I gained HOW MUCH?!?

Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Okay so about a year and a half ago my sister-in-law recommended this doctor who was prescribing "phentermine" for weight loss......yep you know where this one is going already, dont you?!

So I go get it, lose 30 lbs in 3 months, am totally stoked about it....gain it all back...and then what do I do to lose it the second time???

Well if you said "the same darn thing" you were right.....only that time I lost 30 and gained almost 40...WHAT THE HECK!! I was so mad and so disappointed and blamed it on myself and even thought about going to get it again!!! I convinced myself that if I had just kept eating right and exercising that it would stay off....didn't happen! EITHER TIME!!! I worked twice as hard and went hungry and still would see the weight come back, sometimes as much as 5 lbs a weeks! (So in case that message wasn't clear....DONT TAKE THAT STUFF!!!!!!)

So here I am.....thanks to my sister-in-law (a different one)....the goal from where I am right now is 47lbs, but we'll see as it comes off...First weigh in of the first week is tomorrow and I gotta say I'm pretty flippin nervous....I don't wanna be dissapointed if the scale says "get off me!" (just kidding, but you know what I mean)

But seriously, if I haven't lost I'm pretty much gonna be mortified and I had to post something so I could try to keep this up. I'm doing really well and I can't blow it this time!!!

Anywho- There's my story, and hello to all!! Anyone who's in need of friends plz add me, I need all the encouragement I can get! We can do this!!! :D

<3 Nykole


  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    You can do this and it does take patience...and sometimes when the body and scale rebel, forgivness.
  • AndreeT
    AndreeT Posts: 191
    :smile: Welcome and best of luck to you!!
  • Dunrick
    Dunrick Posts: 23
    Hey there.... yep the drugs are killers.... I wish u luck in going forward and tell you what this site works and makes it easy to track. I have lost 15 in like 7 weeks or so I can say only good things.

    Best of luck....

  • LOL, I did the whole phentermine too , under my doctors recommendations. I lost 40 pounds. I WAS SOOOOO happy. I had the time of my life… 3 yrs later here I am 50 pounds heavier. Stupid pills. I think my mom is addicted to them, she lost 80 pounds on them, currently weighs 140 pounds (which is skinny for her build), but she is still on the pills (has been for 5 yrs now). The doctor has even told to be careful because her face is starting to look sunken in… but she doesn’t care. And the stupid doctor keeps giving her the pills!

    Best of luck to you!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    The important thing is that you're trying to do it the right way now. Sometimes progress doesn't come as fast as we would like for it to (I know this ALL to well lol) but it will come if you honestly try. You CAN do it!
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    doctors dont care cus they are gettin $$$ its sad but its true haha i think if you do take the pills and then get off but keep working out and eating healthy you are good you just cant slack off as soon as the weight is off, and im not saying thats what happened in your case but i think you can keep it off if you keep your workouts. but thats just my opinion haha but i say welcome and good luck on getting the weight off! :happy:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    It took me 7 weeks to see a drop on the scale. It was because I hadn't worked out in so long it took my body that long to adjust to exercise and not hold onto everything I was feeding it. I'm not saying that this will happen to you, but keep it in mind and persevere. Don't give up, make sure you both eat enough and are eating wholesome foods and keep working out.

    Good job on doing it the "right way" aka the hard way, but you WILL get there!
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