Explain in crayon please

mnmoon Posts: 22 Member
Ok, I am a very bright person, but for some reason am having a hard time deciding what calorie intake I should have. I have done the BMR calculations, and according to those results I should be eating about 1702 to lose weight. That to me just seems like an awful lot. Can somebody please explain to me how I will not be gaining weight by eating that amount apposed to a lower amount like 1200? I know I see this question on here all time and want to smack those people. But, I obviously need it simplified way down and written in crayon...and a few more cups of coffee. Lol. And my numbers are 5ft8in, current weight 152lbs, goal weight 132, body fat (if I calculated correctly) 23.3%. And I do workout for about 45 minutes 3-4x a week, currently trying to make that at least 5x a week.
Thanks for the input and not smacking me from frustration!! I am smh at myself at the moment.


  • what do you eat in a normal day? have you tried logging with your regular eating habits and counting it? I am sure it is way above 1700 calories, because that is not all that much, I could eat that easily. My target is 1600 per day and you have 3 inches and 20 lbs on me (so you require more calories just to maintain living).

    A lower amount like 1200 is basically for people who are extremely small and w no exercise, or they don't understand how to lose weight and try to rush it, crash diet, etc... you have done the BMR calculations, so trust them for at least a few weeks and see what happens.
  • Nanook8
    Nanook8 Posts: 33 Member
    Are you using the tools here on MFP? Just putting in your current weight and your goal weight and the amount of exercise you are committed to each week, it is pretty accurate and you will be amazed by the results. IF you have used this to come up with that number, and you feel it is too high, then just lower it by 100 calories and try that. Don't go to the 1200 a day or below unless your doctor recommends that.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Using your stats of 5'8 and 152 lbs, I've used the Scoobysworkshop calculator which shows the following:

    TDEE. 2335
    BMR. 1507

    BMR is what your body needs every day to perform vital functions, in simple terms it's what you would be using if you were unconscious.

    TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure, I.e. the total amount of calories you are burning in a full day, including exercise (averaged out across the week).

    As long as you eat less than 2335 cals in a day you will lose weight. To lose 1lb per week you just need to eat 500 cals less per day, I.e eat 1835 cals every day and you should lose 1 lb fat per week.

    ETA. Here's the link to scooby http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/. I hadn't put your age in my first calculation so it was a little off, have correct now.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    1700 may sound like a lot compared to 1200 but it really isn't.

    1200 is very LOW

    1700 is a good number for your body size and you will lose weight at a safe and comfortable rate.

    try to look at the 1700 number in a more positive light rather than comparing it to 1200.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    what do you eat in a normal day? have you tried logging with your regular eating habits and counting it? I am sure it is way above 1700 calories, because that is not all that much, I could eat that easily. My target is 1600 per day and you have 3 inches and 20 lbs on me (so you require more calories just to maintain living).

    A lower amount like 1200 is basically for people who are extremely small and w no exercise, or they don't understand how to lose weight and try to rush it, crash diet, etc... you have done the BMR calculations, so trust them for at least a few weeks and see what happens..
    I wasn't confused but am beginning to get that way. I have noticed some people who have 1800+ Daily goal. Above you mention 1200 for small people? My daily goal set by MFP is 1290 calories ( I weigh 268#) .
    Any input would be appreciated :huh:
  • Nanook8
    Nanook8 Posts: 33 Member
    I just plugged your numbers into the goal setting section here on MFP:
    current weight 152
    Goal weight 132
    And I put exercising 2x week for 45 minutes each as a random option

    And I put in you wanted to lose 1 pound a week

    The results were: 1310 calories a day

    Now if you wanted to lose 1/2 pound a week, your calories would increase.

    Also the amount of exercise you decide to do will affect all of this.

    So just use the app MFP provides for you for the most accurate calorie intake for your size and goals.
  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    Another MFPer suggested this website: www.scoobysworkshop.com This site breaksdown nutrition and workouts into the basics. It's a very extensive, information packed site that has a wealth of information on anything nutrition related. I hope this helps you.
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    This is a common question - I had it when I first started about a year and a half ago. Take a look at this thread - there is a lot of good info here.

  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    what do you eat in a normal day? have you tried logging with your regular eating habits and counting it? I am sure it is way above 1700 calories, because that is not all that much, I could eat that easily. My target is 1600 per day and you have 3 inches and 20 lbs on me (so you require more calories just to maintain living).

    A lower amount like 1200 is basically for people who are extremely small and w no exercise, or they don't understand how to lose weight and try to rush it, crash diet, etc... you have done the BMR calculations, so trust them for at least a few weeks and see what happens..
    I wasn't confused but am beginning to get that way. I have noticed some people who have 1800+ Daily goal. Above you mention 1200 for small people? My daily goal set by MFP is 1290 calories ( I weigh 268#) .
    Any input would be appreciated :huh:
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    I just plugged your numbers into the goal setting section here on MFP:
    current weight 152
    Goal weight 132
    And I put exercising 2x week for 45 minutes each as a random option

    And I put in you wanted to lose 1 pound a week

    The results were: 1310 calories a day

    Now if you wanted to lose 1/2 pound a week, your calories would increase.

    Also the amount of exercise you decide to do will affect all of this.

    So just use the app MFP provides for you for the most accurate calorie intake for your size and goals.

    I've always found MFPs estimations to be way too low. I would be hungry all the time if I ate at these calorie suggestions.
  • reduce yor calorie intake...... do resistance training exercises daily for 30 mins. increase your protein intake. Plus very necessary, take a booster good calorie diet once a week to keep your metabolism boosted up. You will loose that unwanted fat really fast.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    . Plus very necessary, take a booster good calorie diet once a week to keep your metabolism boosted up. You will loose that unwanted fat really fast.

  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    If the MFP calorie calculator determined you should limit your daily intake to 1290 calories which seems low for a person who currently weighs 268 lbs, it was because you must a) your activity level is sedentary B) you said you wanted to lose a signifigant number of pounds per week or C) a combination of A+B.......your daily calorie goal is calculated based on the information you tell it. If you only want to lose one pound per week, your daily calorie goal will then be higher. Remember your daily calorie goal is calculated based on what your goals are.
  • mnmoon
    mnmoon Posts: 22 Member
    I just plugged your numbers into the goal setting section here on MFP:
    current weight 152
    Goal weight 132
    And I put exercising 2x week for 45 minutes each as a random option

    And I put in you wanted to lose 1 pound a week

    The results were: 1310 calories a day

    Now if you wanted to lose 1/2 pound a week, your calories would increase.

    Also the amount of exercise you decide to do will affect all of this.

    So just use the app MFP provides for you for the most accurate calorie intake for your size and goals.

    I think I put I wanted to loose 2lbs a week.. Which I would love to do.. Lol,
    But mfp had me at 1200 calories. After reading several of the threads or road
    Maps, I came up with the 1700... Which is where my confusion lies. I am trying
    To do this healthily and the right way by eating good and excersizing. I just don't
    Want to gain weight in the process!! That's my fear. I have done the 1200 the last few
    Days and worked out and haven't lost anything. So I wonder if I need to do the
    1700 and workout and see how that goes... Aaah.
  • mnmoon
    mnmoon Posts: 22 Member
    Using your stats of 5'8 and 152 lbs, I've used the Scoobysworkshop calculator which shows the following:

    TDEE. 2335
    BMR. 1507

    BMR is what your body needs every day to perform vital functions, in simple terms it's what you would be using if you were unconscious.

    TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure, I.e. the total amount of calories you are burning in a full day, including exercise (averaged out across the week).

    As long as you eat less than 2335 cals in a day you will lose weight. To lose 1lb per week you just need to eat 500 cals less per day, I.e eat 1835 cals every day and you should lose 1 lb fat per week.

    ETA. Here's the link to scooby http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/. I hadn't put your age in my first calculation so it was a little off, have correct now.

    This is the exact calculations I did and used that website I believe. So, with
    That being said, my confusion sits bc MFP told me 1200.. I haven't lost anything
    with eating 1200, so I think I should try the 1700... Just don't want to gain anything!!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Ok, I am a very bright person, but for some reason am having a hard time deciding what calorie intake I should have. I have done the BMR calculations, and according to those results I should be eating about 1702 to lose weight. That to me just seems like an awful lot. Can somebody please explain to me how I will not be gaining weight by eating that amount apposed to a lower amount like 1200? I know I see this question on here all time and want to smack those people. But, I obviously need it simplified way down and written in crayon...and a few more cups of coffee. Lol. And my numbers are 5ft8in, current weight 152lbs, goal weight 132, body fat (if I calculated correctly) 23.3%. And I do workout for about 45 minutes 3-4x a week, currently trying to make that at least 5x a week.
    Thanks for the input and not smacking me from frustration!! I am smh at myself at the moment.

    Based on you stats you area already at a healthy weight, BMI and BF% for your height. Your photo does not look like you need to lose more"weight". If you do not like you shape - decrease your cardio workouts and start to pickup the weights - you will change you shape and lose inches without losing weight! Take a look at New Rules of Lifting for Women. It is a good program and it has a very detailed section on nutrition and calorie intake and macro requirements to maintain/build muscle while you lose fat.

    There is a good group here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/119-new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-nrol4w-

    Other groups to consider http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/4618-stronglifts-5x5-for-women

    ETA: other good references


  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I recently updated my calories using the In Place Of A Road Map, mentioned already. At first I needed to lose at least 80 pounds and at what MFP gave me, when I first started I think it was around 1400 but dropped with losses to around 1200. I hovered in general between 1200-1350 with ups and downs depending on days and erratic intermitten exercise, cardio only. However once I lost about 37-39 pounds that calorie intake had me starving, this coincided with the holidays so I used the IPOARM and upped my calories to 1704 which is was my TDEE calculation for sedentary, I was still nervous about eating too much daily and figured that was a better safe then sorry increase and was at times 500 calories more then I was eating. I have "sort of" stuck with this now for about 2 weeks and even with the holidays (going from Xmas eve to today) I am down 1.2 pounds, and there was def overeating, some drinking as well. I am going to stick with this calorie intake and see what happens in the month of January and then decide on calories again, thinking for the next 20 pounds or so I will end up at 1500-1700 also changing somewhat as I am adding some strength and commiting to more exercise in general.

    Not sure I have explained it well enough, and I have at least 2x as much to lose as you so I am in a different place, but I can echo adding more calories has definately made a difference for me, I am not starving and in the short term I have seen a loss. Feel free to friend me, I log everything I eat and also did a blog post on this process above for me. Good luck, I will say for me switching things up is key to sticking with it, also being open minded, I am always looking for ideas to improve and continue.
  • mnmoon
    mnmoon Posts: 22 Member
    what do you eat in a normal day? have you tried logging with your regular eating habits and counting it? I am sure it is way above 1700 calories, because that is not all that much, I could eat that easily. My target is 1600 per day and you have 3 inches and 20 lbs on me (so you require more calories just to maintain living).

    A lower amount like 1200 is basically for people who are extremely small and w no exercise, or they don't understand how to lose weight and try to rush it, crash diet, etc... you have done the BMR calculations, so trust them for at least a few weeks and see what happens.

    A normal day of eating right now is a granola bar, apple, bananna and some strawberries for breakfast.
    Light tuna, a boiled egg, and a bananna for lunch.
    Grilled chicken, smothered in low fat cheese, grilled red and green peppers, brown rice and salsa for dinner.
    I have a crazy craving for celery right now, so I will eat that for a snack and some applesauce.
    By the end of the day I am usually pretty full. I also drink a lot of water, have coffee and creamer, and maybe a diet soda
    some days. But all of that equals to like 900 calories. So, I need to increase the calories in a way that I don't feel sickening
    full and in a healthy way. I don't want to eat junk, I am trying to create a healthy lifestyle. I was thinking maybe adding some
    protein shakes??
  • mnmoon
    mnmoon Posts: 22 Member
    Ok, I am a very bright person, but for some reason am having a hard time deciding what calorie intake I should have. I have done the BMR calculations, and according to those results I should be eating about 1702 to lose weight. That to me just seems like an awful lot. Can somebody please explain to me how I will not be gaining weight by eating that amount apposed to a lower amount like 1200? I know I see this question on here all time and want to smack those people. But, I obviously need it simplified way down and written in crayon...and a few more cups of coffee. Lol. And my numbers are 5ft8in, current weight 152lbs, goal weight 132, body fat (if I calculated correctly) 23.3%. And I do workout for about 45 minutes 3-4x a week, currently trying to make that at least 5x a week.
    Thanks for the input and not smacking me from frustration!! I am smh at myself at the moment.

    Based on you stats you area already at a healthy weight, BMI and BF% for your height. Your photo does not look like you need to lose more"weight". If you do not like you shape - decrease your cardio workouts and start to pickup the weights - you will change you shape and lose inches without losing weight! Take a look at New Rules of Lifting for Women. It is a good program and it has a very detailed section on nutrition and calorie intake and macro requirements to maintain/build muscle while you lose fat.

    There is a good group here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/119-new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-nrol4w-

    Other groups to consider http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/4618-stronglifts-5x5-for-women

    That photo was about 6 months ago.. I've gained 13lba since then. And my comfortable weight for me is a total of 20lbs less
    Than where I am. I am doing a lot of weights to try to reshape as well! Thanks for the input and sites!!
    If ya don't mind I'm going to add you as a friend!'
  • cbk93
    cbk93 Posts: 35
    The beauty of using MFP, you can find the perfect caloric level...on days when you exercise and the days you don't. There is no one formula that fits all. Track at different caloric levels and foods, seeing what works best for you. I have friends who eat close to 2000 calories...I would gain if I did that, but they lose! When I first joined, my weight was up and down. I had lost 52 lbs and didn't want to put it back on. I quickly realized, I wasn't eating near enough calories! When I raised it up, I lost the 10 lbs I had put on and I stay within a couple of lbs. It's all in finding what works for you :-) Pay attention to your protein...you won't lose like you want if you don't eat enough. It's my understanding MFP protein levels are low.