Your rewards for your milestones?!

As all I'm sure that weightloss is its own reward, but do you have your own rewards for getting to 5lbs or 20lbs etc. Say a fancy new bike, expensive shoes, or more tattoos (that's mine, need to finish my sleeve)? I'm couious to know what is helping you keep motivated pound by pound!



  • 5 lbs- fast food
    10 lbs- Mexican restaurant
    Goal weight- tattoo :3

    Weird, right? My incentive to lose weight is allowing myself unhealthy food every now and then xD Oh well. It works.
  • Nice!!! A little reward is always good to keep it going I think!! Since I have so much to loose, and since I started my weightloss a couple months ago, I have actually lost 17 lbs but only 4 since I've been on here! So when I get to that first 20, I get new crazy item , but a swimsuit, not the fancy sit on the beach kind but a sport one! ! I hope to get me to my next step!! I love being in the pool for my workout!
  • liveagain
    liveagain Posts: 97 Member
    I reward myself by putting $5 in a jar for every pound I lose. When I reach 10 lbs I either treat myself to something fun like a day at Six Flags or save it to buy myself something expensive like a heavy bag for my garage (can't wait til I have enough for that one!!)
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    Milestones like that don't really appeal to me much overall. Sure, there's the occasional time that you start liking what you see a bit more and you buy something nice to wear. The one real reward I gave myself was a reasonably fancy dinner out when I hit my weight goal. Past that, I'm fond of no longer vomiting when I look in the mirror. That was rewarding.
  • racheltotes
    racheltotes Posts: 2 Member
    Leather jacket! I've wanted one for years but told myself that would be my reward for getting to my goal weight. 5 years later and I'm still without a leather's hoping 2013 is the year!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I have a Pandora type bracelet that my husband buys me a new charm for every 10 pounds I lose. It is a good visual for me. For every 15 I can go buy a new purse without him grumbling lol The charms are the only ones I have cashed in on though.
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    when I hit 50 lbs I am buying new sneakers(almost there)!
    When I hit my goal I will probably go buy some new clothes!

    here's a great idea one of my friends had...for every workout you do you put $1 in a jar..then you will have some money to reward yourself when you hit some of your major goals. You can do the same for lbs lost..for every lb you add a dollor(or more if your budget allows!)