I would love some motivation and friends!


I am 28 and live in Tennessee. I have been working for several months on changing my lifestyle to be more healthy and active. Over the past two years I have slowly gone from 194 to 174. This hasn't been through any strict dieting, just making some healthier choices here and there. In October, I started working out pretty intensely and even though my weight didn't change much, I lost a few inches and got stronger.

As of January 1 (not as a new year's resolution, just a 'starting date') I have switched over to a paleo diet. I am going to work more intentionally on getting my weight down, exercising more and getting the body that I want. I'd love some buddies to do this with! People with similar goals would be great, but I'd love to talk to anyone.

Here are my stats!

Age: 29
Gender: Female
SW: 174.8 (as of 1/1/2013)
CW: 170.4
GW: 145


  • Hi I'm also new and need motivation and friends as well. Here's to a new us!
  • Hi i'm Bree
    I'm new also. I live in alabama and have decide that it is time for me to take care of me...so lets get healthy and fit together =)
  • stu236
    stu236 Posts: 44
    Hi, I'm in the uk and on a restart after getting injured and then lazy. I regained nearly all of what I had lost.
    add me if you like but good luck anyway if you choose not to.
  • Hi I'm Mel and I'm new as well...just signed up today! Im currently pregnant, but due any day now, and I'm sooooo anxious to lose about 50lbs! im currently 217, but would love to get back down to 160 as I was before kids! Let's all work together:)
  • juniorballyc
    juniorballyc Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! Welcome to mfp.....I'm pretty much same stats and goals as u. I've sent friend request