Low cal lunch ideas at work?

Does anyone have any quick and easy ideas for low calorie lunches? Where I'm currently working is out in the sticks and if you don't make your own lunch then the very lovely 'Sandwich Lady' will turn up with all her yummy treats and its VERY easy to grab a calorie laden sandwich and packet of crisps. I don't pig out but I do need to start organising healthier lunches!

I spend my days sat at a computer too so I don't need lots of calories as I won't burn much during the day but at the same time want to feel full. I don't eat fruit (I know I'm a weirdo!!) but I do love vegetables.

: )


  • prettypincushion
    prettypincushion Posts: 16 Member
    do you have a microwave? I have been eating the reduced calorie tv dinner meals for my lunches at work. I work in a grocery store so there is constant temptation to grab something else but one little meal keeps me satisfied until after I get home from work(and I generally eat a salad for snack). Most meals run between 200-300 calories. I like the lean cuisine and smart ones
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    1 cup oats
    1 scoop whey protein

    proteins, carbs, fats, fibres
    doesn't require an equipment to heat it up, just a spoon to eat it.

    note: this is disgusting but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    Soup is filling and yummy if you have a microwave. Rice cakes or Ryvita are good too, I feel sated after 3, which is less than 100 calories. I often have mine with peanut butter (plus a mashed banana if really hungry) smoked salmon and avocado, tuna and salsa, cottage cheese and cucumber. Two weetbix, some milk and protein powder is filling and low cal too.
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    do you have a microwave? I have been eating the reduced calorie tv dinner meals for my lunches at work. I work in a grocery store so there is constant temptation to grab something else but one little meal keeps me satisfied until after I get home from work(and I generally eat a salad for snack). Most meals run between 200-300 calories. I like the lean cuisine and smart ones

    Yes we have a microwave, what meals/brand do you buy?
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    I make a different pot of soup every weekend, then take a jar (sorry all my to go meals are in mason jars) then I can grab and go in the morning! Easy peasy! I set up my breakfast every week the same way, always oatmeal but I rotate the kind of berries.:wink:
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    1 cup oats
    1 scoop whey protein

    proteins, carbs, fats, fibres
    doesn't require an equipment to heat it up, just a spoon to eat it.

    note: this is disgusting but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Where do you get whey protein from? thank you for the tip!
  • lemonfizzle
    lemonfizzle Posts: 40 Member
    I make my own wraps and fill them with veggies, like peppers, cucumbers, tomatos, steamed broccoli, shreeded carrots, or whatever else I have on hand and then top it off with a little bit of humus. I also like yogurt topped with a little bit of honey and homemade gronola. Another one of my favorites is to cut up a bunch of veggies and grilled chicken into strips and bring a side of hummus or tzatziki sauce to dip it in.
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    You get the best deals for protein powder online (Amazon etc) but most supermarkets sell it these days. I saw it in Sainsburys and Tesco when I was last in the UK. Don't dismiss it after having it with just water (like I did the first time) it can be really gross on it's own, but in smoothies it's quite nice.
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    I make a different pot of soup every weekend, then take a jar (sorry all my to go meals are in mason jars) then I can grab and go in the morning! Easy peasy! I set up my breakfast every week the same way, always oatmeal but I rotate the kind of berries.:wink:

    That's a great idea and, seems soup is a good option! I tend to have Porridge for my breakfast (made with water, not fussed if I have milk or not anyway). I do sprinkle sugar on it though, I think my problem is that I don't like fruit, been like it since I was little, I don't know why but it makes me sick, very odd I know, sugar is defnitely my downfall as I have it in my tea, need a substitute but I've heard that all these other types you can get contain aspartame which is bad for you... sorry, going off the subject slightly there! : )
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    I make my own wraps and fill them with veggies, like peppers, cucumbers, tomatos, steamed broccoli, shreeded carrots, or whatever else I have on hand and then top it off with a little bit of humus. I also like yogurt topped with a little bit of honey and homemade gronola. Another one of my favorites is to cut up a bunch of veggies and grilled chicken into strips and bring a side of hummus or tzatziki sauce to dip it in.

    Sounds delicious, getting some great ideas here, thank you. : )
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    I make a different pot of soup every weekend, then take a jar (sorry all my to go meals are in mason jars) then I can grab and go in the morning! Easy peasy! I set up my breakfast every week the same way, always oatmeal but I rotate the kind of berries.:wink:

    Soup is definitely coming tops, I think half the hassle is being prepared and doing it in advance, in otherwords I need to stop being so lazy, thank you for your advice!
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    note: this is disgusting but you gotta do what you gotta do.
    Haha! Very true some days. I've been in lunch meetings and people look at me all crazy when I'm having something like this. But oh well, right? It's a smarter choice than running for fast food garbage.

    Those sandwich ladies are tricky! Your best bet is to be prepared for the attack. Invest in some good take away dishes and pre pack them on the weekends. There are a few threads in the recipe section on here with healthy freezer meal options. I like soups, chili, beans and brown rice, chicken and veggies...etc. Pick a day a week to cook like crazy and portion stuff out ahead of time. Doing this really helps me. Good luck telling that sandwich lady to take a hike!
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    I have soup homemade or bought , ready meals (tesco finest do a lovely mushroom and squash risotto 385 cal), sandwich, wrap or pitta with a low cal filling or I make a huge salad with low cal feta or prawn and a low cal dressing
  • hermione_ar
    hermione_ar Posts: 68 Member
    I've been making a few salads during the week and adding some chicken/egg/falafel to them for extra protein. My recent favourites:
    -beetroot, feta, brown lentil, rocket
    -brown rice or quinoa, capsicums, spring onion, raisins
    -cucumber, tomato, capsicum, olives, feta, mixed salad leaves
    -roast sweet potato, corn, chick peas, rocket and baby spinach
    Serve with fat free salad dressing, I like taking a mix of a couple each day to make it more interesting!
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    1 cup oats
    1 scoop whey protein

    proteins, carbs, fats, fibres
    doesn't require an equipment to heat it up, just a spoon to eat it.

    note: this is disgusting but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Where do you get whey protein from? thank you for the tip!

    a supplement store. or online.
  • lilnutca5e
    lilnutca5e Posts: 47 Member
    Tomato and three bean soup from Sainsbury's, Morrisons or Co-op is very filling! 228 cals a can and 2 of your 5 a day.
  • hermione_ar
    hermione_ar Posts: 68 Member
    That's a great idea and, seems soup is a good option! I tend to have Porridge for my breakfast (made with water, not fussed if I have milk or not anyway). I do sprinkle sugar on it though, I think my problem is that I don't like fruit, been like it since I was little, I don't know why but it makes me sick, very odd I know, sugar is defnitely my downfall as I have it in my tea, need a substitute but I've heard that all these other types you can get contain aspartame which is bad for you... sorry, going off the subject slightly there! : )

    On the subject of sugar substitutes, try Natvia. It's all natural and my family can't tell the difference in coffee etc. I have about half a teaspoon on my oats for breakfast with greek yoghurt and berries, it'splenty sweet. One teaspoon only has like 2 cals. :)
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    note: this is disgusting but you gotta do what you gotta do.
    Haha! Very true some days. I've been in lunch meetings and people look at me all crazy when I'm having something like this. But oh well, right? It's a smarter choice than running for fast food garbage.

    Those sandwich ladies are tricky! Your best bet is to be prepared for the attack. Invest in some good take away dishes and pre pack them on the weekends. There are a few threads in the recipe section on here with healthy freezer meal options. I like soups, chili, beans and brown rice, chicken and veggies...etc. Pick a day a week to cook like crazy and portion stuff out ahead of time. Doing this really helps me. Good luck telling that sandwich lady to take a hike!

    It doesn't help that she's so friendly (she knows what she's doing, clever lady!). Yep you're all right and a lot of you are saying about cooking ahead, I'm definitely going to stop being so lazy and get cracking this weekend, plus for a change my husband will also be getting lunches to take in with him (would be cruel not to make some for him too) ;-D
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    That's a great idea and, seems soup is a good option! I tend to have Porridge for my breakfast (made with water, not fussed if I have milk or not anyway). I do sprinkle sugar on it though, I think my problem is that I don't like fruit, been like it since I was little, I don't know why but it makes me sick, very odd I know, sugar is defnitely my downfall as I have it in my tea, need a substitute but I've heard that all these other types you can get contain aspartame which is bad for you... sorry, going off the subject slightly there! : )

    On the subject of sugar substitutes, try Natvia. It's all natural and my family can't tell the difference in coffee etc. I have about half a teaspoon on my oats for breakfast with greek yoghurt and berries, it'splenty sweet. One teaspoon only has like 2 cals. :)

    Thanks, I'll look that one up and give it a go. I do have a sweet tooth and as much as I try I just don't enjoy my cuppa without a bit of sweetness in it, and we all know how important that first hot cuppa is to start the day! : )
  • I use Stevia (Truvia) in place of sugar. It doesn't mess with your blood sugar level the way some artificial sweeteners do.