Anyone else emotional eaters?

Are there others that eat when you're emotional. I do well until I have a bad day, then I just binge. Would really like some support from others also affected. Thanks! :)


  • pugsood
    pugsood Posts: 9 Member
    Sure do. Difficult to stop this habit. Also difficult to make an excuse like, 'well, since I ate poorly on Saturday night, I'll just do whatever on Sunday and start again Monday.' Brutal what your mind can convince you to do with enough resolve (in the wrong way)...

    I went to OA a number of times and unfortunately stopped going, but one of the benefits there is being able to find a sponsor, someone you can call on, perhaps on times like you mention when you're having a bad day and on the precipice of making a poor eating decision.
  • lovable69
    lovable69 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm an emotional eater and hate it, I gained 50 lbs in 6 months. Would like to be your buddy, we can hold each other accountable.
  • Yup sure am! I'm hopeless when I become stressed or upset, not made easier by having severe depression in the past, now I just have overly intense emotions.
  • Funnyfishat40
    Funnyfishat40 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh yes, same here, stress and control, when life is good, house tidy, bills up to date work going well etc then dieting is s breeze,
    As soon as work hours et too long and the house gets messy or plans go out the window because I'm needed somewhere else, the need to eat takes over, so here I am trying over, AGAIN! Hopefully the support on here will help xx
  • fervc64
    fervc64 Posts: 53
  • Think you may be a clone of me, or me of you. lol xxx
    Any mess/stress/problems & I'm reaching for the fridge!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    When I am stressed or upset I have no appetite.
  • I am the same as all of you. If i'm having a bad day, all I will do is eat everything in sight, even if I don't like it very much. It is such a hard thing to overcome but we can do it. Add me and we can vent to one another!
  • Jodi827
    Jodi827 Posts: 40
    Happy, mad, sad, glad -- it's always been my "motto". Hate it!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Are there others that eat when you're emotional. I do well until I have a bad day, then I just binge. Would really like some support from others also affected. Thanks! :)
    Yes! And I am amazed at how, over time, this seemingly insurmountable problem is fading away.
    You get stronger over time, for many reasons!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I eat when I'm bored, happy, stressed, full of anxiety, sad, mad, etc....i eat based on all emotions and have recently been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. Not fun...and I'm having a hard time working it out...

    Hoping to make a change this year!
  • LuvHinesWard86
    LuvHinesWard86 Posts: 104 Member
  • I'm a terrible emotional eater! I was down to 270 an now back up to 315 after 5 mo of lots of stress an emotional eating:( feel free to message me!
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Oh yes! Big time emotional eater. I use food for everything weather I'm happy, sad, mad, depressed. There is a group on here for emotional eaters that I just joined today :)
  • meeeeeeeeeee...add me i need support also
  • I didn't think I was an emotional eater, until I was in an unhappy marriage. It was then that I gained 80 pounds and it was because I was depressed and so miserable. I'm trying to change that! It's good to have others that know what you're going through!
  • Khisalandra
    Khisalandra Posts: 100 Member
    Oh dear gods yes. I work customer service on the telephone, so I'm catching crap from people all day long. I find myself longing to get home and have some sort of comfort food so I can take pleasure in something.

    Food has always been a source of pleasure to me, apparently. Mom said I was like that ever since I was a baby. I didn't get really big until 5th grade, tho, when my parents split up. Then the eating was a way to escape. Always an outcast in high school, too, and ate more.

    I'm trying to work around it... to let myself have something that tastes good and brings me pleasure, but not overdo it. It's a really tough balance, for sure.
  • YZF7
    YZF7 Posts: 7 Member
    I think it's all emotional eating after the first few bites. A course I took along time ago taught 2 simple things: eat when you're hungry; stop when you're full. Maybe 5% of the time I'm successful. I emotionally drink too. Sounds like I need some "emotional counseling" :-( But I'm going to have a glass of wine first Thanks for starting this thread. Wish I was one of those women who can't eat when they're stressed! !!
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    Thanks for the support! If only exercise had the same satisfying effect as eating. That's what my goal is!
  • I too ride the emotional eating rollercoaster! It's not a fun ride either. You eat because of whatever, you feel bad, then you lose your drive. It's like shopper's remorse, but only with our bodies, not our pocketbooks! I'm learning to do other things when I'm bored besides eat. I'm home alone during the day and that's my hardest time. I've also been a "secret eater". God forbid someone saw me or know how much I ate. Sometimes I think we eat and don't even realize it. I'm thankful for this site. I can't afford to do ww's anymore and tracking played a big role in my weight loss. I've convinced myself now that every day is a new day. Every day is a new choice. Every day is a new challenge. I'm ready for it. Keep telling yourself that you can. Don't beat yourself up so bad when you mess up. Remember, this is a life changing process and it takes time. Coming here I think is a great start for anyone. I'm thankful for MFP and especially thankful for all of you. It's not easy to admit that you have a food addiction in the first place. It's great to be able to share with others. Let's do this!!!!