Someone please talk some sense into me!!!



  • TrixieML
    I was struggling with losing weight too and I was running 12-16 miles a week and lost nothing! I was really upset and ready to throw in the towel. So I had a blood test ran, regular TSH indicator test or thyroid panel, at the hospital lab. It's usually pretty cheap, it cost me 15 bucks. Turns out that I had hypothyroid like my dad and two sisters, which can make it hard to loose weight or cause you to have sudden weight gain. Maybe it's something you might want to check into. I had a whole screening done just for the heck of it. Just a thought. Thyroid meds aren't too expensive.
  • dottie_f
    dottie_f Posts: 525 Member
    I feel if you want to develop a habit and a good routine commit for a short period to a trainer. Make sure they realize what you want to accomplish so you are not flip flopping all over the place with your routines. In the past, I have been a "gym rat" and became that way all by myself, till one day I just didn't go 5-6 days a week and eventually months and years passed.

    Now I remember how much I loved the empowered feeling it gave me and how strong it made me feel, so the trainer I will use till I get addicted to the gym again. Plus I will pick-up a 3 session package when I need to up my game to the next level. As for the nutrition part, I have been drinking a nutrient filled shake fro breakfast each day supplies 36 gms protein, 50% daily vit and min, plus a good shot of calcium with fresh fruit. Makes me feel I feeding my body what it needs to get past all the bad things I didi to it. Then I just fill in the food groups after that.

    So all in all follow what you feel will work and if it doesn't try something else, if we were perfect and had all the answers we most likely would not be here. Good Luck!!!!
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    You can see so many success stories here of people who are "doing it right". I got a lot of support when I was wondering if doing it the "hard" way was going to be worth it when I saw a friend using Medifast and losing much faster than I I've kept going. MFP is free and it works. I also bit the bullet and hired a personal trainer at my gym to give me new workouts every week and make me accountable for doing the workouts consistently throughout each week. No, I'm not losing as fast as my friend on Medifast.....but my trainer and gym membership together cost less than half of what she is paying every month and I look and feel healthy and vibrant while she is looking older and worn out (just like what happens to people who do gastric bypass). I'm losing 8 pounds per month instead of 8 pounds per week, but I'm looking and feeling good - and that's the real goal. Weigh yourself, track everything you eat and stay within your calorie limits, and exercise at least every other day. You WILL get results.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I am so desperate to lose weight!! ... My goal is to back down to at least 150.

    Someone please tell me it will be more rewarding to lose this weight through my own hard work rather than paying for stupid appetite suppressants and such!!!

    Aaggghhh!!! LOL
    Yes it will be rewarding. But realize from the start if you want to be 150 for the rest of your life, you have to eat and move like someone who weighs 150 for the rest of your life. As others have said, the fix is a lifestyle change, so be sure to include "I am happy with it" as one of the essential criteria of your plan because you want it to become your new normal.

    Don't be in a big hurry to change everything instantly. You have time to ease yourself into and get used to each change you decide to make. Many others here will show by example that getting and staying healthy does not require suffering, deprivation, starvation, hunger, and all that negative stuff associated with "dieting."
  • brajorie
    brajorie Posts: 15 Member
    Try watching the movie "forks over knives" that's what gave me the incentive to start eating a certain way and the weight just fell off. It's not a diet but a lifestyle change which is what losing weight should be all about and that's how you also keep it off.
  • lauraping05
    So there is this thing called BMR. You can find the calculator online. It calculates height, weight, age, and figures how many calories you need per day. If you subtract 500 from that then you will lose weight and I am pretty sure that is how MFP calculates calories. If you work out and get hungry then EAT because your body has used up fuel an needs more. And the thing that I have learned that is hard is that if you let yourself go hungry you will either binge or you body will get confused and you won't lose at all. I find that I am better off having some fruit, veggies, string cheese, yogurt, or even a glass of milk when I feel hungry and need a snack. I think that a personal trainer is good if you need someone to motivate you. Oh and keep in mind 1 pound a week is great although I know 5 sounds better, it probably won't stay off if you lose that much :)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm 53, 5'10" and started at 188 - so about where you are, since you're shorter.

    Stuck with the MFP goals, ate back my meager exercise calories from walking, and am now 159. I will hit 150 probably in two months - I really have lost that pound a week they say I will.

    The hard part about weight loss is keeping it off. All the research says you have to keep logging, keep eating healthy ,and keep exercising. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

    If you try shortcuts, it just comes back. You've got the rest of your life ahead of you to look great and feel healthy.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    You can weigh yourself, but be sure to take measurements they are far more accurate.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    There are tons of people here who have managed to lose weight just by tracking their calories and trying to be more active. Paying a trainer might help teach you form and a few workout routines, but they're usually no good when it comes to nutritional advice and will (in my experience) just feed you a bunch of canned responses, such as "don't eat after 8pm" "reduce your carbs" "eat six small meals a day" "don't eat too much fat" "don't do HIIT, you are burning muscle and not fat" "eat 1200 calories a day" "don't skip breakfast or your metabolism will tank" ~ all of which is myth which just keeps trickling down like a stream until people educate themselves on how their bodies really work.

    Just eat at a reasonable calorie level - use to figure that out and set MFP goals accordingly - try to fit in activity whenever possible, be honest about logging, and stop hoping for the quick fix because the quicker it fixes, the faster it breaks.

    Also, has a lot of free workouts, as does youtube, you can do in about 15 minutes or less. Get your heart rate up, challenge yourself, and reap the benefits.

    Best of luck.

    100% agree. I once met with a PT who tried to get me to follow the blood type diet and said I needed to drink a litre of water to counteract every cup of coffee I drank. Seriously?
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    Short term fixes are just that. They never have LASTING results. MFP will help you make smart decisions. Just take it 1 day at a time, you can't make or break diets over night, it takes time. The screen saver on my computer says this, "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing. It takes 8 weeks for your friends and family, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world, KEEP GOING" I wish you all the luck in the world.

    OMG! I love the Quote!!!!
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words and straight forwardness- I can do this!!!
  • TrixieML
    Yes you can! How have you been doing? Are things going any better for you? I hope they are!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I agree with people to spend a bunch of time over the next couple of weeks in the Success board. It is truly amazing HOW MANY people are losing weight in a healthy way and from what I see, for most people it only takes 6-12 months!

    You know what your problems are. You know what you have to do to make it right!

    My suggestions are:

    Buy a food scale and weigh or measure (with cups and tablespoons like the kind for baking ) ALL of your food! If you are not being accurate with your logging, MFP will not work. (mine was about $17 on amazon)

    Buy a heart rate monitor. I find it very motivating to see how many calories are burned. Also, people say that MFP overestimates calories burned in the database. (mine was about $60 on amazon, Polar FT4)

    Have a bunch of MFP friends, and actively participate with comments on their walls

    Set your food diary to Pubilc or Friends Only - for accountability

    I wish you the best. You can do it without the quick fixes which fade as quick as they came :)
