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  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    There's a difference between eating at bedtime and eating after a certain time. My old work schedule had me working until 11pm or 12am at night. So my "normal" bedtime was between 1-2 am. It was perfectly fine to eat at midnight! My current schedule has me going to be around 10pm, so I'm not going to eat a meal at 9:30pm. It's all about moderation and it's based on YOUR schedule. The rule of thumb is to not eat within 2 hours of going to bed. So if you go to sleep at 10pm, try not to eat after 8pm. If you go to bed at 2am, try not to eat after midnight. It's that simple.

    Again, why? I'm a night time eater, it's just when I prefer to eat a bunch of my calories. I've never followed any "x number of hours before bedtime" rule and I've still lost weight. Also, I usually don't eat breakfast! There are so many myths and old-wives-tales floating around that need to just go away.

    Unless eating right before bed disrupts your sleep or causes indigestion/heartburn/reflux issues, it does not matter when you eat.
  • I agree with trogalicious...
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    I'm not a troll, yes, I have lost a lot of weight but I have also used appetite suppressants for some time and I sometimes eat whatever and just exercise my *kitten* off. I have been trying to find a good balance of calories so that I can continue to lose at a slow steady pace and to avoid plateaus, which I have also encountered regularly. I just have seriously never known the correct answer to the question I was asking...geesh
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Again, why? I'm a night time eater, it's just when I prefer to eat a bunch of my calories. I've never followed any "x number of hours before bedtime" rule and I've still lost weight. Also, I usually don't eat breakfast! There are so many myths and old-wives-tales floating around that need to just go away.

    Unless eating right before bed disrupts your sleep or causes indigestion/heartburn/reflux issues, it does not matter when you eat.
    ^This. Exactly.

    Your metabolism runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just because your mind goes to sleep doesn't mean your body shuts down. Not eating after a certain time, eating x meals per day to "stoke the metabolism" and eating every x hours have all been proven as myths.
  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    As long as it's not more than 115 then why not?
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member

    Oh, ok, because I was under the impression you should never EAT less than 1200 calories so that is what I have been doing and then exercising about 400 or so calories per day so netting about 800 or a little more...too little?

    that's adorable, your diary is open though. Try again.
    Yeah it is... shes getting around 1200 (sometimes a little over) calories in daily. Try again.

    Edit: Quote boxes got out of control
    She's also been here since may, lost 104 lbs, and certainly doesn't need my advice on her diet. It was really leaning towards something that felt like yet another troll in the forum. Certainly, my apologies if that wasn't the case.

    Ohhh...and btw, I wasn't particularly asking you for "advice" just wondering if you knew whether its you should eat that or net that
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    It depends on how you feel. Really want a midnight snack?? Then enjoy eating those calories! Or if not, save them and then if another day you are more hungry and go slightly over your calories, it all balances out :)
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    There's a difference between eating at bedtime and eating after a certain time. My old work schedule had me working until 11pm or 12am at night. So my "normal" bedtime was between 1-2 am. It was perfectly fine to eat at midnight! My current schedule has me going to be around 10pm, so I'm not going to eat a meal at 9:30pm. It's all about moderation and it's based on YOUR schedule. The rule of thumb is to not eat within 2 hours of going to bed. So if you go to sleep at 10pm, try not to eat after 8pm. If you go to bed at 2am, try not to eat after midnight. It's that simple.

    I agree. But then again, I'm eating a bowl of cereal right now, and I'm probably going to bed in less than 30 minutes.

    So basically, I'm on the fence.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    never eat after 7pm!
    and never ever get wet

  • kittycatkay
    kittycatkay Posts: 54 Member
    just look it up..