Women answer only please :D

Other then being nauseous sometimes I go CRAZY (LIKE REALLY BAD) with food when I am PMSing does anyone have any tips on how to control or ease it? I mean obviously self control, but at the same time I find my self like extremely hungry, thanks! :D


  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    It may help if you can pinpoint what it is specifically that your body is craving.

    If it's meat, get a small steak you can't over eat on. If it's chocolate, get only one small piece of really, really good chocolate.

    If you're finding that you don't really crave any specific thing, more the sensation of being full, get the popcorn out. No or low butter and maybe a shake of Mrs. Dash or two and you can have high volume for low calories.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I absolutely know the feeling. I find that during the week prior I am very hungry, and have very specific cravings. If I deny the cravings I always feel hungry and unsatisfied. I am currently working on giving in at moderation. I pack daily only what I need for the day and take it with me. If that is 3 Hershey kisses then that's it. However the jury is still out.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    What is your daily calorie goal?
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I am insatiably hungry the week before my period. I just eat a ton of veggitables and other low calorie stuff to keep my stomach so full that I can't eat a bunch of crap. Oddly, I'm still hungry, even when my stomach is so full I can't eat anymore. It's so freaky.
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    I also indulge at this time...I did today in fact!!! I was craving ice cream... So as I put my kids ice cream in their bowl I had 1 spoonful...I craved chips, so I had a few and told my kids to eat the rest!!! I think it's okay in moderation and as long as you get your calories and other things you need, you'll be fine...yay!!! Love being a woman!!!
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I want EVERYTHING during that time of the month. Sweet salty savory...it doesn't matter. I haven't figured out how to control or satisfy the cravings. They are terrible though.
  • I also indulge at this time...I did today in fact!!! I was craving ice cream... So as I put my kids ice cream in their bowl I had 1 spoonful...I craved chips, so I had a few and told my kids to eat the rest!!! I think it's okay in moderation and as long as you get your calories and other things you need, you'll be fine...yay!!! Love being a woman!!!

    ^this is what i do (except instead of kids its my furbabies)
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I tend to chew a lot of gum. It seems to help with some of the cravings.
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    I have horrible self control and eating in moderation during that time still leaves me craving more, so I eat what I crave and then do my best to do damage control through some intense exercise. It helps perk up my energy and gets rid of some other nasty side effects. I'm happy because indulged, proud for working hard, and then left feeling motivated to eat better. (Usually the exercise will help with my cravings too, and they won't be so intense after)

    Good luck girly! I feel your pain. I feel like i get "super crazy, can't think of anything else, want to eat an entire deep fried ice cream factory with a side of chicken wings" type cravings xD
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I hate it, it's hard to tell yourself you don't need it when you body is craving something you have no idea what. I try so hard to not eat so much at the time... but always it's hard.

    No amount of "what is your daily goal" or "what is your body craving" is going to help...it's a PMS thing that I guess is hard to control or pinpoint.

    I did however find that if I take some natural menopause tablets (Fusion brand are great) then my cravings tend to be less intense)
  • It may help if you can pinpoint what it is specifically that your body is craving.

    If it's meat, get a small steak you can't over eat on. If it's chocolate, get only one small piece of really, really good chocolate.

    If you're finding that you don't really crave any specific thing, more the sensation of being full, get the popcorn out. No or low butter and maybe a shake of Mrs. Dash or two and you can have high volume for low calories.

    This seems to help me alot too. I have found that I just get bored and enjoy the "food to mouth" just want to munch on something feel lol! :wink: But the popcorn thing helps me ALOT!! You can munch munch munch but not inpact your calories alot. Act Il - 94% Fat Free Butter Popcorn, Popped only has 20 cals a cup. I like to spray it with a little "I can't believe its not butter" ..(0 cals)... :heart: it!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I don't generally get cravings and/or have bad periods at all. If I did I'd probably just drink more herbal tea. So I'd say buy some really nice stuff and maybe it might even hit on your cravings (I suggest pure jasmine because it is absolute ecstasy, but maybe something fruity is more up your alley). If you hate tea just do something nice for yourself. I don't think this is really a problem because you can anticipate it. So solve your problem by filling the cravings with something low calorie or entirely unrelated to food (like a massage). And remember mind over body.
  • ElizabethRaeBarnes
    ElizabethRaeBarnes Posts: 74 Member
    I am in the same boat as you right now. I am on my period and I ALWAYS crave fat. It took me 8 years to figure out what curved my cravings! TEA. Orange blossom Tazo hot tea. Almost any hot tea will calm me down, help with cramps and even my moods. :) Try a nice hot cup of tea. I buy a tin every period!
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Sometimes I just go with it. Why not let your body have what it craves for two days out of 30! I find if I do that I am much more inclined to stick with my normal diet for the rest of the month
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I usually crave salty stuff, so in that case, I use a salt alternative and drink about 1.5 times as much water as normal. I also brush my teeth a lot during that time so everything either tastes kinda gross with toothpaste mouth or the taste factor is increased with a clean tongue and everything is a bit more overpowering.
  • I'm going through that now. I usually give myself a day or two a month where I just let my PMS take over and I eat carbs like a wild animal. I've found that making fruit smoothies really, really helps. Or drinking tea.
  • Aeonis
    Aeonis Posts: 24 Member
    I also get intense cravings usually for salt and sugar the week before and during. I used to eat with the cravings, but I was making no weight loss progress >_<. Now, I tend to break my meals up into smaller snacks during the day. Also, I keep a bottle of water within arms reach, whenever I feel the need to munch on a snack, I take a swig of water. It usually helps.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Try drinking a cup of water when you crave. Sometimes the body can mistaken dehidreation for hunger. When you are on your period, you should be drinking more than the average 8 cups a day to put the water back in your system that you loose.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I was just like that before I started here. Now it dosn't happen anymore I guess I'm eating somthing that stops it.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Self control is practiced and developed. Not inherited. Something that helps is eating your max points and not over.