There's no clever way to say this.

I need to lose this weight (over 150# total) to save my life.

I edited that sentence half a dozen times to try to find a funny way to say it, but that's the bare truth.

There are reasons that I *want* to lose the weight - I miss wearing fun clothes without seven layers of foundation garments, I want to have a baby in the next couple of years and I know the weight is affecting my ability to do that, I want to be able to walk up the stairs or walk a few blocks with my friends without that burning feeling in my chest and legs.

But the bottom line is, if I don't lose this weight, it will eventually be the death of me.

I've ****ed around with weight loss programs for the last five years and I've wasted time and money by not taking it seriously.

But I'm going to be 30 in 2014, my five year wedding anniversary is coming up this year, and I'm tired of looking and feeling this way. I want to take it seriously this time.

This is my second time back with MFP - and I've tried half a dozen other programs, including WW. I've started a brand new fresh profile so that my past habits don't hold me back.

I'd love to find some friends to help me along the way! I know this post is a bit of a drag, but I'm a great cheerleader and generally very positive about working to get rid of this weight. So, if you need some support, or you want to give some support, feel free to add me!


  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I'd love to be friends... I've been where you are now. You can do it!! I sent you a request with a rather long message... lol :)
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Good Luck girl. We all have our demons, but this is a good place to get them out in the open and move past them. :smile:
  • This my second day on MFP. I need to lose 100 lbs. I tried WW 3 or 4 times. In one of those attempts, I managed to lose 75 lbs but that was mainly through starvation, not really following the program. Guess what, I gained most of it back. MFP appeals to me because the food tracking is so easy. NO foods are off limits but you can see instantly what you put in your mouth and what it does to your daily totals, hips, thighs, stomach and butt! I've got 20+ years and 3 kids on you but I think we can help each other tremendously. I'll being adding a pic soon.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Please add me :) I will definitely be there to cheer you on and to be someone to complain to or even someone you can ask questions. I have many years of experience gaining and losing and maybe I can be a support for you.

    You already took a first good step in being enthusiastic about this goal! The next step is finding what works for you now and building on it.
  • bdubs1224
    bdubs1224 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me! Seriously I am looking for friends that are wanting to walk this journey together. I'm doing this for my health like you!
  • Need help for the weekend! I stick to my guns during the week but historically, weekends are my weakness. At work , I have no tempting foods, only healthy snacks. Not so true at home. This first weekend is going to be a HUGE test for me. Any ideas to keep me on the right path?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a very supportive and interactive friend. Good luck on your weight loss. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it.
  • I am right there with you except that I a just a 1-2 or 6 years older. I would love for us to support each other.
  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me for support! Wishing you the best of luck on your journey and I'll be here for you!
  • sjr4291
    sjr4291 Posts: 47 Member
    I would be more than happy to help you along the way! :) You can do it! :)
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    I will help cheer you on too! Add me if you like.
  • 1MariaChristina
    1MariaChristina Posts: 93 Member
    It's all a mind set, get positive and get determined! You can do this, you seem like you have got the right attitude about the beginning of your journey. You can do this, it will be hard and trying and frustrating but it will also be liberating, exciting and worth every ounce of sweat!
  • Luvinfunkyworm
    Luvinfunkyworm Posts: 9 Member
    I'm right with you! I need to lose 100+ total in order to be healthy again as well. I've tried several other weight loss company's as well including WW which did work for me for a little while, but then i hit a wall, fell of the wagon and gained everything back. Now i am on MFP for the 2nd time. Good luck to you, and I'll be sending you a request as well :) Look forward to watching your success!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

    You've come to the right place. I wish you all the best.
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    Need help for the weekend! I stick to my guns during the week but historically, weekends are my weakness. At work , I have no tempting foods, only healthy snacks. Not so true at home. This first weekend is going to be a HUGE test for me. Any ideas to keep me on the right path?

    I don't know if this will be easy but follow your example at work for the weekend. No tempting foods and ONLY HEALTHY SNACKS! Get rid of everything, that is not healthy so that you will not be tempted. Good Luck. If you can't throw it out, take it to a food bank. Share with your church or neighbors. Someone will be greatful and your body will thank you.
  • shirin8
    shirin8 Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome back and congratulations on starting the journey again. Feel free to add me, if you'd like. I love to motivate and always appreciate friends who do the same.
  • I'd love to help support you!

    I just read your OP and thought, did I write this? This is where I am. I'm the same age (30 in Oct 2014), I've just passed my 2nd anniversary with my boyfriend, I want a baby in the next few years, and all of my friends (and boyfriend!) are EMTs...they walk fast, they eat fast, they move fast, I want to keep up! I need to lose this weight in order to achieve my goals. I need to lose this weight to live! I've only tried MFP this time, but countless others in the past few years, and gave up after a little time.

    We can do this! Feel free to add me to your positive support arsenal!
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    As for the weekend. remember this is a lifesyle change, you can eat things you wish to have but remember proportions, remember if you splurge it means you need to move. Take a walk to have that extra treat. Soon it will be a habit and things will come easier. First thing you need to do is NOT look at it like a diet. Its not a diet! This is real life and you want/need changes! Good luck, feel free to add me as friend!!!

    The best thing to do is find substitutions for things you like, example
    ice cream = frozen yogurt
    chips = veges straws
    sweets = fruit or sugar free jello/pudding
    string chees = 2% string cheese
    Lots of more ideas.

    The best thing you can do is use what you have learned through WW, etc.. other programs and use it to your advantage. Make all the programs work together, thats how you get true success!
  • suziek88
    suziek88 Posts: 10 Member
    I spent some time cleaning out the junk from my house, and enjoying doing that. My kids didn't appreciate that there was no more ice cream, but it sure felt good to me!
    And there is the saying, "Change a thought - move a muscle." So basically every time you want to head to the kitchen, go for a short walk or do some stretches, anything to move your body. It will help you change your thought patterns by giving you enough time to consider what you are about to do.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way in March 2012. I was sitting in my doctors office feeling worse than I ever have in my life and at that moment I decided to change my lifestyle or I knew I was going to an early grave. I started eating better and losing weight. It wasn't until I found MFP in May that the weight really started coming off. If I can do it, anyone can. Just make yourself a priority!

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou: