Need advice.

rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
So...I didin't know where else to put this. And since this has nothing to do with weight loss, etc... I figured this was the best place. neighbors is the apartment behind me do drugs. I know this because when ever I walk my dog back there, if they open the door you can smell the weed. And I have a feeling it is more than just weed, becuase there is another smell in the air too. Not sure what it is, but in a month the man has lost what looks like 25 lbs and the woman is starting to lose the weight too.

Now, normally I don't give a hoot what others do. If they want to ruin their lives to drugs, then whatever. But they have a 4 year old daughter. I am not sure if she is autistic or what, but she goes to a special school to help her with behavior and speech problems. I am concerned for the little girl. What should I do? Should annominously tip social services or what? My thought is, that if I do then the girl will get help, and possibly the people will get help. What do I do?


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    It's weed.

    Not like it's crack or heroin. I understand your concern though. Are there any other signs of neglect or abuse ?
  • __Jamie__
    __Jamie__ Posts: 109 Member
    Personally I'd delete this thread, if they've heavily into drugs they may be watching you if they think you're up to something... That might just be the paranoid retard inside me talking though.

    I'd tip off the authorities personally. Take some photos & gather some evidence so they take you seriously maybe? That's what I'd do, but I'm a photographer & have the equipment to do that from a good mile or so away lol Sorry I can't be of more help, maybe somebody else can.

    Or buy yourself a gun, go round there, shoot em both between the eyes, sell the drugs & use the money to build a new life for yourself & their kid (you'd have to adopt it, it's only fair). If you could pull that off you'd be laughing!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Well, I did see what looked like chigger bites all over her arms and legs once. The lady said it was an allergic reaction to something. But I have seen them several times before.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Personally I'd delete this thread, if they've heavily into drugs they may be watching you if they think you're up to something... That might just be the paranoid retard inside me talking though.

    I'd tip off the authorities personally. Take some photos & gather some evidence so they take you seriously maybe? That's what I'd do, but I'm a photographer & have the equipment to do that from a good mile or so away lol Sorry I can't be of more help, maybe somebody else can.

    Or buy yourself a gun, go round there, shoot em both between the eyes, sell the drugs & use the money to build a new life for yourself & their kid (you'd have to adopt it, it's only fair). If you could pull that off you'd be laughing!

    I am actually trying to be serious here.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    She may have gotten then from playing in the grass.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Call CPS anonymously. That's what they're for. If they walk in the house and see nothing but child safety locks and stuffed toys and a worn but tidy home, then there's no issue. If the child is being abused, then there's a f***ing issue. Do you want to remember not calling CPS for the rest of your life wondering what happened to that kid?
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I'd call social services and let them investigate.
  • __Jamie__
    __Jamie__ Posts: 109 Member
    That was a serious answer, go to the police... So what if it's only weed. Would you want your 5 yr old breathing second hand pot smoke? I wouldn't thats for sure, and if I knew it was happening I'd have something to say to the twats responsible, but unfortunately in this ****e day & age you can't do that without being the one in the wrong, therefor you should alert the authorities & if they choose not to investigate it, at least you tried. I don't know how many possible outcomes you think there might be, but I can tell you there aren't all that many. You don't waste away like that on weed, you'd have to be on something harder & not eating properly, which is probably the case, so for the sake of the child if nobody else, make somebody in a more authoritative position than yourself aware, that way you're put in no danger & you'd possibly done something to save a little kid's life.

    Serious enough? All I've done is elaborate on my original point.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    That was a serious answer, go to the police... So what if it's only weed. Would you want your 5 yr old breathing second hand pot smoke? I wouldn't thats for sure, and if I knew it was happening I'd have something to say to the twats responsible, but unfortunately in this ****e day & age you can't do that without being the one in the wrong, therefor you should alert the authorities & if they choose not to investigate it, at least you tried. I don't know how many possible outcomes you think there might be, but I can tell you there aren't all that many. You don't waste away like that on weed, you'd have to be on something harder & not eating properly, which is probably the case, so for the sake of the child if nobody else, make somebody in a more authoritative position than yourself aware, that way you're put in no danger & you'd possibly done something to save a little kid's life.

    Serious enough? All I've done is elaborate on my original point.

    Why jump the gun and assume they are exposing their kid to marijuana smoke ? Do people who drink force beer and/or shots of liquor down their childs throat ?

    I do not use weed but there's no need to rush to judgement.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Weed is now legally prescribed in a number of states and completely legal for everyone in at least one state. Even if it isn't legal in yours that should give you a good baseline for how horribly scarily dangerous a drug it is. Many people use it for legitimate medical purposes and if they're smoking often they probably have a decent tolerance and are pretty high functioning while stoned. If you have ACTUAL EVIDENCE that they're doing harder drugs and/or endangering their child contact child services. Otherwise, butt out.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    id contact CPS, for sure it dosnt matter if its weed or other drugs it shouldnt be around a 4 year old kid AT ALL.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Call CPS anon. They will investigate. If it's nothing, fine no harm. If it's something they will do what they have to to insure the health and safety of that child.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Call CPS anon. They will investigate. If it's nothing, fine no harm. If it's something they will do what they have to to insure the health and safety of that child.

  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    i love pot..... so i don't see it as a big red flag to call CPS....
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    i love pot..... so i don't see it as a big red flag to call CPS....

    She did notice some other questionable signs as well.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'd call CPS but be careful about backlash - do it anonymously
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    We get yearly training from CPS where I work (I teach preschool) and they always go over the procedures with us.

    If you think that the child is in immediate danger, call now and do not hesitate.

    If you have concerns and bad feelings, you should call. You could start documenting what you see, first if you want. Take a week or two and write down specifics or what you see or hear, with the date and time. You don't have to do that, but sometimes it's helpful.

    When you call, you can choose to give your name or remain anonymous. They can not force you to give your name. They will ask you questions about what things you've seen and heard (that's where the documentation can be handy). They will take notes and get things started.

    CPS is gravely overworked and understaffed. They have a ranking system of how they prioritize cases. Sadly, something like this will be low on the list. Not to say that they don't think it's important. But if a child is being injured *right now* that child is going to be their priority. So they may not get someone out to do a site visit for several weeks. Don't expect anything to happen right away. But they will get there, and they will assess the situation. And if the child is in need of help, they will arrange for help.

    But as someone else said, you don't want to spend your life wondering if a child was harmed because of your hesitancy to make a phone call.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Thanks all for the advice. I know they are doing drugs, I can't even stand next to the woman without having to back up from the smell of it all over her. My main concern is the child. As I said, I could careless if they do it. But I know they do it in their house, you can smell it coming out of the door even with it closed. And if I can smell it from there, I can only imagine what it smells like on the inside.