Day 2 no SODA!!!

So, hello my name is April! I am a 27 year old mom. I am looking to get into shape and be healthier! It would be nice to get some support. I am taking baby steps. First thing is to stop my soda intake. I am highly addicted to Mountain Dew :P So this is my 2nd day no soda!!!


  • ssb16
    ssb16 Posts: 38 Member
    Great news. Chances are you were craving the sugar in the soda more than anything else. Well a good step you have taken...keep it going.
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    Hi... I'm 24 and have 3 kids. This is my first day without a soda all day... and my first day eating a salad.. lol I actually ate 2. I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper!!! lmao!! It's not the sugar.. it's the caffeine.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    I actually just stopped drinking soda because I have been getting awful heartburn as a result :(
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I haven't had soda in 4 months. I was addicted seriously to diet sodas--all kinds. Can't have it anymore because of a surgery. I drank caffeine free, so it wasn't the caffeine that I craved. It was the carbonation. Some days I miss it, but water has become my new best friend.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    Cool beans for you!

    Personally, I'm in no rush to change it but I would like to replace soda with more water. Currently -- I drink diet cream soda with no caffeine. I'm down to 3 cans a day by drinking 2 glasses of water for each can. Tomorrow it will be 3 glasses of water for each can. Soon it will be once a day then once every two days, then once a week and once a month etc. I agree with the heart burn post. I'm noticing it a lot more since I have been cutting back this way.
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Great job. I know how hard it is when you want a dew. That's my biggest problem. I've gone 3 days now. You can do this. Feel free to add me.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Congrats! I am 2 months now without a soda.

    I was addicted for decades, literally. I attribute corn syrup as my #1 reason for weight gain. Finally decided I don't need it anymore and removed it from my diet.

    I had quit a couple times in the past but I've never had this much success with it before. I think this might be permanent this time.

    Generally I don't have caffeine either, but I will have the occasional Starbucks (like 1-2 times a month). I can't speak for everyone but I think removing corn syrup and soda from your diet is probably the biggest most important dietary change you can make. So much obesity in the US is directly correlated to the huge abundance of corn syrup.
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    You can do it ! I quit drinking booze way before you were born, 1970, and got hooked on Pepsi, some days as many as 5-6. On Sept 29th I called my daughter for her birthday and told her I was giving it up, and I did. The problem was after about 3-4 days I started to have terrible leg cramps. I spoke to my doctor and he told me it would pass but was caused from the lack of caffeine in my diet. I drank hot tea for a few days , drinking less each day and it worked. I have not had a Pepsi since that day and am now down 31 lbs. You too can do it !!! Good luck.:love:
  • NanaK57
    NanaK57 Posts: 13 Member
    I have been on this journey for 1-month. I would drink 4-6 diet sodas a day, now that I am drinking all this water, I have only had 5 total in 1-month. I just don't even want them now!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I am addicted to fountain soda!! LOVE THE BURN!! Good luck to you!!! I am trying to kick it as well :)
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    Great job with the no soda everyone!

    I've been limiting myself and yesterday was the first time I had soda since the weekend. I know it's not that long to go without, but being a daily Diet Coke drinker, I'm trying to break the habit slowly.
  • YeOldeLancer
    Soda is a huge calorie waste. Once you really start keeping track of your calories, you'll find that you're going to cut things out that are huge calorie banks and starting eating things that are lower in calories just so you can eat more! Then you'll find that you're going to start burning calories so you can eat the things you love! It's a great cycle to get started. But it all depends on getting serious about calorie counting. Great job on day 2! Soon, it'll be month 2 and you'll reconsider drinking soda :)
  • Nyhart03
    Nyhart03 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm with you!

    I used to have soda all the time as well since I work in the gaming industry. They have a soda machine set up in the cafateria and it's always a chore to ignore it. But for months now I've been soda clean. Now when I am at gatherings and such, I'll break down and drink one or two, plus maybe a beer or two. It doesn't hurt if it's every once and a while.

    Take one day out of the week to have one soda or two to help you yourself get off it! That worked for me and I no longer crave soda :).
  • stevb15
    stevb15 Posts: 13 Member
    I gave up soda's too. I used to drink about 6 a day (Diet Dr. Pepper). I quit about 7 weeks ago and haven't had one since. You can do it.
  • bdubs1224
    bdubs1224 Posts: 12 Member
    Ugh I have a slight addiction to Mountain Dew and anything carbonated. I've been off them since Monday. Not gonna lie I miss it and the headaches that's replaced them, not a fan. I need to just kick it cold turkey otherwise it'll never happen. Right there with ya chickie poo.
  • fervc64
    fervc64 Posts: 53
    WTG! I'm addicted. I tried quitting cold turkey, but the caffeine headaches killed me.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Hi... I'm 24 and have 3 kids. This is my first day without a soda all day... and my first day eating a salad.. lol I actually ate 2. I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper!!! lmao!! It's not the sugar.. it's the caffeine.

    It's not just the caffeine. When I gave up soda a few years ago, I switched to unsweetened ice tea, which has caffeine. And the craving for a coke was still incredible (although I did not get the caffeine withdrawal headaches). It is a combination of everything in the soda that makes them so addictive. I still don't drink sodas, so hang in there. It is worth it. In fact, I made the switch from unsweetened ice tea to mostly water recently. That was not as hard.
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all! I drink a lot of sugar-free, caffeine-free soda, and I am trying to break the habit for the sake of my teeth.
    I stopped during my 3 pregnancies, so I know I can do it!
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Awesome! I used to drink diet coke and coffee like they were paying me to do so... Funny how within a week of grabbing a water bottle instead of a cup of coffee I had no cravings for either.. I have a soda maybe once a week now and one cup of decaf every day :) Feel free to add me!
  • lynyskiny
    lynyskiny Posts: 14 Member
    Be sure to drinks lots of water - will help you feel fuller longer and help with your sugar cravings! Good luck!:smile: