Insanity workout

Hi everyone! Started the insanity fitness programme on Wednesday and I am feeling very sore and un-motivated at the minute! Looking to add a few friends to keep me motivated and share some tips and tricks.

I have been on MFP a while and not a stranger to exercise. I have lost some weight but looking to tone up and push my fitness up as my goal is to take part in a coast to coast bicycle ride with my friends later this year!

Also does anyone have any good protein/porridge oat pancake recipes that they can share? I'm quite into them at the minute!

Thanks all :-)


  • blossom7onice
    blossom7onice Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I'm doing insanity also. I am a little over one week from being done. It's one of the hardest programs i have done, but the results have been pretty good. If you're feeling really sore you may want to look into getting a recovery drink. I started using one called Mike's Mix when I was doing P90x and it's been really helpful in lessening the soreness the day after. You can look it up and buy online if you think it might be of interest to you. There's a bunch of testimonials from customers who are doing P90x and Insanity. Good Luck :)
  • mccanntj
    Never heard of Insanity workout... but, I'm willing to try anything to stay fit. I need to look this up.
  • SarahSmiles2004
    SarahSmiles2004 Posts: 66 Member
    I completed Insanity in October and continued to incorporate it. It's a workout you really need to do more stretching than what Shaun does before and after. In the last month I had a really hard time getting motivated to do the workouts. But stick with it and keep going. Just really really really watch your form. If that means going easier than the people on tv then do it, don't do like I did and push so hard your knee starts hurting.

    Just be smart, push forward and stretch stretch stretch!!!
  • jessross724
    Maryanne- I started on Wednesday as well and excited to finally get back in shape! It'd be cool to all motivate each other and hold each other accountable cause motivation is definitely my biggest struggle.

    Mccanntj- It's really intense, I've tried and quit 2 times before just because it takes such a toll on your body, but the results are suppose to be fabulous.

    Off to do my cardio power and resistance, hoping its a little different than pylo because that kicked my butt!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi Maryam, I am also doing insanity at the moment so thought I would drop a line. Am feeling sore also but still enjoying it. Can't really help with the recipe you requested though would am interested in the answers.

    Hi blossom, how much weight have you lost so far or are you only working on toning?
    Hi Ladies,

    I teach a women's cardio/kickboxing class that is similar to the insanity program. I think it is a pretty good program that will work if you stick to it.

    Hmm "good protein/porridge oat pancake recipes" did you check out I use that site for basically everything. They give you the calories & info there too.

    Good luck & feel free to friend me.
  • whittlelauraann
    I am on day 6 today... I am so out of shape I feel for this video despite having done a lot of the 30 DS before... but anyhow I am doing as much as I can and resting when needed. I can't believe the first week is pretty much done! It was hard but I feel good after the workout and it burns a lot of calories according to my HRM.
  • tekley81
    tekley81 Posts: 5 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. I just started doing an Insanity/Asylum volume 1 hybrid. I would love to help keep you as well as myself motivated. Insanity is super fun and it really does shape you....and quickly. You can also get a beachbody account for free (there is a paid club membership too, but there is tons of info on the free side). I happen to be an independent beachbody coach too. I am super happy with Insanity, but needed something to mix it up. That's why I am doing a hybrid schedule to ramp it up a bit.
    If anyone else wants to add me as a friend, go for it! There is strength in numbers.... It's nice to have the extra motivation and people behind you.
  • Shespretty
    Shespretty Posts: 7 Member
    I started Insanity on Monday. It's tough but I love it. I've had to stop the video a couple of times but I keep going. I want the results. I'm sore every single day. I look forward to seeing my results at day 60. I feel incredible!
  • maryam1987
    maryam1987 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all of your responses! I've heard a glass of chocolate milkshake is a good way of recovering tired muscles? I've been drinking one after every workout! Letting my 'meal 5' go down then getting on it! Hopefully i won't die!!! ;-)