browsing around the food and nutrition forum and see what you can find..there's a ton of good info in there.

    Good luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    what's disappointing about 1 lb a week? That's a great weight loss!
  • marii92
    marii92 Posts: 77
    Try adding some strength training twice a week (30 minutes for each session).
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    You relosing 1 pound a week? why is that sad and disappointing? Keep up the great work!
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Try eating more than 1200 calories. With working out your body needs fuel - it may help you lose.
  • Dunrick
    Dunrick Posts: 23
    If you under fuel yourself you will not loose massive weight. I stick to 100 to 200 calories less then the site and that is including my workout calories and I loose an average of a pound to two a week. It is the way it should be... be safe and remember it did not take u overnight to get to ur weight... wont come off overnight.
  • theluckduck
    Keep going, my dear. Realize that you are in the beginning of a lifestyle change and that you cannot just look at the present moment (although a pound per week seems pretty great). Keep at your goal. Keep setting your sights on your long term goals (health, a healthy weight, feeling great inside, gaining momentum for the long haul). You are just beginning. Sometimes, it takes time for the body to realize what you are doing. Keep going strong, and don't let the scale always be the indicator of the positive things that are happening. Keep your focus on the positive - what you are gaining, not always what you are losing. I hope this helps.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Agree with everyone else!! Eat at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back and keep on it, you're doing great!!
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I think that's great! But yes, eat your workout calories. You body goes into starvation mode. Most people will say at 1250, but it's really if you eat less than 500 cal of what your body burns. Your body thinks it's not getting enough and the metabolism drops down.
  • cheermom614
    Well first, try to be postive about the three pounds lost! Don't look at that as a bad thing, you are now three pounds thinner. Way to go! Second, be sure to eat ALL your calories (or close to it) everyday! I was doing the same thing you are by not eating my exercise calories and it had the opposite affect. My body had started to shut down and store fat because I was eating so few calories my body thought I was starving. Once I started eating more, I noticed a change in energy and weight.
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    As you are working your muscles out, many changes occur. Your bone density should increase since your muscles are pulling more at them. Your muscle mass should also increase which will weigh more than fat. Your clothes should be fitting better around the waist. If you are doing resistance on the elliptical, keep that up. I try doing an hour a day on an elliptical. To help, I set short goals such as do this setting (resistance/crossramp height) for a certain amount of minutes, then do it in reverse for two minutes and so on. It helps me. I bet you have lost more than three pounds of body fat if the increase in muscle mass is included.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    1 lb lost a week is EXACTLY what you should be aiming for! Most of us don't see drops bigger than that in a week. You're doing great.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    1 lb a week is something to be proud of! It's not as exciting as you hoped, but losing weight isn't always glamorous!

    Good job!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    My husband always says " you didn't gain a pound a week, you gained it over's going to take similar time to loose it" But I agree, a pound a week is great!! AND remember muscle weighs more than fat! You lost an inch!! That's awesome!!!

    Keep up the good work!!
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    I was frustrated, too, about my weight loss. However, even though, I've been on this roller coaster ride, I've noticed a substantial drop on my blood pressure (I was diagnosed with Hypertension last October). And, I have sooo much more energy. I can now keep up with my 4 year old son when he wants me to chase him around the house (which is a lot!!).

    Please remember that success on the scale is really a by-product of what's really happening to your body. You're getting stronger, your heart's not having to work so hard, and you're feeling better than you were. At least this was my case. And, I had to learn that all this is part of the goal--not just to be lighter/thinner.
  • MystAKAlKonceit
    MystAKAlKonceit Posts: 14 Member
    I really appreciate everyone's advice =) I was definitely avoiding the exercise calories but I will start to eat at least half of them! Ummm I am just really full off of 1200 calories and I want my stomach to shrink not stretch with stuffing myself. But I will try =) I will also incorporate some weight training..I do about 100 crunches at night does this count? Again I REALLY appreciate everyones support and optimism ♥
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks to hormones, you may also be retaining water (could be a few pounds or so). As you increase your muscle mass, you increase your metabolism (your body will burn more calories even at rest!). Increase in bone density should keep you from feeling sad and disappointed.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I really appreciate everyone's advice =) I was definitely avoiding the exercise calories but I will start to eat at least half of them! Ummm I am just really full off of 1200 calories and I want my stomach to shrink not stretch with stuffing myself. But I will try =) I will also incorporate some weight training..I do about 100 crunches at night does this count? Again I REALLY appreciate everyones support and optimism ♥

    Don't stuff yourself to get the 1200+ calories in. Split your meals up in the day, you can try to aim for 5-6 meals in a day.

    1lb loss every week is great.