18 lbs in two weeks

MikeEstrada Posts: 39
edited September 20 in Success Stories
I have lost 18lbs in two weeks on the P90x program. Thank you to myfitnesspal. This is such a great tool. My goal is to lose 60lbs in 3 months. :tongue:


  • Great job....what actually is that program?
  • ktaylo59
    ktaylo59 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow amazing! Are you following the meal plan that P90x suggests or doing your own thing?
  • Love P90X! That's how I Lost my first 50lbs :)
    Keep up the great work!
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    unfortunately I tried it too but caved. But this was a few months ago and since then I have lost some weight. I cant seem to do any push ups or the pull up bar. I figured i lose some more weight esp. on top and maybe I can get myself to actually complete some of it. I hear so many good things about it and yet thought it was way out of my fitness level.

    Right now I am doing 60 minutes on the treadmill with a 10% incline. And also I am doing 45 minutes of Slim in 6. I thought about P90 which I heard is an easier version of PX90 for those of use who are whimps! Kidding.

    Good work, keep it up. Maybe I will someday get to post that I lost some weight doing PX90
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Okay, I try to be the "nice" person but I have to say this. 18 lbs in 2 weeks doesn't sound safe and neither does 60 in 3 months. Honestly, I'm kicking my *kitten* at the gym and usually only lose 1 lb. per week - granted, if I did more strenuous exercises, I know I could lose faster but don't really care to. I just want you to evaluate whether this is really safe and if that's a realistic goal... when you don't lose 60 lbs. in the next 3 months, what happens then? The MOST you should lose is 2 lbs. per week, which anyone who's lost a significant amount of weight on MFP will tell you... I know people much heavier than myself will lose faster than I do and this is fine, but 60 lbs. sounds ridiculous and completely unsafe and unhealthy.
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I would also like to know if you are using their meal plan, or doing your own thing as far as eating?
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Okay, I try to be the "nice" person but I have to say this. 18 lbs in 2 weeks doesn't sound safe and neither does 60 in 3 months. Honestly, I'm kicking my *kitten* at the gym and usually only lose 1 lb. per week - granted, if I did more strenuous exercises, I know I could lose faster but don't really care to. I just want you to evaluate whether this is really safe and if that's a realistic goal... when you don't lose 60 lbs. in the next 3 months, what happens then? The MOST you should lose is 2 lbs. per week, which anyone who's lost a significant amount of weight on MFP will tell you... I know people much heavier than myself will lose faster than I do and this is fine, but 60 lbs. sounds ridiculous and completely unsafe and unhealthy.

    I agree with you 100%. On the other hand P90x ROCKS! I love it! Doing it right now but not losing that fast :smile:
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    Okay, I try to be the "nice" person but I have to say this. 18 lbs in 2 weeks doesn't sound safe and neither does 60 in 3 months. Honestly, I'm kicking my *kitten* at the gym and usually only lose 1 lb. per week - granted, if I did more strenuous exercises, I know I could lose faster but don't really care to. I just want you to evaluate whether this is really safe and if that's a realistic goal... when you don't lose 60 lbs. in the next 3 months, what happens then? The MOST you should lose is 2 lbs. per week, which anyone who's lost a significant amount of weight on MFP will tell you... I know people much heavier than myself will lose faster than I do and this is fine, but 60 lbs. sounds ridiculous and completely unsafe and unhealthy.

    I agree with you 100%. On the other hand P90x ROCKS! I love it! Doing it right now but not losing that fast :smile:

    I also agree. Are you barely eating anything as well or just eating salads? If you're barely eating anything, you may lose weight, but as soon as you start eating healthy again and stop using that program, you will gain it all back if not more... You should set up realistic goals like maybe 8 or 10 lbs a month? Like Arielle said, you shouldn't be losing more than 1-2 pounds a week as it can be very unhealthy.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Okay, I try to be the "nice" person but I have to say this. 18 lbs in 2 weeks doesn't sound safe and neither does 60 in 3 months. Honestly, I'm kicking my *kitten* at the gym and usually only lose 1 lb. per week - granted, if I did more strenuous exercises, I know I could lose faster but don't really care to. I just want you to evaluate whether this is really safe and if that's a realistic goal... when you don't lose 60 lbs. in the next 3 months, what happens then? The MOST you should lose is 2 lbs. per week, which anyone who's lost a significant amount of weight on MFP will tell you... I know people much heavier than myself will lose faster than I do and this is fine, but 60 lbs. sounds ridiculous and completely unsafe and unhealthy.

    I agree with you 100%. On the other hand P90x ROCKS! I love it! Doing it right now but not losing that fast :smile:

    I also agree. Are you barely eating anything as well or just eating salads? If you're barely eating anything, you may lose weight, but as soon as you start eating healthy again and stop using that program, you will gain it all back if not more... You should set up realistic goals like maybe 8 or 10 lbs a month? Like Arielle said, you shouldn't be losing more than 1-2 pounds a week as it can be very unhealthy.

    Before you start ripping into this guy too much, there are some questions you need to know the answer to:
    1) How much TOTAL weight does he have to lose? The more overweight you are, the quicker the first pounds can fall off (for some, not all)
    2) Is he under a physician's care? If he is, and his doctor has ok'd this then no problem.
    3) What is his net intake for the day? How many calories is he eating? How many is he burning?

    If you know the answers to all 3 of those questions, then you are more prepared to pass judgement on what he's doing. My BIL lost his first 30 lbs in 30 days. Crazy right? Wrong. He was under careful doctor supervision. He was eating the calories recommended by said doctor, and overall he had almost 200lbs to lose. There ARE instances where quick weightloss like this IS possible, and fairly healthy. Is that rate of loss sustainable? No. Is it recommended for someone with only 60lbs to lose? Not usually (again, the doctor thing).

    MikeEstrada- Congrats on the loss! Remember that this is a life style change, and the quick loss you see at the beginning may not be sustainable for the full three months. Stick to your program, check in with your doctor, and stay healthy!

    Way to go!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    If this person has 200lbs to lose and can still do P90x koodos to them. I have 60lbs to lose and it is difficult for me. I am not judging this person only voicing concern for their health

    And by looking at their profile I see they have lost 18 out of 55lbs
  • Program is called P90x. Go to youtube and lookit up.
  • Thanx. My wife has started with me and she is doing great.
  • I am using myfitnesspal to keep track of my food. But I am doing my own thing including lean cuisine meals and smart ones. I average 1100 calories a day.But it is alot of food if you eat the right kinds. I do work very hard at the program 7 days a week.
  • I too cannot do to many pull ups or push ups. But I go untill I cant go anymore.I also use the bands if I cant go anymore. Yes I am sore everyday, but it feels good. Try it again and don't get frustraited you will get better.
  • Thanks for your opinion. I am working really hard to get fit. My calorie intake is under 1500 per day. I eat about 7 meals a day. I am just eating the right foods now and sometimes its hard to eat it all. My workouts are 1- 1 and a half hours a day, seven days a week. Also I ama truck driver so I am burning calories all day working. The biggest thing is no more fast food, no more soda and no more beer. Most of my meals are veggies and fruit with fish or broiled chicken. And yes I did ask my doctor for advise. I started at 240lbs now i'm 222 today. And to answer your other question. If for some reason i don't make it. I will just try harder untill I reach my goal. I will post pics in about 60 days. Thanks for any support.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    I am using myfitnesspal to keep track of my food. But I am doing my own thing including lean cuisine meals and smart ones. I average 1100 calories a day.But it is alot of food if you eat the right kinds. I do work very hard at the program 7 days a week.

    You'll find sooner or later that 1100 is not enough. p90x recommends more, as does MFP. Not judging, just saying at some point 1100 will cause you to lose muscle mass as well.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Okay, I try to be the "nice" person but I have to say this. 18 lbs in 2 weeks doesn't sound safe and neither does 60 in 3 months. Honestly, I'm kicking my *kitten* at the gym and usually only lose 1 lb. per week - granted, if I did more strenuous exercises, I know I could lose faster but don't really care to. I just want you to evaluate whether this is really safe and if that's a realistic goal... when you don't lose 60 lbs. in the next 3 months, what happens then? The MOST you should lose is 2 lbs. per week, which anyone who's lost a significant amount of weight on MFP will tell you... I know people much heavier than myself will lose faster than I do and this is fine, but 60 lbs. sounds ridiculous and completely unsafe and unhealthy.

    I agree with you 100%. On the other hand P90x ROCKS! I love it! Doing it right now but not losing that fast :smile:

    I also agree. Are you barely eating anything as well or just eating salads? If you're barely eating anything, you may lose weight, but as soon as you start eating healthy again and stop using that program, you will gain it all back if not more... You should set up realistic goals like maybe 8 or 10 lbs a month? Like Arielle said, you shouldn't be losing more than 1-2 pounds a week as it can be very unhealthy.

    Before you start ripping into this guy too much, there are some questions you need to know the answer to:
    1) How much TOTAL weight does he have to lose? The more overweight you are, the quicker the first pounds can fall off (for some, not all)
    2) Is he under a physician's care? If he is, and his doctor has ok'd this then no problem.
    3) What is his net intake for the day? How many calories is he eating? How many is he burning?

    If you know the answers to all 3 of those questions, then you are more prepared to pass judgement on what he's doing. My BIL lost his first 30 lbs in 30 days. Crazy right? Wrong. He was under careful doctor supervision. He was eating the calories recommended by said doctor, and overall he had almost 200lbs to lose. There ARE instances where quick weightloss like this IS possible, and fairly healthy. Is that rate of loss sustainable? No. Is it recommended for someone with only 60lbs to lose? Not usually (again, the doctor thing).

    MikeEstrada- Congrats on the loss! Remember that this is a life style change, and the quick loss you see at the beginning may not be sustainable for the full three months. Stick to your program, check in with your doctor, and stay healthy!

    Way to go!

    Thank goodness you said it!!
  • THanks for the info. Any suggestion are appeciated. I will probably start eating more in the future. But as for now I will go untill I cant go anymore.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I am using myfitnesspal to keep track of my food. But I am doing my own thing including lean cuisine meals and smart ones. I average 1100 calories a day.But it is alot of food if you eat the right kinds. I do work very hard at the program 7 days a week.

    You'll find sooner or later that 1100 is not enough. p90x recommends more, as does MFP. Not judging, just saying at some point 1100 will cause you to lose muscle mass as well.

    I agree with you, that's a danerously low number for anyone, let alone a man whose 200+lbs, cripes, i'm 5'3 and 110 and I eat 1650++ right now, and losing...and it's all healthy food, you'd be surprised how many healthy foods have lots of calories as well. :wink: :tongue: it's stupid easy for me to attain 1650
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    I am using myfitnesspal to keep track of my food. But I am doing my own thing including lean cuisine meals and smart ones. I average 1100 calories a day.But it is alot of food if you eat the right kinds. I do work very hard at the program 7 days a week.

    You'll find sooner or later that 1100 is not enough. p90x recommends more, as does MFP. Not judging, just saying at some point 1100 will cause you to lose muscle mass as well.
    I have to agree. MFP recommends at least 1200/day and with all that hard work you are doing you need more calories. If you keep eating so little it could have some negative effects on your health. I'm not saying you should eat all of those exercise calories back but try maybe eating a little more or choosing high calorie foods that are also healthful like nuts or olive oil, which have heart healthy fats that can be used as fuel for your vigorous routine. Hope this helps. Good luck on your goals and congrats on your success so far.
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