Lead up to big event - how to look my best?

I've got a dinner party on Sunday and one of the women going was incredibly cruel to me about my weight a few years ago. :frown: I'm pretty much at goal weight now, my body fat isn't exactly where I want it to be and my muscle tone could be better but I'm feeling pretty good. This women hasn't seen me in awhile, so I really want to look my best and feel confident on the night.

Now I promise I'm not obsessing or letting her take control of my evening or my thoughts. But I've got 4 days until the dinner party and thought I might as well maximise my chances of success...so, what's my timetable for exercise, eating and drinking? Eg, on the day of the dinner party should I do my weights or schedule those in the day before? I guess drinking lots of water is a must. On the day, what foods should I avoid so I don't look too bloated?

Any advice for my "Oscars Night" prep would be appreciated :happy:


  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    Anyone? :)
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Maybe cut out carbs like rice, potato and bread with four days to go. Make up the cals with other things so you don't starve yourself. This should help you get a flatter tummy on the Sunday (albeit maybe temporarily!). Drink lots of water before the day and watch your sodium levels so you do not retain it... You look great in your photo, keep the smile!

    Pick something to wear that emphasises your good points, ie neat waist?

    The most convincing thing that will make you look good is confidence. You have come a long way and deserve to feel good.

    Best of luck and enjoy Sunday!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Lift heavy and hard right before the party.
  • Kaathmandu
    Congrat.s on your success! I wouldn't have thought anything you can do in the next couple of days is going to make much difference. I would spend the time finding a killer outfit that you feel fabulous in and really shows off your best assets (in a classy way, of course!) Then get a manicure, etc - and your make-up done. Anything that makes you confident so you can walk in there and own the room :glasses:
    Go girl
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    And report back that she's gained or grown a wart on her nose or something...cause then I'd believe in karma. :laugh:
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    you look great, four days isnt much time to lose weight....get some spanx lol they will hold any jigglys in lol:smile:
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    tbh , this woman who was mean to you about your weight isnt worth thinking about ...... your rely to her shlould have been along the lines of .....

  • maurakl
    Congrat.s on your success! I wouldn't have thought anything you can do in the next couple of days is going to make much difference. I would spend the time finding a killer outfit that you feel fabulous in and really shows off your best assets (in a classy way, of course!) Then get a manicure, etc - and your make-up done. Anything that makes you confident so you can walk in there and own the room :glasses:
    Go girl

    I agree with this advice. A great dress and some fabulous shoes. Then be sure to tell us about the look on her face. We are living vicariously through you!
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Not sure why you care what this excuse for a human being thinks of you. You look amazing!! Just go hold your head up high with confidence and don't even look her way...that will get to her!!! She doesn't deserve you even trying to look good for her. You look good for you and remember how hard you have worked. Enjoy your evening!!!
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    You are all so wonderful. I wasn't planning on losing any weight in four days, I guess I just want to "maximise my potential" lol.

    I am so not a girlie type, but I have bought a new dress and I'm going out to find some cute shoes today. I'm even going to get a French Manicure (that's about as far as I go I'm afraid!) and I'll paint my toenails too. My husband loves it when I wear dresses, so it will be a treat for him too. I tend to eat too much sodium so I'll cut that down and drink more water, and maybe not go crazy on my beloved carbs.

    Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement, I'll let you know how it goes!
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    do we get to see pics? :smile:
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    Big day tomorrow, will try to get photos. I don't scrub up to look particularly glam, but I'll try my best :wink:
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm not very girly either, but once in a while I'll do a face mask or a body scrub, homemade, because I'm too cheap to spend a lot in bath and body works type of stores.
    there are many tutorials on instructables.com regarding prevention for acne, face masks, and just about any topic you didn't know you wanted to learn. everything from vertical gardening to how to made a tron Halloween costume with lights and everything.
  • apocosi
    apocosi Posts: 8 Member
    From one Josie to another: The #1. tip is to be happy, comfortable, & proud of yourself. Negative people are usual unhappy people. Don't give too much thought to their statements about you.
  • maurakl
    How did it go? Did you get any pics??
  • maurakl
    How did it go? What happened and did you get any pics?
  • mumreeder
    mumreeder Posts: 222 Member
    Sounds to me like you will blow her away anyway with all that weight you have lost. She probably won't say anything though because she will be jealous as hell. I'm not a girly girl either, but if I put on a dress and some make-up I would look "glam" compared to what I usually look like in my jeans and t-shirts. Hope you enjoy your evening - and try to remember that people like her aren't worth bothering with - she is probably so insecure about her looks she has to make comments about others. Let us know how it went - and pics would be great too!
  • Kaathmandu
    Sooooo ... share!! JosieJo? Where you fabulous?