need some buddies!!!



  • Hi add me on! I would like to have as much as support I can. I just joined and i have decided to loose weight this year. It has been a struggle. I am 38 and not getting any younger.... I have 4 girls and they need me healthy sometimes my girls want me running out there and it is just so hard because of my overweight. I know there is alot of people out there that struggles just like me but it could be less struggle if we help each other. Good luck to all.
  • bbsmom70
    bbsmom70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there! I just joined MFP today! My teen daughter told me about it. I just turned 43, mother of two teens. I have always devoted all my time to my children. Now that they are old enough to take care of themselves, it is time for me to take care of me. But I really need the support of friends to push me and keep me focused. I need to lose 50 lbs. My hardest thing is the exercising. I have the time to do it but always make excuses not to. Please add me if you would like to be my support buddy
  • good for you! Im on the water kick now. I hate it, but its necessary. Ive done it before so i know i can do it again!
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    I could use some support as well I am a mother of one I work and go to school. I gained 30lb when I got pregnant with my son and then another 20 after he was born leaving me with a frand total of 220lb and I have found it impossible to lose this weight. I have a bad habbit of starting a deit and work out routine for a few weeks then giving into the food cravings. I am very hard on my self and how I look and I can tell it is starting to get in the way of my relationship with my boyfriend. He tells me I am beautiful the way I am and even though I know he is just being nice I cant help but make smart comments like "ya right" and "How could you love me im gross". I guess self-esteem is something we all struggle with but I am determinded to make the changes so I can be happy with my self. I am planning on taking a cruse this summer with my family and I would like to be some what comfortable in a bathing suit. So all the help and support I can get on here would be much appreciated. Does any one have any diet tips for me food is my biggest weekness as it is for most I am sure. I also have the Insanity work out DVD that I plan on using to work out with I was wondering if just doing the DVD a few times a week rather then daily as directed by the program would be adequate work out routine? Thanks so much for anyone who responds.

    Just my 2 cents worth - Insanity is not for beginners. I tried it a few months ago (when I was pretty out of shape) and it was very difficult to even get through one day. I still have it and intend on giving it another shot, but when I can keep up with it and get the full effect. I've heard 30 Day Shred is good, there are a lot of posts in the forums about it. I even heard you can find it on YouTube!