Final Goal setting and Maintenance

arikag Posts: 94 Member
Hi ya'll!

Just wondering how you went about setting your "final goal" weight. I have calculated my BMI and I'm definitely in the healthy range now (22.7), and just trying to decide where I want to stop and maintain. I will definitely want to continue working out, weightlifting, etc.

Any thoughts on final goal setting? For reference, I'm 5' 0" and 116lbs currently.

Also, if you have reached your goal and are currently maintaining, can you tell me how your workout schedule/calorie intake differs now that you're at you're goal?


  • arikag
    arikag Posts: 94 Member
    bump! No one, really? :)
  • januarykim
    januarykim Posts: 27 Member
    While this is a fantastic success story...maybe post your question on the other boards for more responses? Sorry I can't help--I haven't reached my goal, yet. :)
  • pojo30
    pojo30 Posts: 62
    Go to the message board area and type in maintaining under the search option. You will find a lot of suggestions on how to go about setting your final goals.
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Deleted....Read that wrong. So sorry that I have nothing to add as I have not made it to that place yet.
  • vicksvapo
    vicksvapo Posts: 3 Member
    I set mine according to my BMI, if I can get to 25 I will be delighted. I am currently 4 lbs away and have been for a month. (Over the holiday, and after a cruise, I am totally pumped that I can maintain this weight, so I am not discouraged.) I am totally afraid that if I ever reach it my BMI of 25, I will go CRAZY and think I am done. Hate to get all spiritual, but I think I have been hovering within a few pounds of it because spirit is trying to teach me that patience is the key. Also that I can't stop exercising, eating sensibly and controlling my 40 year battle with food. I need to realize that I control the food-not the other way around. This has been a 12 year journey and I am down a grand total of 70 pounds over 12 years. Congratulations on your journey, your success. If I had any advice, it would be STAY STRONG-you are worth it.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I have been in maintenance for six months now. I decided how much exercise I wanted to do long-term and then increased my calorie intake a few hundred calories each week until the two were in balance. To make sure I don't slip back into my old habits, I weigh myself every day and allow a 2 pound fluctuation. Fluctuations are normal of course, but when it exceeds the 2 pound threshold I start logging my food and exercise cals more closely until my weight is back into a normal range for me. This system seems to be working out very well for me.

    Congrats on getting to maintenance!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Also, if you have reached your goal and are currently maintaining, can you tell me how your workout schedule/calorie intake differs now that you're at you're goal?

    I think I have my calories set at 2,100 (or a loss of .2-.3 lbs a week). Although I'm maintaining I still try to stay close to my calories.

    Since I joined MFP really for my sister-in-law, that doesn't mean I don't have goals. I've always been a clean eater so that hasn't changed, just trying to find new recipes. I also ran a marathon last year and completed 30 Day Shred and Ripped In 30. I'm training for a half-marathon now and I'm doing 6 Week 6 Pack. So I would say set new goals for yourself...not necessarily food-wise but shape-wise. Food alone may get you to your goal weight but it won't shape your body.

    After Jillian DVDs I may move to Insanity, P90X or strength training. You may want to look at the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". There is always something to do!! Continue to set new goals and challenges for yourself.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm thinking about exactly this issue. I have read several articles recently that essentially say the adult weight you want to maintain (if you were healthy and thin as a kid) is your weight at age 20. Mine was 150 (I'm 5'10"), that is 1 pounds under my calculated 'ideal weight', and that's what I'm going for.

    I'm at 22.8 BMI now at 159 pounds with something like 25% body fat. That's fine for 53.

    Here's an 'ideal weight' calculator that include medical recommendations, public opinion, Devine formula, etc.

    I am just walking now. I'm sedentary but walk a lot at work and walk to and from work and do a lot of my shopping on foot (we live in a very walkable small town). I also walk 3 miles every day when there isn't a lot of snow on the ground, as there is now. I hope to start running again in the Spring - I had to stop when I really hurt my should bicycling.

    According to research, people who keep weight off essentially exercise almost an hour a day 7 days a week. They walk the equivalent of 4 miles a day. Wearing a pedometer, I do that. It is really hard to keep off the weight. I want to succeed.

    Here is a blog I wrote for Psych Today that has links to some of that research:

    Good luck.
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