Thoughts on Nutrisystem?



  • J_sparkle
    J_sparkle Posts: 19 Member
    I've been using nutrisystem for almost 2 mos (although I took some time off during the holidays b/c of vacation). I am in the minority in that I really like it. It's super convenient for me and I actually like all but two things I've tried. I also really like the lunch meal bars. These work great for when I go out for lunch w/ the family or running errands and can't make it home for lunch. You add a salad, greens, something low cal/ healthy and it's lunch.

    I also think it IS making me very aware of portions. Part of the reason I wanted to do this plan was because I was being lazy and not really paying attn to how much food I was eating. I wanted something that would really SHOW me how much/little was a serving. I have noticed that now when I do eat out, I am very conscious of what is an appropriate amount AND I stop myself when I have eated that amount. So, I feel pretty confident that when I do stop this program I will know the sizes.

    I lost 45pounds on my own before doing the meal program. I've lost another 8 since joining. It's a slow and steady weight loss that I am happy with.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I'm actually considering trying it for a short time. I was grocery shopping the other day at Wal-Mart and saw it on their shelves. It was a box containing 5 days worth (I think) of food for $45 (again, I think lol). I didn't pay much attention to it because obviously I understand the importance and value of consuming your own fresh foods...but I've always wondered about the program. I just may pick it up next time to satisfy my curiousity.
  • aprlshwrs
    I actually ordered my first 28 days today because of the deal that ends by the end of the month. Let me tell you that I am not usually one for packaged programs and prefer actually cooking my own food or preparing fresh foods. Here is why I chose Nutrisystem...

    I have had great success with weight watcher's and I lost 32 pounds with them. Unfortunately, I lost my job in 2011 and had to move in with my mother. Not an ideal situation or a convenient situation. My mother's kitchen is the reason I am trying Nutrisystem. I can't cook in it! There is no stove and regular size oven, there is no space to move around. When she's cooking whatever she wants to cook (which is not normally something I eat...especially trying to lose weight) I can't get in there and cook for myself. Any food I put in the refrigerator that I have purchased within my diet guidelines gets eaten either by my Mom or my brother. I go hungry more often than not because my $ goes to waste as my family thinks I've purchased foods for them. It's extremely frustrating! :grumble:

    Of course, those aren't the only reasons but they are major reasons. I like the idea of already portion controlled meals. I don't have to think about what I'm grabbing for lunch or dinner or even breakfast. I have an hour and a half commute one way to and from work, this leaves me with basically no time to cook anything unless I want to do what my boss does and get up at some god forsaken hour of 3am. (I've done that leaves you woefully unprepared to work efficiently.) The Nutrisystem plan also forces me to eat breakfast...something I've always happily skipped because I am not a morning person and breakfast is complicated when I'm not awake.

    As for learning portion control and such...I'm not worried about that as it is something I am already aware of as I've done weight watcher's. WW taught me a lot about portion control and I have no problem doing it...when I can actually plan meals and cook them.

    In addition, I will be doing the nutrisystem diabetic plan in hopes that I can prevent myself from developing Type 2 diabetes as I was pre-diabetic the last time I checked. This is also a plan approved by the ADA so I feel more comfortable with the plan.

    As you can see from my profile (if you can see it) it says I've lost 0lbs. The fact is, I lost about 12lbs but because of the irregularity of my eating and such, I've gained most, if not all, of it back. So, frustrating. The last straw was when I hit a weight that I said I would never hit again. So, I'm starting over...again. This time, I'm determined to get off all of the weight to reach my goal...and then, keep it off!

    So...will this work for me? I don't know...we'll see how it goes over the next few months. I just know that, right now, I'm giving it a shot along with a workout program that I can do at home, drum and bugle corps on the weekends and a lot of walking. I know that Nutrisystem is not for everyone....actually, I don't think any program fits everyone's needs. If I had the time and space and ability, I would go back to Weight Watcher's in a heartbeat because I love it...but, for now...we'll give this a go.

    Wish me luck and feel free to ask me how it's goin' along the way. :smile:
  • tdemiter
    tdemiter Posts: 45 Member
    Despite the cost and that it's processed.....I don't think it aids in a lifestyle change. It's still a diet.
  • aprlshwrs
    Correction...nutrisystem D plan is based on ADA guidelines for diabetics. Sorry for the misinformation.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Tried it and lost 30 pounds. Gained it all back in about 2 months. boo. It was expensive and the food was awful! There is no magic diet~including Nutrisystem.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I actually ended up purchasing the Nutrisystem 5 day jumpstart package at Wal Mart. There were only a couple items I didn't really care for; one was a dessert of chocolate chip cookies that tasted kinda icky probably because they had a higher fiber content, and one of the dinners - mashed potatoes & beef - that tasted a bit 'off'. Overall I was quite happy with the 5 day package and purchased it another 2 times. Down 10 pounds so far and thrilled with that part.

    Obviously I know this is NOT fresh unprocessed food lol. And I did add in all my fruit, veggies, and dairy at least. Hey, I was lazy (no kids at home anymore and a hubs that works late) and wanted to just try it. And it was a lot cheaper than actually signing up on their site. One thing for sure is that since I actually stuck to the enclosed plan, I did not do my usual snacking that always seems to get me into trouble.
  • aprlshwrs
    I have to say...aside from the fact that the food is processed...obviously, there has been a lot of negative commentary about having lost weight and then gaining it all back. I have to say that it's probably because individuals did not use the transition plan and then the maintenance plan properly. You still need to monitor your portion sizes and your calories when you are off program because we've already proven that you are prone to gain weight when you don't watch what you eat. You still need to use portion control, you still need to eat fruits and vegetables regularly, you still need to drink 8 glass of water a day...all of the things when you are in your "maintaining" mode. Otherwise, WILL gain back weight after any weight loss program you try. So, I think blaming the program for the weight you gained back after you were off the program is really not much of an excuse at all. Just my 2 cents.
  • toietmoi
    toietmoi Posts: 1 Member
    Has anyone ever tried Nutrisystem? I was wondering if the food is ok or if its terrible. Thoughts? Thanks!!!

    As with anything, everyone has different tastes. I've used Nutrisystem for over a year and have just reached my goal weight (I lost 63 lbs). For me, some food is really not good, most are ok, and some are really delicious. Since I hate to cook, this plan really worked well for me. But again, the important thing is to find a system that works for you. Good luck!
  • mapnerd2005
    Just random ones....I thought it had gone away. My mom did it for a month, said the food was horrible and she couldn't eat it. And one other person I knew tried it and said the same thing. But that was probably 7 or 8 years ago, and I was just thinking about it the other day wondering if the company was still in business, then I saw a commercial for it on TV.

    IMO, I think you are better off buying yourself a set of measuring cups and spoons and a digital food scale and making your own foods. If you want a good, easy to follow reference for making smart food choices, I recommend the "eat this/not that" and "cook this/not that" books. Very handy to have on hand and will help you make smarter choices for healthier versions of your favorite foods.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Tried it and it was a huge failure, a very expensive failure as well. When I tried it they also did not have anything completely nut free, even the egg cups :/

    Everything is dried and powdered so that gives you an idea of how healthy it really is

    However if you have the money to spend on Nutrisystem you could probably hire someone to prepare and freeze meals for you so that it saves you time and can keep you on your diet much easier. There are a few private chefs in my city that do this and it wouldn't cost much more than I actually spend on groceries, maybe a dollar or two more a day. So that could be another option :)
  • SaShmy1022
    SaShmy1022 Posts: 38 Member
    Has anyone ever tried Nutrisystem? I was wondering if the food is ok or if its terrible. Thoughts? Thanks!!!

    The food is gross. I tried it once, order the food, but couldn't bring myself to eat it. Also, when you added up the calories for the 3 meals and 1 snack you are allotted per day, it was only 800 calories. I think they do say you can add veggies,

    If you are looking for the convenience of pre-portioned foods that you can heat up, I'd just do lean cuisines, smart ones, amy's organic, cedarlane, etc type meals, or if you have the dough to spend, alot of major cities have services like this one: that prepare the food fresh. People will rail against these options, but hey, the do help and taste better than nutrisystem and if it works for you, then it shouldn't be problem.

    I love My Fit Foods, they are excellent nutritionally and super fresh... absolutely nothing like a frozen lean cuisine.
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    I used it from October 2010-December 2011.

    It helped me significantly. I lost 60lbs on it using their lower GI plan. [I have PCOS]. Some of their foods I didn't like, but that was okay because I was able to customize it to have delivered the foods I did enjoy, and not to mention they have a section on their forums that give suggestions from other users on how to 'spice' it up a bit. So I never felt like it was redundant eating the same foods like some people feel like.

    I took a lot away from it. Their website and forums offered a lot of insight and other members on the forums were incredibly helpful and motivating.

    I needed a program that I could visually see that would keep me on track [they give you a food diary] and every single day I followed the checklist and wrote in everything I ate. I had no sense of portion control until this program. I learned that eating smaller meals through out the day worked better for my body and gave me more energy. And even if their food wasn't the 'healthiest' it was still a guideline that helped prepare me for when I got off the program. I've been off the program for over a year now, continued to lose additional weight and have been maintaining now.

    The program doesn't work for everyone [some see it fits into their life and others not] but for me the program saved my life. I think that if I didn't make that call to them that one day in October of 2010 that I would still be over 200lbs and unhappy with myself and throwing myself a pity party. And the money was never an issue for me because no price could compare to how it has helped me.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    It's BAD NEWS....many here have already stated why.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It might work, but you won't learn how to eat properly on your own, the proper amounts and for the proper nutrition. So then when you stop eating that food, you'll gain all the weight back.
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    It might work, but you won't learn how to eat properly on your own, the proper amounts and for the proper nutrition. So then when you stop eating that food, you'll gain all the weight back.

    Not me. But each person is different.
  • gellar76
    gellar76 Posts: 7 Member
    I found that I learned how to eat properly when I was on NS. I also learned a lot about nutrition. I think the best thing about it was that it got my weight down to a point that I could exercise and enjoy it. Everyone is different. What works for some won't work for others.
    Sure, cooking your own food with fresh ingredients is better and cheaper (most of the time), but I don't have time for that. It was much easier for me to come in from work, cook some veggies, and nuke a packaged meal than spend my time figuring out how much quinoa I can have with my egg whites!

    Like I said, to each his/her own, but NS worked for me and I'm glad I did it.
  • brandileeweyant
    I am currently doing Nutrisystem and am doing great. The thing is you need to customize your menu. I don't like their bars or some of their soups and things. I do the fresh frozen one, which is 18 days of boxed meals, and 10 days of fresh frozen meals. I also buy the other things they want you to eat along with it, like fruit, veggies, juice in moderation, and protein sources like nuts and low sodium deli meats. I spend about $450 a month, which I know is a lot, but with me being in school full time, and working full time, it is a lifesaver.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    Just started Seattle Sutton yesterday. . .The food is fresh, looks and tastes good. I'm trying the 1200 calorie plan.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    I notice there are a lot of NS pkgs at the dollar store. . . not sure what that is about. . .