Cold Weather Running



  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member

    Thanks for the link to this shirt, I can't believe this a fitness website starred out the name of the sporting goods store D*cks. So if anyone is trying the link above you have to type that in where the **** are. This is the type of shirt I am looking for, maybe in a solid color. Thanks again!

    I was that store this afternoon...............
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I live in Houston, snow is foreign to us. However, I was in North Texas over Christmas, and we received six inches of snow during our stay, so I opted to run at the gym on a treadmill. I have mad respect for you for running in the snow!
  • I prefer cold weather running! We went running this morning, 22*. My Friend had a new item she received as a Christmas gift. It was a black face cover that velcroed in the back of the head. It had a nose hole and vents over the mouth area. If this link goes through this looks like the item :) $11.00 Weather Face Mask&url=
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    My first run was 18 degrees and I only wore a pair of running tights. When I got home from my 4 mile run and took my pants off my legs looked sunburned and they started to itch really really bad as they warmed up. A couple of days later I ran again this time 25 degrees with 16mph winds. I added a looser pair of running pants over the tights and I felt perfect the entire run and when I got home. Second layer definatly helped.
  • bump
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I just started running in October, and this winter has been a harsh smack in the face! I go to school in southern Ontario where it's relatively mild, but I've been in Montreal visiting family for 3 weeks and it's brutal up here! Yesterday I went for a 6 km run and it was -23C (-9F) with the wind... brrrr!

    The worst thing I find with the cold is my hands... I wear a pair of gloves underneath wool and fleece mittens, but halfway through my run my thumbs especially were stiff and so painful from the cold. That's actually what made me turn back... everything else was toasty! I was spoiled with cold-weather running gear for Christmas... I've been wearing cold gear Under Armour tights under an old pair of sweatpants, a cold gear UA turtleneck under a t-shirt and fleecy zip-up, a fleecy headband that covers my ears, Mizuno thermal socks, a scarf for my neck, and YakTrax. Those Mizuno socks are amazing... my running shoes are mesh and a little flimsy, but my toes were lovely and warm, I was really impressed, especially considering how cold my fingers were!

    My pace has definitely slowed down with the ice and snow though, even with the YakTrax... I keep trying to remind myself that once it clears up I will be that much stronger and faster, but the numbers looks pretty sad!!
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Rock on cold weather runners! It was 27 degrees when my wife and I left the house for the New Years 5k and polar bear dive into Lake Washington on Tuesday. Loved every minute of it!

    The only recommendation I would make, since you said you are running in the dark, is a flashing LED vest and headlamp. I almost got run over by a SUV a couple of months ago. Now I look like Clark Griswold's house when I run. Spoke to a guy at the gym last week that was recovering from being hit while running and had his leg dislocated and torn from the hip. Can't avoid everything, but we can definitely try.

    Enjoy the cold and run on, my friend, run on!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I wear Sugoi mid-zero running tights and I love them. But it only gets a few degrees below freezing here. They have a sub-zero for colder temps that should be just as good.

    I just bought some cleats and am looking forward to trying them out.

    I just wear tights, my normal shoes, a sports bra top with a long sleeve wicking layer and a Puma microfleece top over. I just got these Pearl Izumi wind mitts for Christmas but they won't likely be warm enough for you:
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    Rock on cold weather runners! It was 27 degrees when my wife and I left the house for the New Years 5k and polar bear dive into Lake Washington on Tuesday. Loved every minute of it!

    The only recommendation I would make, since you said you are running in the dark, is a flashing LED vest and headlamp. I almost got run over by a SUV a couple of months ago. Now I look like Clark Griswold's house when I run. Spoke to a guy at the gym last week that was recovering from being hit while running and had his leg dislocated and torn from the hip. Can't avoid everything, but we can definitely try.

    Enjoy the cold and run on, my friend, run on!

    I am with you on being visible. I wear a Brooks Nightlife running jacket that is fluorescent yellow with reflector strips on it. I have a flashing red LED blinker that I wear on the back of my bandana on my head, 2 Nathan brand reflector snap braclets around my ankles, and my iPhone lit up on my arm. I feel very visible when I run at night.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I wear cold-weather tights. They're made of magic and have replaced my previous double-pants. Also, I wear a fleece scarf loosely wrapped around my neck and in front of my face. If it gets too warm, I can just loosen it down.

    Also, I switched to knee-high socks under my tights (so, I guess it is like wearing half-of a second layer of pants). And I have waterproof trail running shoes- a new addition this year- that are totally awesome! I can run in ankle-high powder without getting wet or cold!

    Oh yeah- I also wear a highway-worker level carhartt High-Visibility hoodie as my top layer. I try to stay on sidewalks, but sometimes I'm in the streets. I like being as visible as possible especially this time of year.
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    Well I probably wouldn't make it running around the block but I would certainly run and fetch you a beer if you want one Super Dawn...haha :)
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    Rock on cold weather runners! It was 27 degrees when my wife and I left the house for the New Years 5k and polar bear dive into Lake Washington on Tuesday. Loved every minute of it!

    The only recommendation I would make, since you said you are running in the dark, is a flashing LED vest and headlamp. I almost got run over by a SUV a couple of months ago. Now I look like Clark Griswold's house when I run. Spoke to a guy at the gym last week that was recovering from being hit while running and had his leg dislocated and torn from the hip. Can't avoid everything, but we can definitely try.

    Enjoy the cold and run on, my friend, run on!

    I am with you on being visible. I wear a Brooks Nightlife running jacket that is fluorescent yellow with reflector strips on it. I have a flashing red LED blinker that I wear on the back of my bandana on my head, 2 Nathan brand reflector snap braclets around my ankles, and my iPhone lit up on my arm. I feel very visible when I run at night.

    I just started running myself and am trying to adapt to the cold weather and the dark. Layers on both top and bottom seem to work best. I also wear my yellow reflective bike vest over the top of my jacket. It is light weight so doesn't add a lot of bulk. I have a headlamp that i wear to help make me more visible.
  • Layers rule. I have a pair of very thin thermal pants that I wear under running pants. Top half is a thermal top, wicking T-shirt or fleece and a running jacket. I read in Runner's World that you should dress as if it is 20° warmer to keep from overheating. I also tend to stick to running in the park. The park track I run on was plowed before my own street after our blizzard two weeks ago. I think the best part of winter running is that I often have the park all to myself. It makes for a very peaceful run.
  • LisaWeir74
    LisaWeir74 Posts: 88 Member
    It's been 40 degrees in Texas & I am a outside running for me!! You guys are awesome!! Of course, I love to run in 90+ degree weather!!
  • mustdothis40
    mustdothis40 Posts: 45 Member
    I live in Rochester, NY and trained for a half marathon last winter. The training started January 16th. We ran in very cold temps, snow, sleet, more snow...and I loved every minute of it! As everyone is saying, gear is key! I could not have done without my Brooks running pants, my stabilicers, or my hat. I would wear a tight, sleeveless core tank to keep my core warm. I would then put a long sleeve wicking shirt over that. I would then wear a windbreaker jacket, form fitting. I was always the perfect temperature. I would also wear running gloves. I absolutely loved it!

    Good luck with your training!
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    Dayum I just as mfp "Carson" a similar question earlier today.....I have the exact type clothing as you..tights/thermal top/shorts/gloves/hats...........I have a neck warmer that I can pull over my mouth and nose as I run....gets warm quickly so Im constantly moving it up and downs..........

    I have a neck warmer thingy, too. Love it for the really cold/windy days. I'm in Wisconsin as well and run in all sorts of weather. My best advice is dress like it's 20-30 degrees warmer than it actually is because that's what it will feel like when you get going and warmed up. And when it's really, really cold and really, really windy you can sometimes beg your spouse to drive you somewhere and drop you off so you can run home one direction with the wind at your back. :)

    have done this more than once
    Ontario Canada here lol -29 with windchill the other day even the canadian runners were looking at me weird lol
  • I'm in Ohio and have put away the running outside since this snow started. I want to go on an outside run so bad but I am so clumsy I am scared I will really hurt myself on ice. Maybe I will go for a short run later and give it a shot.
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    get yaktraks they are just wow my roads are icey from dec till april ( country they never plow well)
    best investment I have made and I can use them for trail running when ground is hard but no snow yet
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Love this thread, I find my chest hurts in the cold weather when I run (+10*c to -5*c on average), I wear a bobble hat to cover my ears plus earmuffs when it gets really cold and windy. Also I have a microfleece scarf instead of a neckwarmer as I can adjust how tight it is on my neck, pull it up over my nose if the cold air makes me wheeze and fold it double to keep my chest warmer if needs be. Apart from that I have knee high running socks, long running leggings, wicking t-shirt and fleece running top.