Off, but back on....

Hi all. Just wanted to vent a little and seek encouragement. I've been doing GREAT with MFP, exercise and calories since February 15th, minus one day of celebrating my birthday! This past weekend, however, I "fell off the wagon". My husband broke his arm on Saturday, and amidst a trip to the hospital, caring for my 2 year old, and the general chaos that was created, I succumbed to taking the easy route with my meals...including a burger and fries from P Terry's and a giant burrito! Arrgh! To add to it, I won't be able to go the gym for 6 weeks or so due to my husband's cast (he won't be able to lift our daughter). But, I have a plan that starts today...making the best choices possible with food, and running (or at least walking) in the neighborhood in the evenings. I don't want this bump in the road to become a reason to stop my weight-loss plan! Thanks for letting me vent, everyone!


  • Granny2b
    Granny2b Posts: 91
    I fell off the wagon too for 2 days mad at myself!!!! This is my weigh in day too and i bet i havent lost a bit ! LOL Just have to see what the scales say tonight
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Just get back least you know what you need to do. Put the baby in a buggy and go walking...keep going!
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Good luck!! I know that in my life everytime I get into a work out routine, something happens that stops it. I currently have had gum graphing done and haven't been able to work out in a week. A few yrs ago I broke my foot ...ect... I like this web site because I can see how to adjust my calories when I cant work out. I also have a toddler and that alone makes it hard to work out. I usually go over calories once a week, eating out with my husband, but have kept losing weight because I am good the other six days. If you want to add me as a friend - we can support each other.
  • christinagriffith
    christinagriffith Posts: 32 Member
    I fell off this weekend too... dang you grilled jalapenos w/bacon and buttered corn and cake! I was good all week and just need to get it off my mind and start over! Keep fighting the good fight...