New & Looking for Pals

I'm new to the site & looking for pals to help encourage me. I'm absolutely willing to provide encouragement in exchange. :) I am an emotional anyone who has that awesome super power as well, would be especially helpful. Thanks!


  • SeaAngel2013
    I am new too, so if you want we can be buddies. Just joined in today. Just let me know.
  • Off_The_Record
    looking for new friends too xox
  • emmylouwho__
    emmylouwho__ Posts: 13 Member
    Add me :)
  • amymina
    amymina Posts: 64 Member
    Not new to MFP, but always looking for friends!
  • kniga025
    kniga025 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm pretty new here myself. I completely understand emotional eating. Doesn't even matter the emotion. If I'm feeling it, there's a food for it.
  • JamesChargerWolf
    JamesChargerWolf Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in too! I started a few days ago. Mom of 2 very energetic littles.

    For emotional eating, etc.:
    I typed up some notes to answer my "But I wanna eat!!" moments. I am going to post them on my fridge, pantry, etc.But maybe they can help you too:

    “I’m hungry!”
    Are you hungry or bored or sad? Take action: Drink a full glass of water, wait 20 minutes. What do you really need?

    “I feel like crap, I need comfort food.”
    At this moment you feel like crap. And that has nothing to do with food. Take action: PRAY. Drink water, eat a protein and a fruit. A granola bar. Just think: You WILL regret a decision to eat poorly. You WILL rejoice in your triumph of eating well.

    “I’m sick, I need the calories.”
    You need QUALITY calories. Healthy fats. Take action: Make yourself a bowl of tea. Eat a granola bar and some yogurt.
    Plan for Success: On sick days, roast garbanzo beans so you can graze healthfully.

    SLOW DOWN. Eat a banana/apple while you make a healthy meal. Plan for Success: Don’t put yourself last! Who actually gives a damn if the house is clean? No one. You ARE a priority. Take time to plan meals and eat snacks. Don’t skip breakfast.

    “I need dessert.”
    Drink some herbal tea. Slowly. You have a goal. Don’t let a one-time craving derail you. Plan for success: If you still have calories left, have an apple or 2 pieces of dark chocolate. Occassional indulgences can wait until you are closer to goal.

    I already have my settings on "let friends see your diary." If I know you guys can see it, I'm more likely to stay on track! When I figure out how to add friends, I'll send it.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I recently joined, too. Feel free to add me.
  • klenroberts
    klenroberts Posts: 9 Member
    I like encouraging people. Feel free to add me. :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm an old vet but finally getting my booty in gear so that I can make this happen! :grumble: Feel free to add me! :bigsmile:
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    I am also fairly new, I am not an emotional eater but a BORED eater! If I am bored, I immediately go to the fridge. Clearly, I need some new friends since food has not been a good friend to me :( Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    you are very welcome to add me too, best of luck to you all x
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    You can add me, I have only just started this journey.
  • LoganAndHaydensGramMa
    Yep; I'm an emotional cook, eater, & feeder.... and I'm "friendless". If ya wanna "add me" I'll try not to drown us "all" in gravy! :devil: First thing about losing weight is deciding to do it and determination to change for the better. THIS is gonna be a good year!!