Kinda scared to post but don't want to do this alone.



  • This is a wonderful community and kudos to you for your courage! feel free to friend request me...I need support too :)
  • Your post inspired me to post. Let's all do this!
  • lorijean38
    lorijean38 Posts: 20 Member
    :happy: I felt exactly the same way. I'm just starting out. Add me as a friend and we can encourage each other!!
  • I'm just here to help
  • Feel Free to add Me ;)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Stay away from the message boards. Use them like a pond, to search for the good fish. Some of the fish lurking around get a kick out of arguing, scrutinizing, "teaching", and some are just downright hurtful. I clean up my friends list often, and over the past 3 years, I've built a group of people that I can depend on to support me. And I try to do the same for them! Good luck!
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Request sent. I need motivation too, so hopefully we can help each other :)
  • Revolucion
    Revolucion Posts: 2 Member
    I understand...we are not meant to be alone-so keep motivated and check in... I just joined and will need lots of help too. :)
  • hottiewannabe
    hottiewannabe Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome, and yes MFP is AWESOME!! You will be amazed at how supportive people are and truly want to help you achieve your goals! The best advice I can give you is do what works for you. Find something that makes you feel better, that fits into your schedule or you can mold your schedule around, and do something you enjoy. As far as diet, don't go extreme. This is a lifestyle change, not an overnight fix. There are things out there that can get you started and really give you that boost where you drop the weight quickly, but eventually it will level off and you get stuck. I know this from personal experience : (

    Feel free to add me! Love new friends!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Losing wieght is not easy and a scary thing.
    Feel free to add me!
  • bcraigrncen
    bcraigrncen Posts: 36 Member
    I am learning that it is easier to open up to people on here than it is in my other life. Everyone here is in the same boat! We fall down and get back up. Here the people just want to support you and to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones! You are alone only if you choose to be alone!
  • JENJEN2011
    JENJEN2011 Posts: 36 Member
    Add me. I will help you out as much as I can.
  • I'm not big on forums either, but we can do it together! Having support is everything.
  • turkeyloss
    turkeyloss Posts: 4 Member
    feel free to add me i've just come to realise that i thought i was thinner than i really was - wake up call !
  • clareBrewster80
    clareBrewster80 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm new to this as well. I have been using the iphone app and didn't realise this was all on line.
    Would like some friends for support.
  • you are more then welcome to add me as a friend. i've been here for a full year and JUST started to post on the forum and really i still dont.. im just a lurker. haha. but i will be there to give the happy commitment days and the wohoos. and i guess maybe i could keep you motivated as in you see that i log in every day. anyways, best of luck to you!! =)

    (anyone can add me if they want to)
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm new to this and highly motivated. Please feel free to add me. I'm going to have fun with with!
  • wrkout2bfit
    wrkout2bfit Posts: 41 Member
    I won't bite..... can't afford the calories! Welcome aboard!
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    Well, I'm new to this site as well. We are all on this journey...might as well have lots of support along the way. The bigger the circle, the stronger we are! Feel free to add me. It's a new beginning for that i will look forward to, accept, and will face the challenge head on. And...I WILL SUCCEED!
  • add me