I'm actually going to do this this time.

So, last year's resolution was to start exercising. Which worked for all of about 3 weeks before I got frustrated with the fact that I wasn't losing any weight at all. The reason for that, I know now, was because I hadn't changed the way I was eating (I kept running into people telling me it was 90% diet and 10% exercise). So this year's resolution is to tackle my diet.

I think, for me, the best thing to do here is to start slow. For the last few days, I haven't really changed the types of foods I place in my body yet, but I have been using MFP to make sure that I don't go above the suggested caloric intake. I've been extremely diligent in making sure that I've been keeping track of absolutely everything that I've placed in my mouth.

Which leads me to a question: I have been guesstimating the amount of calories in some foods based on what I could find in the database (mostly by probably overestimating). Like, tonight I went to a Chinese Buffet, and I found it kind of difficult to find things that matched up to exactly what it was that I was eating, so I just added what kind of sounded like it and if there was more than one of those things listed, I picked what had the most calories to enter. Is this okay? How do you handle situations like that?


  • randilious
    1: Don't go to the buffet
    2: If you do go to buffet, make sure you take the worst case scenario, because that is probably the worst!!!
    3: best of luck to you!!!
  • kevinrbarger
    kevinrbarger Posts: 87 Member
    Yeah, I probably shouldn't have gone, but my mom had asked me and...

    Okay, that excuse is lame.

    Still, I made sure that I wasn't overeating, tried to pick the healthiest things I could find, and only grabbed a spoonful or so of what I wanted. Which I think was fine? I guess? I dunno.
  • randilious
    You will get there!!!!! remember your goals, set achievable goals, and meet them!!!! Dont think of the mountain, just think about the next small hill in front of you!!!! again best of luck, and best wishes to your sucess!