New at weight loss... Any words of wisdom?


This is the first time I have every tried to lose weight.
I have read some articles that "calories" dont matter, and counting calories is useless for dieting.

However, this MFP focuses a lot on calories.

Can I get any suggestions on the healthy foods vs. the hidden sugars?
I have to admit there is so much information and I don't know what actually works or what is the "best" food to eat.

Any advise would be welcomed!
Thank you so much :)


  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    The thing to remember (and it'll get beat into your head by everyone), is that diets don't work. Coming here is the first step to a lifestyle change. If you can't maintain it for the rest of your life, then it won't work in the long run.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    While MFP does provide a way to keep track of calories, the real trick of losing weight and keeping it off is just knowing what you are putting in your face (hello, calories and food logging) then moving more than you are. Moderation, healthier food choices, more moving around. Also, hidden sugars? Avoid the heavily processed stuff. If you have the fortune to have a dietitian available, Take Advantage. A good dietitian will provide you with so much information and teach you how to maintain this as a lifestyle.

    Good luck :)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Don't look at foods at good or bad. Individual food items are not bad by themselves. It's all in how you use them in your daily intake. Yes, lean meat is better for you than cupcakes, but don't freak out if you eat a cupcake if you are still able to end the day at a deficit with your macronutrients being inline.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Counting calories has made all the difference in the world to me.

    My advice is never quit trying. You'll have good days and bad days. On the bad days, forgive yourself, log the overage of calories and start fresh in the morning.

    Making a mistake doesn't mean your efforts are "blown".
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Welcome to our community! Best wishes for your journey.

    Please note that there will be different approaches. Some say it is about carbs, others about calories, others say eat more to weigh less. There are many approaches but for the most part, it is a function of calories in vs calories out.

    Here are my suggestions.

    1. Set your settings for a moderate weight loss... 1 lb per week is optimum but you can go up to a couple of pounds per week if you have quite a bit to lose.

    2. Moderate cardio is good to assist with weight loss. 30-45 minutes per day for 4-5 days per week. Anything that increases your heart rate is what you are looking for--walking, biking, treadmill, elliptical, etc.. Start where you are and progress as you are ready.

    3. Avoid the extremes and any "short cuts" or "fast cures"

    4. Strength training will help in many ways. It causes the scale to move slower because you are gaining muscle but it helps tone your loss and makes your size drop faster (usually)

    5. Make sure your goal is realistic.

    6. Stick with it... Committment is key.
  • tstawicki
    tstawicki Posts: 61 Member
    I can tell you that when grocery shopping, shop the perimeters of the store because that is where the healthier and fresh foods are located and not the processed foods. Weighing and measuring food with a food scale and measuring cups and spoons are also helpful with accuracy in your logging calories then you can be in control more. You can friend me and I can help you out since I am a longtime food and diet expert( don't want to say dieter) lol!
  • chrissymcmurray
    If you are burning more calories than you are taking in then you WILL lose weight, and MFP will help with doing the math and keeping track for you. Now there are certain diet "low cal" food that takes your body longer to process so instead of burning more "simple calories" it focuses on breaking down those "diet calories" But the big thing is just be conscious of what you're putting into your body. Obviously eating fresh veggies and proteins like fresh fish and chicken are going to be better for you than say a frozen processed lean cuisine. Just stick to your allowed calories and let to results speak for itself, if you do it for 2 weeks and see no results then maybe re-evaluate what you are doing. GOOD LUCK!
  • lewkowski
    lewkowski Posts: 1 Member
    No fat people walked out of auswitz. (sorry about spelling) is a quote from Andy Self. If you don't eat you will loose weight. Best is eat well and exercise. When i jogged 3 miles a day my weight dropped to 170. Now I weigh 206 so it is back to exercise.
  • jpofit
    jpofit Posts: 10 Member
    keep it simple :) Log everyday honestly, and see what it looks like - you will notice your own patterns and can judge what you want to adjust to keep your weightloss moderate but lasting. Good focus as a start is fat grams, and helps to work on one better choice to commit to at a time, :smile: but you don't need to know everything to get started, it comes along as you keep making progress!
  • 7Nonny
    7Nonny Posts: 15
    First of all, good job at taking a step towards healthy living. I too am new to MFP and so far am finding this site to be awesome.

    Here are some things that I find key here:

    1) Log your food intake honestly each day.

    2) Exercising will not only help you tone muscle, but it will help you burn extra calories. The rule is to burn more calories than you consume.

    3) Fresh, non processed foods will help in your weight loss journey.

    4) If one day doesn't go well, DON'T GIVE UP.

    Good Luck!
  • mrsbiscuit
    The thing that has worked by far the best for me is simply to log the food/calories every single day. No matter what, even if I go over the calorie amounts. That single thing above all else is what keeps me honest about what I'm eating and what things need to change. You'll learn as you go about which foods are high in calories but low in staying power and nutrients, just by logging it every single day.
    I never in my life thought I'd be a person who counts calories but I actually enjoy it now. Keeps the facts in front of me and I'll likely do it for life.
  • 14kat
    14kat Posts: 5
    Thank you to everyone!
    I am off to a great start because of amazing people on this board!

    Have a wonderful weekend.