HELP. I need something sweet. Need... CHOCOLATE D:



  • Some Pretzels... with a warm rolos on them and a pecan in the middle delish and you can just make a few at a time....
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    I don't know if you have a Trader Joes nearby, but they have some excellent real chocolate treats. Two of my favorites are the 100 calories bars (portioned controlled so that's a bonus) or the dark chocolate sea salt covered almonds....yum!!!!

    They also have tiny brownie bites, small cookies, mini ice cream bars. My point is, it's those first couple of bites that taste the best, so make them really good quality and satisfying.

    Man, I love me some chocolate!

  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    Carob chips are tasty and not chocolate.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I have one small piece of chocolate at least every day. If not I'd end up running by somebody on campus and stealing their M&M's. Then I'd rob the grocery store of all their cheesecake.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    they nay sayers will say "ewww" but "I" like the vita cake mini brownies. I get 1 bar for 50 calories and pretty light on the other ingredients...I warm it up in the microwave for 28 seconds and it satisfies my crave. If I'm going to have real chocolate I too get a bar of dark chocolate and freeze it in little squares..and limit myself to 1 square. Frozen takes longer to eat.
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    I eat a dessert everyday. There is no way I want to live my life without dessert! I like dark chocolate squares and protein enriched desserts- more bang for your buck. I'll run for chocolate.
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    Stop torturing yourself. There is nothing wrong with having desserts and sweets as long as you remember it's a trade off. Perhaps cut back your breakfast and lunch by 50 cal each. This will leave an additional 100 for a dessert. Or, do that and agree to walk a mile or exercise a little more the next day to burn another 100...that would leave you 200 cals to work with. Look at your diary and see what you can work out...
  • melissalandrum
    melissalandrum Posts: 10 Member
    Swiss Miss Diet Cocoa (only 25 calories and is a good source of calcium) and South Beach Whipped Chocolate Almond Protein bar (100 calories) do it for me when I have a nonspecific chocolate craving.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    Go to
  • Wow! Great recipes. I definitely agree that having a piece of chocolate here and there is ok. We all need a little sweetness in our
  • I love chocolate and when I really want it I....1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese , sweeten with stevia and add Hersheys cocoa powder til u get the chocolate flavor you like
  • xiofett
    xiofett Posts: 138 Member
    Lindt Lindor truffles are 76 calories each, and one is usually enough to get your chocolate fix. If not, try high cacao percentage semisweet squares. I prefer something in the 70-85% cacao range.

    As others have said, having some small smackerel of something isn't a bad thing. When you deny yourself something that you enjoy if becomes a focus and you can obsess over "what you're missing". Just make some adjustments and treat yourself (sensibly) every now and then.
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    bump for later
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    How To Make Organic Chocolate Pudding : Yummy Mondays - BEXLIFE

    I just made this with skim milk, and froze it like ice cream :)

    the other night I made a dump cake.
    you mix 1 can of pineapple chunks and juice with angel food cake mix.
    then bake it. I didn't have angel food cake, so I made it with yellow cake mix.
    still awesome.

    for fewer calories you could use lower calorie fruit or water instead of the juice.
    bonus, my kids loved it too :)
  • I made those brownies. Oh my gosh, so freaken gooooood :D!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou
  • bean6344
    bean6344 Posts: 26 Member
    I keep Dark Chocolate M&Ms in the freezer and have 3 or 4 when the craving for chocolate hits.
  • DanTillson
    DanTillson Posts: 71 Member
    This works wonders, contains aspartame which I wouldn't recommend on a daily basis but it does the job every time :)

    Hartleys Sugar Free Jelly Blackcurrant 23g - Under 10 calories per serving. No artificial flavours. Natural colours.

    Typical values per 140ml (1/4pt) serving-
    Energy 33kJ/8kcal -
    Protein 1.6g -
    Carbohydrate 0.3g -
    Fat Trace
  • JrszeeSha
    JrszeeSha Posts: 3 Member
    Have you tried Skinny Cow dreamy clusters, they taste really good.
  • ghiaradelli dark chocolate will do the trick--only 55 calls
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    bump to try some of these. thanks!