Coffee before exercise?



  • I am pro coffee.
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    awesome thanks for all the replies. I am a person who will drink coffee all day long and sleep fine at night still. as for working out i always have my water with me and i think it has been helping me push through some things since i have just started exercising again it gives me that boost to proceed through a wave of lazy or sore muscles.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    I always have a coffee before I work out, seems to give me that extra "oumf"
  • Sixel
    Sixel Posts: 57 Member
    I read somewhere that caffeine before exercise would deplete glycogene levels more quickly. Not sure whether it is true or whether it is a good or a bad thing.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I have a cup of coffee about an hour or hour and a half before my long runs on Sunday mornings. It helps get things moving....... Then I can go run 10 miles without as much need of having to find a place to stop. I don't take any water. I hydrate before I run and have water waiting for me when I get home. I don't find that the coffee dehydrates me too badly.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Coffee makes me poop and since I warm up every day with font squats I don't think it would be a good idea for me.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Coffee makes me poop and since I warm up every day with font squats I don't think it would be a good idea for me.

    So you prefer to do your front squats while still needing to poop?

    You may want to rethink your drink
  • aliparry
    aliparry Posts: 14 Member
    Yep, always have coffee :)
  • eddamyts
    eddamyts Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome newbie! Me too! I've been at it for a week and have found MFP a very useful and informative tool.

    Based on everyone's responses it's clear that everyone is different and coffee either works or doesn't work. In addition to my morning coffee I also drink a glass of milk, just to get a little something into my system before I exercise, so I don't starve.

    Make today the best day yet!
  • Is this a good or bad thing? some people seem to think it gives you that extra push through exercise and i have also heard of people sayin it will burn you out and or make you feel dehydrated during exercise. I personally always have coffee before exercising, as of recent anyway because i exercise in the morning and love coffee.


    Same here. I enjoy exercising in the mornings, if I don't there is a good chance I might forget later or just too tired at the end of the day and I need my coffee to get going for the morning. I just make sure to have my water always handy during and after the work out.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Coffee is awesome. It is a performance enhancer, in my case from zero to movement; it is an analgesic, so the slight painkilling properties are good for those morning aches and pains; and it feels nice and warm going down.

    I can exercise before coffee, but I don't want to.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    "coffee before _______ is awesome!" I think anything fits in that blank except "sleep" in my book.
  • ABSOLUTELY. Especially since if i dont have coffee in the morning i can barely function.... coffee is good, its the sweeteners loaded with sugar and fat that can make coffee less than healthy