Looking for PCOS friends

Hi everyone! I would love to have some friends that have been successful in losing weight while having PCOS and those who are trying to lose weight with PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago but really didn't realize or see the effects until the past few months. Now, I am trying to educate myself and reteach myself on how to eat and I REALLY need motivation to exercise!

I am interested in learning to run, I have a gym membership (but certainly haven't used that too much) and when I do go, I enjoy weight lifting classes, zumba, and kick boxing. I guess my motivation, right now, lies in the fear of becoming diabetic! (DR. doesn't feel that it is an issue right now but I feel like I keep going down this track, I will be!)

So, all friends welcomed and needed!!


  • Well I was just told I have PCOS about a week ago. Was actually confirmed via ultrasound we could see the "String of pearls" on my left ovary and I believe on my right side too. We are trying for #2 I am told that even losing 10% of your current weight could help. So we shall see! The only treatment I have going on besides weight loss is I was put on metformin to treat things like the extra body hair, and to help with the weight loss. I also had my gallbladder removed so I now have issues with my pancreas so this is actually helping with the stress my pancreas is dealing with. ( the joy of having kids) LOL
    We are going to be starting clomid again soon too.

    Are you trying for your first?
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    Hey ladies! I have PCOS too... I was wondering if there was a group on here for ppl with same condition... I am in between a fat cyster and a thin cyster... I get a lot of support form soulcysters.net and there are a lot of ppl from there on here.

    I am dreading my frist weigh in because I know how hard it is for me to lose weight, each and every lb is a huge improvement for me becasue of the PCOS....

    ALthough of course you guys will understand that :-D
  • Manaamana
    Manaamana Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There,
    I've had PCOS for a while, I've tried Metformin, but it just made me more hungry. I think I just wasn't ready to deal with it. Yes, Loosing 10% of your body weight can help.

    Also, if you can't hit the gym, get some movement in. It is a struggle everyday, but it can be overcome. I'm on a slowly but surely track. I bought a zumba workout video and try to go to a zumba class once a week. I'm also trying to do my workouts in the morning so I don't have to worry about missing the gym.

    For meals, try not to have too many foods with sugars/carbs. PCOS means your body is insulin resistance. It doesn't mean you're a diabetic, but means we just can't process sugars correctly. I've switched my carbs to whole grains and am trying to reduce any additional sugars. I don't want to say do Adkins...I think cutting out all the bad carbs is the best way to go.

    Not sure if this helps....but I've heard success stories about how the weight loss helped reverse PCOS. I'm hoping to achieve the same...just want to loose the weight in general.

    Finding motivation is hard...but everyday I've started telling myself how cute I look and how much healthier I'll be.
  • No, I have 3 children and had the ablision (not sure if correct way to spell it) surgery in March 2012. I tried Metformin for a while and so no change. However, I think I am going to try it again along with a low GI/low carb change.

    I was told when I was pregnant with my first child that there I had fibroid cysts but "they weren't anything to worry about." After the birth of my last child, who is now 4, I really saw a huge difference! My periods were HORRIBLE! Moody was a NICE way to describe me. And I could not lose any baby weight (after my first two children, the weight fell off!). But, I never went to the GYN until the last year to talk about my periods and that was when I was told about PCOS.

    Let's be friends...encourage each other during this journey!!
  • Most times I've been to the hospital and Endocrinologist they've given me papers and pamphlets on PCOS and haven't given me an ultrasound, but I have every symptom. I don't know why they haven't made sure I have it, maybe my insurance, eh, don't know... I'm really trying to combat the Hirsutism!
  • @VanillaMilkky - have you seen a GYN about it? I had never heard of it until I went to him for an exam after I hadn't been in several years. When he started asking me questions, and answering yes to almost everything, he ordered an ultrasound. Find a good GYN and take that route. Just an idea ;)
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    this is up on my profile
    IF YOU HAVE PCOS PLS CHECK THESE LINKS OUT: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3070-p-c-o-sis

    bbc how to be slim part 1 out of 6 parts: (very cool info to know!!!)

    I myself have PCOS and it sucks. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I have only lost a small amount of weight so far but I am in this for the long haul. Feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    I have PCOS. Took Metformin for 6 months then decided to get off the medications(too rough on my tummy) and decided to try to lose the weight with just diet and exercise. My diet is a lot better than it was a little over a year ago but it is still not perfect. I plan on stepping it up some in 2013. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi! I am 18 years old and I just found out I have PCOS. I want to get healthy now and loose weight to help myself out a little :) Its so awesome to know there are other women out there struggling with the same thing. I have tried weight watchers but I didnt understand the points. I just started my fitness pal today. I am a little confused on how the calories work and exercise and how it all corresponds together. So if anyone wants to explain it to me that would be great! :)
  • Hello, I am also looking for PCOS friends as I was just diagnosed two months ago. I started Metformin soon after I was diagnosed; my body has finally started to accept the medication. I have started to feel alot better with the medication, but still have those days/moments where fatigue tries to control me. I am on a journey to lose the extra pounds i need to shed and would appreciate any support :)
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    We are not all alone! I'm 29...finally diagnosed with PCOS last year....I totally had that "ah haaah" moment!

    I lost about 40 lbs when I first found out because I started eating low glycemic. I saw a really good webcast on this site called www.pcosdiva.com it talked about why people with pcos crave sugar and carbs more than a normal person...I LOVED IT! So informative and really makes you understand yourself...why you physically crave things.

    Add me as a friend for support!! I started a very low carb, no sugar routine today and am excited to see my craving changes!
  • Katy_G2013
    Katy_G2013 Posts: 70 Member
    I've been diagnosed with PCOS for approximately 10 years. I am also insulin resistant. I've been fighting this weight loss battle for longer than that. I am dedicated to losing all of the weight - once and for all. Please feel free to add me, I can use all the support you've got and will glady give mine in return. If you (or any other newly diagnosed person) have questions about PCOS, I am sure I can answer them for you.
  • HI everyone, I just got diagnosed with PCOS two weeks ago, and I was very upset now I know there's something I can do to curb the weight gain, feel free to add me!
  • HI everyone, I just got diagnosed with PCOS two weeks ago, and I was very upset now I know there's something I can do to curb the weight gain, feel free to add me!

    I just friended you. I really had no idea what this diagnosis meant until about a month ago! My doctor really didn't explain a lot other than I would be placed on metformin. Which I only took for about a month and then stopped - had no clue what/why the results could be. I started back on metformin in December and I am still fighting gross tummy feeling I get on it but after reading A LOT about PCOS - want to give it a good try. WELCOME!
  • Hi, I am 29 and was diagnosed w/ PCOS about 4 years ago. I have been on metformin ever since. I lost about 35 lbs. with a low carb diet before but gained it back (plus about 10 more) due to stress, job loss, etc. I desperately want to get healthy for myself right now. I don't want to go to my 30th birthday party in April wearing a hoodie and jeans! I would love to be able to communicate with others who are also dealing with this issue!
  • Cowgirl_Jody
    Cowgirl_Jody Posts: 25 Member
    I too have PCOS have had it over 15 years. Its been a very hard battle to lose weight and learning about PCOS
  • Andriss
    Andriss Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom) in 2004 and have ben battling with weight all my adult life. This year I'm fighting back and taking control of my symptoms and weight. I too have found it challenging to find resources and info about PCOS in Canada. I have seem many USA & UK resources to learn about this syndrome which has been helpful to understand why it is so difficult to lose weigt with PCOS. I'm looking for PCOS friends too! add me and we can help and support each other. Together we ca make a successful 2013!
  • Manaamana
    Manaamana Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Ladies, I had a qq: I went to the Dermatologist today and he wanted me to take Spirilatonin(sp? or I could've heard wrong) It's an Androgen Blocker. This is supposed to help with hair loss and facial hair that you get with PCOS. Has anyone taken this or is currently taking this? I know if you plan to have kids it has side effects on the kid, but then you should probably not take it 2 months prior to trying to conceiving.
    I'm debating if I should take this. Any feedback or experiences would help.
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I have PCOS too. Was diagnosed in 2005. Please add me and hold me accountable for losing weight. I can't do this alone. I am wanting to get pregnant with #1. I have had 2 miscarriages.
  • Hello! I too have PCOS..It's a struggle and a half for me to lose weight with this condition..I was diagnosed in 2009. I keep trying to diet, but I get so frustrated with seeing little to no results, it's really easy for me to just "fall off the band wagon". Not having much encouragement or confidence aids in pushing me off said wagon too =\ lol. When I was first diagnosed I weighed about 185, since then i've ballooned out to about 325 =| I have no idea what went wrong. I just know I want to get back to the 185 I was happy at.