need some buddies!!!

I'm 31 and 230 as of yesterday. Today I'm 227.5....I really would like some friends on here to go through this with. Add me as a friend so we can scream, cry and smile together in this. I'm a super picky eater and need some advise on things to eat. I can't even mean plan without repeating the same meal like 3 times in one week...I don't want to fail.


  • JodiCaldwell_7
    JodiCaldwell_7 Posts: 16 Member
    I need all the motivation I can get too! I will add you :) I'm a momma to two, an almost 3 year old and a 7 month old. I got 10 more pounds of pregnancy weight to lose plus 10-15 afterwards lol. You can do it and ill keep you in check haha
  • ranntrev
    Thanks! Yes my last child is 4 now. I'm so done with kids lol.
  • jlsexson
    I will add you. I am trying to get my crap back together after Christmas. I have a lot of weight to lose and would love to have some encouragement. I have been really frustrated here lately, working really hard on exercising, but eating stupid stuff.
  • ranntrev
    Yep I know the feeling! Its so easy to put it in your mouth, but much harder to burn it off.
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    I will add ALL of you! I joined MFP October 1st and so far I've lost almost 30 lbs and will be running my first 5K on January 19. We can do this!
  • Chicagolopez
    Chicagolopez Posts: 39 Member
    Hey I was going home but decided to answer. I am 51 years old tommarrow, I am finally starting to understand things. I feel the pain about not wanting to fail but dont be afraid. I lost 30 pounds plus a marriage from from 4 years ago.

    I am trying to change my life and this project took on urgency about a month ago when I had a very bad experience with alcohol.I decided to change things and not beat myself over my indescretions.

    Here are tips that worked for me.

    1 drink water
    2. remember habits are very hard to break. I still cant get up at 6 am but I have gone to gym repeatly the last 5 days. If you fall from your chosen diet just dust yourself off and keep at it.
    3. Knowledge is power.

    I will friend you you because I need help too. I need to hit 200 pounds from 220 right now.
  • s_reynolds777
    s_reynolds777 Posts: 36 Member
    I'll add you too. I am 35 and started on my weight loss journey two years ago at 263 lbs. I got down to 178 before the holidays, then just got tired of all the working out and took a break, more like a "binge" and ate anything and everything I wasn't allowing myself to. I did gain back a few pounds and I'm back at 190 but ready to hit it hard again in the new year and get the last 30lbs or so off that I want to lose. I have two girls ages 5yrs and 2yrs.
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    I am 'starting over' with the new year. I lost 40 lbs in 2011. I read many posts, but now I would like some support as well. I have about 20-30 lbs to go, (after gaining 10 back) So add me too and we can do this together. I am adding more intense exercise to my routine, so hopefully that will help get me off this plateau I've been on for quite some time. This sight is so helpful. Good luck everyone, let's do this!!
  • pholman1971
    pholman1971 Posts: 4 Member
    I will add you, I just started MFP this week and I could use some friends that actually know what I am going through. Dieting is hard to do without support. My last 4 days on MFP have been great. I have been drinking all the required water and logging my foods faithfully. I will start going to the gym again on Monday to add my exercise. We can do this if we all work together!!!
  • PoleFit69
    Please add me too =)

    Im trying the Ashy Bines Diet plan, its great, and you see results but you need will power.

    1 of my best pieces of advice is to take before and weekly photo's! It really helps, especially when u think you arent getting can photo collage a before shot with a current shot and see your progress.
    And drink loads of water!
    Try and change your habits......I was a serious chocoholic!!! But ive found dark mint crisp sugar free chocolate and it helps.
    And I take a yummy Protein Powder called BNRG Proto Whey, choc flavoured, its the BEST tasting protein powder I have ever tasted =)
    Good luck peeps! Add me!!! =)
  • Crickett32189
    Hello all, I am 36 year old happily married mother of 2 grown boys and have lost a total of 12 pounds in about a month, I am new to fitness pal and am really in need of support don't get me wrong my hubby is great. My doctor has also started me on a medication to help me along being I have tried it all.
  • maddhare
    maddhare Posts: 9 Member
    I will add you!!! I recently posted in need of friends and had quite a few people add me. It's only been a couple of days but it's totally motivating! I am 26, so far I've lost 30lbs and I'm stuck around 215. I am SUPER picky and understand where you are coming from! It's so hard for me to eat healthy foods! I'd appreciate any ideas as well!
  • gettinmeback143
    gettinmeback143 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! I just signed up yesterday and NEED to be sick of being fat and tired! I have three little kids and want to do better for me and them. I'll friend all of you and we can work hard together!
  • KJnTX
    KJnTX Posts: 1
    Hi. I'm in my 40s. I'm new to MyFitnessPal. I heard about it on a news report and decided to join. I went to see my doctor and I'm NOT happy with my weight. I asked my doctor for some guidance in regards to my weight...sadly I didn't receive much. So last month, in December 2012, I joined a gym. Though it's only been a month....and I'm not on a regular routine yet....I've only lost 5 lbs. That's better than nothing. Right?

    Today, was the first time I used MyFitnessPal to count my calories. My boyfriend laughed at me. Which upset me, of course. But, I'm glad that I now know my daily calorie count and how to track what I eat.

    I need to log how many calories I burn at the, I just estimated. I hope to get better at this.

  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    I'll add you - I just started MFP yesterday. I am trying to lose 20 pounds before I turn 40 (in 3 months). It's kind of an arbitrary goal, since I need to lose about 38 pounds or so...Let's keep each other motivated!
  • runnerKVI
    runnerKVI Posts: 8 Member
    Sending a friend request now! I am "new" to this, as in I've had an account before, deleted it and created a new one so I can start fresh! I would love to be there for you throughout your journey, and have someone to vent to!
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    I would like to add more friends this month, i joined MFP in December and log on daily, I enjoy this supportive family I have found. I would like to add all of you :)
  • k8ecakes
    Feel free to add me :) looking for motivational friends!
  • desertsol98
    :smile: Hello all! I am also in need of buddies to help keep up the motivation! Feel free to add!
  • CheekyMonkeyPrincess
    Hi I'm looking for a few "motivational partners" as well. Feel free to add me.