Females in their 20's...Over 200lbs...wanting motivation!



  • Hiya! I stared out at 226, was down to 151, started med school and am up to 170ish, looking to get to the high 130s ultimately, but I am most concerned about getting in better shape.

    Hey there! I'm in med school too - 2nd year! I lost a bunch of weight over the summer and then slacked off October - December because I was stressed and felt like working out was time I could be studying. I wish you the best!!! I'm going to add you. :-)
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hi!!! 23 and have a lot to lose!!!! Feel free to add me for motivation :)
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    29 and started @ 265 (and I'm only 5'2"!!)
  • melissa_ky2012
    melissa_ky2012 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 25yrs young from KY and I'm SOOO ready to get healthy and lose some weigh! I currently weigh 230lbs so I fit in the 200+ category, I joined MFP months ago but never really got motivated or serious enough to stick with it, but I vow to change that this year, this day right now! My weight loss journey starts today! I really DO need/ would love some motivation. Please feel free to add me.
  • michiganmanda
    michiganmanda Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in my early/mid twenties and just hit the scale at 198 today, I think that's close enough! I had been 230 for a number of years but was doing really well with weight loss on my own for a while but joined MFP after stalling since August. I'm getting married in September and hope to be down to 185 by then.
  • vickywade88
    vickywade88 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join, 24 and 200+lbs. I am getting married in spring 2014 so I am on a mission, would like to lose at lease 70lbs before October when i will be going to my friends wedding in Cyprus and would like to join all my other friends is there bikini. xox
  • Hey all...I'm 25 from TX and 250+ currently. I am hoping to support and be supported here and on MFP in general. Im so tired of feeling the way that I do and I want so many more things and time out of life. Please feel free to add me!
  • morgannef15
    morgannef15 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a mother of 2 I'm guessing I'm about 240 I won't use a scale due to my obsession to weigh myself daily so my method will be my jeans :-) I wear a 20 now hopefully in 5 weeks I can be down to an 18 I really need encouragement... so please feel free to add me and message me I will do the same.
  • Hey all. :) I'm 21 and in the 200+ category. Joined a while back and lost about 35 lbs and was just under 200...then I got overwhelmed with college and then the holidays came and went..and I'm up about 10-15 lbs from the past 9 months or so. Love to see there is so many on this same journey. Good luck to you all! :) feel free to add me. I need some motivation and help as I restart this lifestyle change.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    Excited I saw this.

    22 years old
    285 lbs

    So ready to rock this year!
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    It sounds like there are a ton of ladies in their twenties within the 200+ lbs...this is going to be a great way for everyone to get motivation!! I just turned 24 New Year's Eve..my current weight and my highest weight ever is 226.12....wow I never really thought it would ever get this bad....although it is time for a change and I am ready for a change..my fiancé proposed to me on July 8 2012 and we are getting married October 2013..!!!! It is time to get back to the real me!!!

    I love to hear different workout techniques different meal plans and anything that may help!!

    I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred...I am trying to watch what I eat...I am slowy going to make the food transition and hopefully eventually always eat healthy!!!

    Good luck everyone and keep the motivation coming!!

    I am on Day 2 Level 1 of the shred. It is hard but I am loving it. So sore that it hurts to sit down or stand up. But love it!!
    Also have a calorie goal of 1620.
  • Hey girls, if we are in our 20's and over 200, then get your butt to work, we all need hella motivation, and i know that i do .. I am 212lbs and only 24. I will NOT be at 200 or more when i turn 25, i WILL be less then 180 and i know i need motivation to get to my goals.
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm getting married too, part of my motivation for being here! I'll add you :) I'm 184 lbs, I started out at 196ish. I'm sure there are more brides out there in the same boat as us!
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    So according to my BMI # I am severely overweight and have 135+ pounds to lose! I'm 5'4'' and they expect me to weigh 100 pounds? That's nuts! It's a goal, sure, but me, 100 pounds?

    I need motivation. So PLEASE add me! I need that extra 'push' to lose the weight I want to lose before my wedding!

    I'm getting married too, part of my motivation for being here! I'll add you :) I'm 184 lbs, I started out at 196ish. I'm sure there are more brides out there in the same boat as us!
  • Maelay
    Maelay Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 23 years old and 208 lbs, the most I've ever weighed. I'm trying to lose at least 30lbs, and at the same time I have my first 5k in April. Please feel free to add me!
  • TheCurvyGamble
    TheCurvyGamble Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Lacie and I am 24 years old! I started here once again on MFP and my starting weight was 284 and i have managed to lose 5 lbs so far. Add me if you like. I am great at motivating others as well as myself and give great words of encouragement. I am looking for the same in return! Good luck everyone!
  • Maelay
    Maelay Posts: 25 Member
    This group is perfect! I am 24 years old and a graduate student, and I’ve been unsuccessful on balancing a healthy lifestyle and school. I am about to transfer graduate programs next fall, so I want to feel better and look better before that next chapter in my life. It’s difficult to connect with friends, in regards to weight loss, who are not similar in size, so this group will be extremely helpful!

    I know the feeling. I just completed a rigorous grad school program and have started a pretty stressful job. Good luck to you!
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I'm 27 and I'm at 269. Just started a new job where I will be walking for an hour to work each weekday, hoping to add some kind of strength training in the next two weeks and my bf has committed to taking a dance-cardio class with me. I've never used mfp before, but I like it a lot better than other sites I've used.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hi, I turned 20 in October and am 201lb, used to be 255!
  • EmpathyBot
    EmpathyBot Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, I'm 22, and currently sitting at 206. My starting weight was 230+lbs.

    Feel free to add me!