Anyone else needs to lose over 100lbs? Need friends!

Hi, My name is Jolyne and Im a young mother of two. MFP helped me in the past and Im ready to focus on myself again. This wont be easy, Ill need friends to encourage me but to keep me accountable. Ill be here for you every step of thecway too. Please add me if you want to join me. Im giving myself this weekend to plan out a realistic exercise routine and food regime. Im going to write myself a list of rules to live by along with bonuses ill give myself once I achieve my goals. 110lbs will not be easy but its NOT IMPOSSIBLE


  • lisaf1983
    lisaf1983 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to the group! You will love my fitness pal, its fab! you are more than welcome to add me altough only losing 10-15lb.

    Good luck Lisa x
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Welcome welcome! When I joined MFP I was looking down the road of needing to lose just over 100 pounds. I'm down 110 and now in my last 10 pounds to reach goal. I welcome new friends.
  • I'm just starting and I need to lose about 70 lbs. Glad I found this site. Support is good!
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
    50 down... 50 more to go! Feel fee to add me :)
  • missANWilson
    missANWilson Posts: 24 Member
    i want to lose 115 so you and anyone else are welcome to add me I just started so i could use some support
  • Act2Me
    Act2Me Posts: 4
    I'm older than you and been doing this weight thing forever. But one thing I do know is that beating ourselves up for not being perfect or sticking 1000% to a plan just speeds on that next leap off the health/weight-wagon. Rules are good, but be gentle with yourself. Add me as a friend, I'm in the 100+ group as well.
  • lynnstar_lynnstar
    lynnstar_lynnstar Posts: 49 Member
    I am on the same journey to lose 100+lbs. Down 17lbs. Please feel free to add me as well.
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    We both have the same goal ... 110 lbs. Just started 2 days ago and love the food chart. Just turned the little 60 and had both hips replaced. Need to drop the weight to feel my ole self again. I'm able to swim laps again (thanks to the new hips) and go 3 times a week to the pool. Lets do this !!!! Hang in there FRIEND!
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    AWESOME !!! You go girl.
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats !!!! How long did it take?
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    GirI love that attitude you are jumping on the boat with !!! Please add me if you want to because my friend I will love love love to be on this journey with you :D
  • Welcome welcome! When I joined MFP I was looking down the road of needing to lose just over 100 pounds. I'm down 110 and now in my last 10 pounds to reach goal. I welcome new friends.

    Wow!!! Id love to hear how you did it! I know its possible. My hardess thing will be beating my deamons. I have a food adiction
  • 50 down... 50 more to go! Feel fee to add me :)

    Amazing! How long did it take you!
  • LisaWo
    LisaWo Posts: 7 Member
    Wow.. keeponkickin!... you're an inspiration!! Good job! I hope I can get anywhere near where you are!
    I'm on 240 right now.. I don't think 140 is doable but I'll just take a week at a time.
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    Yup! Feel free to add me ( anyone and everyone!) :)
  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    I was on here before but stupidly stopped so yes, I need to lose about 100 lb. Feel free to add me - would be glad to be a support to you and to receive some too! :)
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome to MFP

    I also need to lose over 100 pounds!

    Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Name: Jevell G.
    Beginning Weight: 296.4 lbs
    Goal: 190
    Total weight loss needed: 106.4 lbs
    Height: 6' 2"
    Day: 26 (started December 10, 2012)

    I would like to add more friends to keep me motivated. I am currently a graduate nursing student at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY. Please feel free to add me. Thanks!


  • carebare77
    carebare77 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on the same road as you and I would love to be your support friend. I am 257 lbs and I want to get down to 150-160 I am 35 years old and have two children who are in need of motivation too so we are starting our journey together! I believe any help helps!
  • Love to be a "winner" with you!! I know I need all the support and help I can get!!!