17 day diet anyone?

AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
I have decided to try out the 17 day diet, but I am waiting to January to buy the book (already spent all my money -it is Christmas!), since my body always platue for ages whenever I lose just 500g/ 1lb.

So I was wondering if anybody on here has tried it and have a succes story to share (or fail story??!)


  • rfornelli
    rfornelli Posts: 9 Member
    That book (along with this site) has helped me lose 96 pounds (though I am fluctuating now, mostly due to the Christmas peanut butter fudge in the fridge). I follow it strictly (except at the holidays) and work out every day. My husband lost 25 pounds in the beginning and has been maintaining for about a year. My parents both lost about 25 pounds as well. If you are willing to make it a lifestyle, I promise it will work.
  • FitStephieMomma
    FitStephieMomma Posts: 11 Member
    I started that diet March 23, 2011 and lost 18 lbs the first 17 days with no exercise. Within 4 months I lost a total of 50 lbs. I went from a size 20/22 to a size 16. I have kept most of it off since then but have gained 10 lbs back. That's nothing though! My mom lost 20, my sister lost 25, my dad lost 30. I got co-workers on it too and they lost 20-30. It was not difficult. I don't like yogurt or tea so I just drank coffee and crystal lite. Once you have done it awhile, you just learn what you can and cannot eat without blowing up. If you google "17 day diet recipes cycle 1" there is a message board on The Doctors website that people have posted a ton of ideas to spruce up your meals. I didn't discover it until cycle two but boy was it helpful. I got to the point where I didn't even want to eat. I only ate because I had to. I highly recommend it. You just have to keep food with you at work or on long shopping trips : )
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Not sure about how it actually works but just make sure you keep doing it after 17 days if it's only intended to be done for that duration. :-D Had to add it before anyone starts QQing about it only being a short-term diet fix. Ya know without considering the fact that the 17 days thing could just be part of the title and that there is much more to it than that.
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I've tried it (and going to be doing it again next week) but do not recommend it for long term weight loss as it does not teach you healthy long term eating habits. It's great to kick start weight loss to get you the quick results you need to see on the scale in order to get you motivated. I do stage 1 and stage 2 (usually lose about 15-20 lbs in first two stages) then basically go back to eating as healthy as possible/watching calories and making healthy choices (without feeling deprived) and counting calories after stage 2 (which is basically what stage 3 is except without limitations).
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    Hi all! I've done this diet before and had success. I'm starting it again today with a friend to get myself back on track. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Just started mine today :smile: I'm excited. Feel free to friend me too.
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    I have read about this diet online but do not have the book. Do most of you follow the book and recipes or just eat the basic foods that are allowed? I will need to buy a book if needed. I have lost 11 pounds since Thanksgiving but am not losing. The 17 day diet sounds perfect to jump start more pounds off.
  • christyallgood
    christyallgood Posts: 79 Member
    yep. when I started nearly 2 yrs ago, this is what I did first. Not diffucult. I lost all the pounds I wanted in the first 17 days and did not continue the next stages. I just kept following with eating healthy and then started exercise 5-6 days a week. My husband asked me last night to help him lose weight (finally) and this is what I might try to base his diet on.
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    I have the book and I've been thinking about trying it in the new year. Feel free to add me.
  • i started the diet on january 1st, i have the book, but wandering, i need to lose 100lbs, has anyone lost this type of weight on this diet....and if so, do you just keep repeating all the phases over and over again? by the way, i was 336 on day one and weighed 330 this morning, and i feel really good, the tea, the better eating, my body feels fresh if that makes sense, i dont have that heavy greasey feeling......
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    It's a low carb, low fat plan. Like an Atkins with less grease, or Dukan with mire fiber. Basically for the first 17 days you can have fish and poultry, nonstarchy veg, 2 servings of yogurt and 2 fruits (in a.m.) and tons of green tea. No nuts no beans no grains etc.That's the first 17 days. Your hunger shuts off. It's hard to get your calories in. But every time I have done it I have lost 6-8 lbs that stayed off. The next 17 days you add a little more carb in, and the next a little more carb, and so on for 4 cycles. Then rinse and repeat. Your weight loss is fast in the first phase and then slows down, I never kept going with it because I would get bored with the limited food, but I would not gain weight back even if I stopped after the first cycle.

    I really recommend it, but don't bother trying it if you are only going to "kinda" follow it, you really need to stick to it to the letter in the first phase to see the results.
  • debbie1301
    debbie1301 Posts: 4 Member
    yes i did that 17 day diet book lot to read it pretty much nothing white for 17 day no sugar no bread no mayonnaise well you get the rest and some of the stuff is pretty price if you go by the diet plan i my self only lost 4 pounds i was very disappointed in the diet so i wish you luck let me no how it turns out
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