Calling All Vegetarians

This is my second attempt. My first attempt was way too abrasive, too quick, too much flip of the switch at the time. So, I've decided it's a transition... I'm not going to throw out all the meat in my house right now, that would be wasteful....I can cook what we have (which isn't much) for my hubs and make sure I have options on the side. We do have leftover chili that has meat in it..I may helps him polish that off, but I'm not convinced that when the time comes I'll actually be able to do it. Hmmm....

I'm new to this, but so far so good. Here's my deal:

I've never been a big lover of meat. I never enjoyed the flavor of just meat or large chunks of meat. When I cooked with it, I often shredded it or chopped it up and used it in things to add as "filler". I'm taking control of a lot of aspects in my life this year and I thought to myself, "Why continue to spend money and "try" to consume things that aren't necessarily healthy for you, you don't enjoy, and ultimately I don't agree with our farming techniques??" I was that little girl feeding the begging beagle bits of steak under the table because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until my meat was gone. Well, no more. I'm learning new flavors, new techniques, new options, and endless possibilities.

I'm here for support, ideas, advice... whatever you can throw at me. Looking for like minded friends!


  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I'll be a vegetarian for 4 years in February! I LOVE cooking/eating all vegetarian foods, although my diary has been less than ideal these last few weeks as I've been visiting relatives. Vegetarianism is fun! It's a blast to experiment in the kitchen!
  • Been a vegan for almost 3 years, vegetarian for almost 10. Let me know if you want any good meat transitions or places to look for reasons other than health to go veg. to stay motivated!

  • lucylou9701
    Im doing the same sort of transition :) im going to slowly convert to vegetarian and maybe ultimately vegan but for now im trying to go vegetarian atleast 5 days a week. Its actually easier than I thought it was going to be because before I only ever ate meat for dinner so now im just replacing that with tofu, beans, eggs ect... good luck with your vegetarian adventures :)
  • johansen1234
    I would LOVE some meat substitution ideas, I've thought of tofu...i usually make chicken fajitas, could i make tofu fajitas? Would that be good with cheese and salsa? Haha im so lost
  • brajorie
    brajorie Posts: 15 Member
    I went what I liked to call "Part Time" Vegan over a year ago. Part time basically means that I've phased out all dairy, but I'm having a tough time fully staying away from meat, so I do still eat it 1-2 times a week. If you need help with recipes or switching over try the whole foods 28 day challenge, all the recipes are amazing: Since my change, I lost 15lbs and have been able to keep it off and have never felt better!
  • xxvogue
    xxvogue Posts: 172 Member
    Seitan makes killer fajitas. I swear it's a (near) dead ringer for steak with the right spice combination!

    I'm converting back to Vegan over the next few weeks. I'm currently pescatarian, because it's easier when I'm at home. Otherwise my mom is at a complete loss and doesn't know what to feed me (though I make a majority of my own meals anyways).

    Anyways feel free to add me as a friend. I have plenty of fun vegan/vegetarian recipes.

    And can I just say vegan pumpkin pie is delicious and LOW in calories!