30DS plus long walks

Hey all,

Hoping someone can advise - last year I started walking 4 miles (nearly) every day to work and over the course of about 4 months, just by doing this (and no other exercise) plus watching what I ate helped me lose 12lbs. (I put 3 back on over Xmas, oops)

Just started the new year doing 30DS, which I'm really enjoying but it's tiring me out so much I can't bring myself to do the 4 miler in the morning AND face Jillian in the evening. BUT, here's the thing; I'm going to Mexico at the end of the month and want to really do my best so I have something resembling a body that will look half decent in a bikini.

Do I push myself to continue walking, and do 30DS? Do I alternate? Do I stick with 30DS and mix it up a bit more at the weekends when I have more time to rest? Suggestions are very welcome!

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Keep pushing yourself. As Jillian says, when it gets hard, that's your body changing and transforming. If you don't push yourself right out of your comfort zone then you aren't forcing your body to change. It is a good idea to exercise every day, however, I wouldn't advise doing both activities every day, take a day off from each here and there. For example this is how I do it:

    Day 1: Jillian Michaels' 6 Week Six-Pack
    Day 2: Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred
    Day 3: Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones
    Day 4: Rest

    And repeat.

    And then I also do the Couch To 5k running program 3 times a week, so I usually do that on the 'rest' days when I'm not doing any workout DVDs, as well as 2 other days in the week. I end up exercising every day but never pushing myself TOO hard. I wouldn't want to do the running as well as an exercise DVD every day.
  • Maybe try eat back the exercise calories? I find that when I'm really sluggish and not amped to work out it's because my energy levels are low. Have a snack before doing them and I think you'll feel better.

    Not sure if I'm correct in saying this - but it makes sense to me?
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    30 day shred gives really good results! I lost a lot! Of inches and toned right up! I'd stick with that for sure :) lots of cardio in that video too. Of course, if you want even better results, continuing your run would probably help. Maybe just cut in half?
  • peilover010202
    peilover010202 Posts: 32 Member
    In order to keep loosing, you need to keep challenging yourself. So, I would really try to do both of them 2x per week to start, then bump up to 3x/wk. Your endurance will build up and you'll be feeling better and better!

    I do the 30DS plus another type of exercise several times a week. The first week, it was challenging but my body has adapted.

    One thing I found helpful was to split it up. Walk in the morning, then the 30DS in the evening.

    You can do it!!
  • boramysalami
    boramysalami Posts: 1 Member
    I've currently completed a little over half of the 30DS. I follow the plan and do six days a week, with a one day break. In addition to that, I walk 3-3.5 miles about three times a week, either around the nearby lake or on the treadmill (I only missed a couple days last week during the holiday!). It's hard at first, especially if you're just starting, but it's only thirty days and you'll be done sooner than you think. You'll also gain a lot of endurance and it'll be easier to do both over time. I'd say, push yourself a little bit but only do what your body is comfortable with.

    Good luck!
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts!

    After day 4 of 30DS I stopped aching so much so had a rest day yesterday (just a quick half hour walk) and back to the 4 miler this morning and 30DS tonight. We'll see how that goes - I think as many of you have said, I'll keep Sunday as rest day and 30DS 6 days a week with walking maybe 4 days of the week.