STARVING all day- please HELP!



  • vg8pr0
    vg8pr0 Posts: 47 Member
    I always find that the first week on any diet (oops, food plan) that I am starving. Maybe it's the "thinking about food" more than I usually do...but it goes away after a week or so. Today is my second day and I feel really food deprived even though I ate quite a bit of food. Mentally I have to get back into it. Hang in there.
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    I agree, you have carbs carbs and more carbs there. I also can feel more hungry from a bowl of cereal than just eating nothing at all.

    Let most of your carbs come from fruits and veggies and add more meat and protein. Fat helps me to feel more satisfied, but so does veggie loading.

    Lose as much processed as you can. You can eat a ton of veggies and feel stuffed for far less carbs and calories than a lot of those things.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    The combination of fibre, water, protein and fats confer satiety, not fibre alone: your diet looks fairly carb heavy and there is probably a fair bit of sugar so your blood glucose may be peaking and troughing. You have twice as many sweet meals/ snacks as savoury.

    Try increasing your low sugar fruits and non starchy vegetables to nine servings a day starting at breakfast, have either protein or healthy fats at breakfast in all your snacks and at dinner (?nuts/ seeds), reduce foods which contain added sugar/ are refined/ processed to maximum 10% daily calories. MFP protein goal is the minimum, not an ideal.

    Are you taking a marine algae supplement for long chain omega-3s? You look very low on essential fatty acids. Don't think you are hitting the recommended dairy servings either - milk serving is 200ml, yoghurt 150g and then you need a third - this would give you a little more protein as well as minerals. Both omega-3s and calcium are associated with lower body fat in research.


    Wow, that's some great advice and a lot of info packed in there. Nice!

    x2...this is pretty awesome right here. can manually go in and change your macro goals. When I started out, I was trying to follow the MFP default macro settings, and the carbs left me hangin'.
  • runrockclimb
    I've often wonder myself why I feel hungrier around my period... but I suppose its not really surprising if you think about it. No scientific backing here, but here is my theory. Your body is loosing blood, for several days in a row and that takes energy to replace. Not to mention the loss of vitamins/minerals/etc, and who knows what all those hormones do...

    I'd ride it out and see if it fades when you're done with your period, in the meantime more healthy fats/protein. If it continues I'd look at your diet more seriously.
  • Barbarajavon
    I'd say replace your cereal with oatmeal - cereal is high in sugar and calories but doesn't fill you up - its like a teaser to me I can never stop eating it. Oatmeal on the other hand fills you up and you can customize it a million ways my favorite is 1 cup cooked oatmeal with 3tsp of brown sugar, some cinnamon and a banana - maybe some almonds if I'm really hungry.
  • lmdarr97
    lmdarr97 Posts: 15 Member
    TOM is also visiting me. Great time to start a diet right? I have actually done really good, but today has been hard. Guys..cover your ears...I am at the heaviest point of TOM and my stomach has growled several times times today unlike the first couple days. I have been eating a very well balanced diet. In my opinion, it is probably a combination of TOM and your diet. I agree get rid of all the store bought bars and other processed foods. Try experimenting with making a healthy pan of granola bars and then you can portions them accordingly and have for the week. They may even freeze well. Try to buy all natural, frozen or fresh food to cut back on the sodium and other crap they add to processed stuff. I have found that they are making frozen vegtables very reasonable in price these days. Frozen fruit could still use improvement in the price area, but so could fresh. Worth the money though when it comes to your health and weight loss goals!
  • bfridey
    bfridey Posts: 25
    I find the same problem as a vegetarian, and also as a lecturer I can't just eat whenever I like.
    For breakfast I eat oatmeal with soy milk which is filling and a slow release of energy.
    I don't eat dairy but I do eat eggs and I find if I eat eggs in my salad, or snacking on a boiled egg in between classes/meals.
    Also, for your mid morning or mid afternoon snack, eat some beans to provide more protein, which fills you up and makes you less hungry.

    Hope all goes well for you!
    Kind regards,
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    You need more protein with breakfast, lunch, and every snack. You're eating healthy just starving yourself of protein. It will help you feel more satiated.
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! All those who commented about the overload of sugar and carbs and lack of healthy fats are right on.

    After reading the comments, I realized that I actually wasn't hungry on New Year's Day and took a look back at that entry...sure enough, I was under the carbs limit and had half the amount of sugar. Over the summer when I was eating healthy and exercising like crazy but off from work hunger was never an issue, either.'s the convenience snacks that I'm bringing to work...all the flavored yogurt, fruit, cereal bars, etc. I actually went over my carbs from time to time in the summer (legumes and veggies will do that) but was losing weight and feeling full so I think my primary problem is sugar (also I had healthy fats such as avocado and peanut butter in the summer). From now on I will choose between yogurt or fruit and bring along a savory snack as someone suggested...celery with peanut butter (I buy the natural kind with very little sugar and sodium) and such. Still portable and easy enough to prepare. Any other ideas? (By the way, I hate the taste of eggs and only eat them in things, and maybe it's psychological but nuts just make me feel cheated and hungrier haha).

    Thanks everyone :)
  • jctillman70
    Easy convenience foods.

    I cut up broccoli, cauliflower, carrots (I make my own sticks) and red peppers in snack size twice per week (1 cup each) and eat with hummus (2 tbsp) for my afternoon snack.

    I concur that you probably need to cut back on the sugary snacks. I also pair fruit with a protein that snack if balanced out. If I eat an apple or motts natural apple sauce, I will pair that with 10 almonds. This way the protein can balance out the sugar.

    Good luck.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi Shirley Beans,

    You said: "From now on I will choose between yogurt or fruit and bring along a savory snack as someone suggested...celery with peanut butter (I buy the natural kind with very little sugar and sodium) and such."

    You can get organic peanut butter with no additives of any kind---just organic peanuts and sea salt (better for you than the regular commercial preparations with added sugar). :smile:
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    You don't like nuts? Almonds??? Sorry, but they're my favorite thing. Do you really dislike them, or just not care enough to actively go get them? Because Blue Diamond and Emerald brands both make a large variety of flavored almonds, both sweet and savory. I always keep a jar of sweet (cocoa, cinnamon, butter toffee...) and a jar of savory (sea salt, smokehouse, chilli-lime...) in my classroom. Then whichever taste I'm in the mood for, I can satisfy that urge with just a small handful of almonds. And a glass of milk, because I teach preschool, lol. It really is a very satisfying snack and keeps me completely full until my lunch break 3 hours later. I urge you to give it another try.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Yep you need to up your protein and also healthy fats as they are both your friend and will make you feel fuller for longer

  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    All I have to say about this is happens....

    I'd say get more protein in the morning to get you through the day.

    I agree with this 100%. The two days before TOM, I am always starving for two days no matter what I eat. As others have mentioned, try to increase your protein and maybe allow yourself a little treat to get through it :wink:
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks :)
  • 2gurl45
    2gurl45 Posts: 32
    Breakfast, eat like a king. Eat AS MUCH as you want. You don't seem to be eating that much, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so pack on the food !

    For lunch eat normally. Put some carbo in your lunch! You're active throughout the day and need energy, carbs are more important during the day, rather than at night. You should switch your meal at night to your meal during lunch. Trust me, eating salads in the day does nothing for you.. you get hungry 15 minutes later!

    At night, eat like a peasant . no carbs at night as you're not moving around much. fruits + salad are good options !

    I followed this routine and lost 4 kg in half a month. Even though eating lots in the morning will exceed your calorie limit, it really doesn't matter because in the end you're burning it off walking around everywhere and as a pre-school teacher i'm sure you do that lots! I tried eating salads in the day, felt HUNGRY soooo quick. I think that's what you need to change. Eat some rice/pasta/bread, not too much though, 2 slices of bread or a cup of rice/pasta is good ! Good luck :D

    EDIT: and also, try to eat natural food as much as possible. things like fruit bars are not that good for you, try fruits or veggies instead :D natural food is always the best!
  • prymsza
    Hello Starving all day,

    I read your food chart and I would be starving too. Between breakfast and lunch I would suggest having a protein shake with some fruit. I read you had 1 clementine at 3:00. Try 2 and a slice of string cheese. And take a walk and drink lots of water that will
    curb your appetite a bit.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Easy - as many people have said. Way too many refined carbs and sugars.

    Oranges are also high in fruit sugars which at the end of the day, are still sugar.

    I would stay away from fake foods and all these boxed cereals and cereal bars, but that's just me.

    Also make sure you are drinking enough water. A lot of the times your body will tell you it wants food but really it is craving the water from the foods. If you feel thirsty you have already allowed your body to become dehydrated.
  • Angie1366
    Are you recording your exercise properly, I would imagine you are doing a bit of walking as a teacher. I wonder how many times you walk up and down the stairs without realising carrying books etc?

    Also have you tried plain porridge oats made with water at breakfast rather than clusters which may be high in sugars? Try a banana instead of a clementine? May make you feel fuller longer - I find an orange makes me feel hungry!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    There are few jobs where the walking meets 10,000 steps a day, even many nurses don't.