Need some Pals!

Ok people! I am at it again! I have some serious goals this time.

1 - Lose weight to help support a healthy pregnancy! (I want to try to get pregnant around the end of 2013)
2 - Lose enough weight to get back on the roller coasters (I miss them SO much!)
3 - Be a smaller mommy... My daughter (2yrs old) calls me her "big mommy". It hurts.
4 - Be smaller for my daughter. I know my food and exercise choices will effect my daughter.
5 - Be able to be confident and fun again. My marriage is really starting to struggle for a couple of reasons. My weight makes me put limits in my life. Which makes me a pretty boring person. I could sit in my bed all day. No problem. Obviously thats not very conducive to a healthy marriage. My weight is also all i talk about it. Its my excuse for everything. I complain about it 24/7. I am a serious food-aholocic. My weight also makes me very jealous. My husband works with a bunch of nurses and it just kills me to think about all those skinny girls running around him all day. My weight also embarrasses me. Makes me not want to meet anyone. Or see anyone. Or do anything.

If I don't lose weight I know i will fail at a lot of things, my marriage, my responsibility as a mother. I will lose out on having more children. I will lose out on life. Which will result in me getting bigger and bigger and and then I will be dead. Period. You would think that is enough of a motivator but for some reason it just isn't. WHATS WRONG WITH ME???????? Why is FOOD that important?

Ugh. Well. I need help. I hope I can get some help.


  • Good goals and good luck, feel free to add me if you wish. :)
  • me too.. feel burden and have to loss more weight. keep it up dear!
  • You can add me too. I need to warn you, that my English isn´t so fluent (so you can see), but I try to my best.

    I can really say that I hate myself, because I did this to me. I don´t understand why is so hard to leave chocolates and other candies alone. Why I have to eat when I am not hungry? I also think that I am not good enough to my husband and every other women are skinny and sexy. My my husband's extra weight don´t bother me at all, but I still think that I don´t deserve him because I am fat..
  • mizgeechieblack
    mizgeechieblack Posts: 2 Member
    You and i have some common goals! I want to be pregnant by the end of 2013 also! We have been trying for some time and its not happening. The only issue the doctors say is my weight. My weight is also affecting my relationship. My fiancee is getting tired of me putting myself down and he tells me all the time that it feels bad for him to hear me speak that way about myself when he thinks i'm beautiful. Good luck with your weight loss and just remember your goals! My problem is when i get frustrated with my weight or dont see results, i give up which is why i joined this site. To meet others who can give words of encouragement to help each other along the way! Please add me also because i am new to the site. I have also started a blog on here to document my feelings(which is a first for me) and i kinda like it. feel free to take a look at it!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Add me.
  • cshelto44
    cshelto44 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me as well
  • Hi I'm new to MFP as well. I can relate to a lot of what you've said. I just started my "lifestyle change" on Jan 2nd and it's going to be a lot of hard work. I'd love to connect with others for motivation.
  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    Ive sent a request - I admire your honesty. You CAN do this...this is the 1st step x
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • nwood2691
    nwood2691 Posts: 20 Member
    I feel your pain and can completely relate to a lot of what you are saying, and I could also use the extra support! You can do it!!
  • You're more than welcome to add me: milliereid
  • kathivg
    kathivg Posts: 30
    I could use some pals, too, so please feel free to add me. I'm in a completely different place - weight loss surgery in May and I'm on a program required for surgery. But variety is good, isn't it? LOL. All of us will do much better with some pals.
  • You can do it!! Add me if you'd like!
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    Hey there. Well, the good news is...that you recognized the problem. You are a young woman. You have so much life to much life to offer the world and your family. That's the 1st step. Now, you set yourself a goal. Make it small and increase after each goal. The more rewards we accomplish...the better we feel and the stronger we become. Do it for yourself 1st...b/c you do matter and you are important! Then, do it for your reasons. I wish you the best of luck. We are all in this journey...the bigger the circle the strong we are! If anyone wants to add me...the more the merrier! makes the day better.
  • if you would like to add me you is alot easier to go through this with other people that share the same willpower. I am new on here and could use some friends!!
  • I'm back on my journey too. Add me if you like. I'm always looking for support.