Tried and Tired..I GIVE UP

I was doing so well..but then the holidays came and I stop logging. This party and that party kept telling myself ""I 'll start over tomorrow " tomorrow always came and went. I've lost my way,lost my will and my drive with not a one single soul to say Hey mom stay focused or hey hunni you're looking great. I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.


  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    i often feel that way, but refuse to give in to that thought. you can do it's not easy...but you can always find the support u need here :)
  • victoryasmommy
    I had the same issue. I pretty much decided that the holdidays were vacation time for me and on the first I began logging again. I was very surpriseed when I found out I had only a little back because I kept those good eating habits I had established before the break. I wish you luck and don't give up. Just try to stay postive.
  • sheaus
    sheaus Posts: 4 Member
    I did the same thing. I took a little break between Thanksgiving and New Years after losing 42 lbs from March through November. But I started back on the 2nd and the first day was hard. I couldn't seem to remember what I was supposed to be eating, etc. But I looked back over my old diaries and went to the store and stocked up on all my yummy, healthy food. It just took a day to get back in the groove and I feel good already. Only gained 5 or 6 lbs so it will take a little bit to get it off but I'm already remembering how much I enjoyed eating that good food. I've tried several diets and I think they all work if you stick with them. But here's what I've finally decided works best for me: 1. Eat real food (not processed, Not fast food, etc.)
    2. Watch portions (I have a terrible time with this one after eating huge portions for my whole life)
    3 Eat tons of veggies
    4 Log every single bite on My Fitness Pal (don't cheat! Hey, who would you be cheating?!)

    I'll be looking for an update from you. Come on, girl. You've got this!
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    I had the same problem over the holidays but I'm not giving it up. I weighed for the first time this morning and I haven't gained any weight - I've maintained. That was a great thing because now I'm motivated to get back with it. It's not a diet - it's a lifestyle change and that's how I've felt about it the entire time. Welcome 2013 - please don't give up:smile:
  • mlkuper
    mlkuper Posts: 10
    It's so hard to get re-motivated once you've "fallen from grace." Start right from the beginning of a day and make sure you have your tools in the house. You can do it, even if you have to "fake it to make it" the first couple of days. xoxo
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Similar here, I kept pretty active, but did not so well with food and didn´t log in for a long time, since I had no will to and keeping track would be too frustrating.
    Anyway you can do this! Maybe try to give yourself some time to calm down, don´t log in if you don´t feel like to and try again later when you feel stronger and determined again? The "tomorrow - really!" thing might be pretty stressing when you´re not ready for it and you´re more likely to fail if you feel stressed.
    Holidays are over and it will be much easier now! Good luck and don´t give up!
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    refuse to give up! everyone falls off the wagon at some point or another but its up to you whether or not you want to get back on. I fell off during the holidays and recomitted myself this week. I have come too far to quit and you have too! Remember you can do anything you put your mind dust yourself off and try again!! good luck!
  • Juashmom
    Don't give up!!! Almost everyone had holiday issues..I logged everyday no matter what as best I could and let me tell you some days were just UGLY...but surprisingly I only gained a couple lbs back over the holidays which diappear and keep comming back every other day (go figure)...I'm still not back 100% and struggling to get back into the groove but I keep logging and every day gets a little better.

    Just get back to logging so your concious of what your doing the rest will fall into line.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Pick yourself up and DON"T GIVE UP!!! You can do this. You got this!
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    Same here!! Ate terrible for 2 weeks and feel like I've reversed some of my progress, but too scared to step on the scale to see how bad it actually is. I've rededicated to meeting my 2nd goal and started over today! You can always "start over" and get right back on track!! You CAN do this!!!!!
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    With you holidays you sort of just need to take a break and then pick back up afterwards. Now that we've moved past the holiday season get back on-track. Make tomorrow, today. Maybe go back and log those days that you cheated and see how bad they actually were -- that's what I did and it definitely helped mentally to get me back to where I should be -- or at least closer to where I should be. I had two really bad days (Christmas and New Years Eve), but otherwise I did well enough to maintain weight (minus some water weight gain from sodium-intake) and that's about as good as I could have hoped for. So now that we're past those bad days, I've moved on and each day I start at 0 and go from there.

    Good luck! :)
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    err why are you saying maybe god wants you to be like this ????

    i thought the so called god gave us free will ... so maybe its you who is just settled with the way you look .... dont rely on (god) he wont ever come through for you ............
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    blah blah blah, this is what I don't like about god, whenever something doesn't go your way it gives you an excuse. "maybe god wants me this way."

    get back on the wagon and do it for you. I guess because god gave me a genetic clotting disorder that'll probably cause me to drop dead sporadically at some point, I should just give up now. not.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.

    That's the devil talking...are you going to let him take your victory? You CAN do this! Anything worth having takes work...hard work. No it won't come easy, but you CAN do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives you the strength.

    Take it one meal at a time, one workout at a time, start now...don't put it off until tomorrow....start now; holidays can really mess things what? pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start NOW!!!

    If you give're a failure...but if you keep pressing forward, inch by inch, even millimeter by millimeter, you WILL reach your goal!

  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Don't give up. I felt the same way a week ago. I was so disappointed with myself. Now, I took longer than the holidays to gain back everything that I lost, but I found some extra. I get conflicting messages so I decided it's not about everyone else. I have to motivate myself and get back to it. I know I'm a black woman, but that doesn't mean that I have to be overweight with health issues. I will keep trying, and when one thing doesn't work, I'll try something else.

    We have to be patient with ourselves. It's one day at time. I'm learning to make better choices. Take a day or an hour for yourself and really think what could have gone better. Don't beat yourself up for not doing it. What's done is done, but you have plenty of time to learn new habits.

    Good luck to you!!:flowerforyou:
  • weston23
    weston23 Posts: 59 Member
    I found the holidays tough too and I gained 5 lbs but I have come soo far, will not let this hold me back. I am back at 200.0 lbs, I want my 160 lbs. And I am going to get there.

    SW- 276
    CW 200.0
    GW 160.

    We can do this girl. I have given birth to 6 kids and I am doing this. So you can too. I hope we can be motivating for each other. I love this site. Just being on here has reinspired myself :)

  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    I pretty much gave up for the last six months of 2012... This is a new year with new beginnings.. Please don't give up!!:flowerforyou:

    I am reading "The Success Principles" and it is really helping get refocused on what I am capable of... Also, try spending some time looking through the success stories. It is great motivation seeing the pictures of those that have done it already and how amazing they look.

    Hope this helps,

  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    I under stand completely ,I've been trying to.lose weight for about 5months. With no results really no results very flustersting at best ,but I'm not giving up ,I just had to relook at things and really focus on food and exercise .between meds and under estamating food cals I'm now seeing a weight loss .keep trying give your self a break if you mess up al ittle .and move on exercise if you can if you can't well that's ok just watch what you eat more have a lot support here so use it call out for help like you did here today .pleaded don't give up.your worth more then that be patient it will happen .just get started today .o and god didn't give you a give up attidtud .he dose not want you at a unhealthy weight so your unhappy with your self .believe in your self as he beleaved in you .
  • lilkim62
    God wants you to be how you want to be so if your happy out of shape and tired then you don't need to continue, but it doesn't sound like you are. You lost 14 lbs since October! That was awesome. The holidays are over and now you have time to focus on you and think about you. You are important to God and everyone else so you need to be important to you too. Pick yourself up and get moving. Go for a walk, do something you enjoy!